Hospitality, Tourism and Events Management degree programme

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    The Effect of Providing Tourism Education in Secondary Education on Future of Tourism Industry; A Case of Sri Lanka
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2017) Yatiwella., Y.K.G.D.S
    ABSTRACT The tourism industry is considered as one of the rapidly booming industries in the world and it is a vital industry that contributes to global economic development. The tourism industry of Sri Lanka also makes a significant contribution to the national economy in many ways. Therefore, providing tourism education since school level is very important to create professionals in the future tourism industry and also gaining competencies in the related skills and attitudes. But the current school education system in Sri Lanka has not yet paid considerable attention to introducing tourism education like other subjects in school curricular. Meanwhile tourism education is being given as diploma and degree levels targeting the tourism industry in Sri Lanka. But, considering the rapid growth of industry, the output from these government and private institutes is insufficient to fulfill requirements that have been demanded. Therefore, this study mainly aims to identify the effect of providing tourism education in secondary education on Future of tourism industry by analyzing teachers’ and parents’ perspective. Hence, the objectives of this study were to explore the teachers’ perspective on providing tourism education in secondary level education and to identify the parents’ perspective on providing tourism education in secondary level education in Sri Lanka. The primary data was collected from 18 teachers and 15 parents by covering all the nine provinces in Sri Lanka. Purposive sampling was used to formulate the sample and semi- structured interviews were used to collect data. Under the qualitative research approach, collected data were transcribed and analyzed by using thematic analysis method. The findings of the study revealed that respondents’ desires about providing tourism education. Moreover findings illustrated that mainly providing tourism education affect for future employability of industry in many ways and how tourism education should be provided in secondary education in schools. This study recommends to enhance the awareness of tourism among teachers and parents, to introduce tourism as a basket subject, to provide opportunity for practical exposure and promote foreign language fluency within tourism education. Key words: tourism education, secondary level education, future tourism industry, teachers’ perspective, parents’ perspective
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    A Study on Challenges in Surf Tourism Under Covid-19 New Normal Condition: With Special Reference on Service Providers’ Perspective in Hikkaduwa, Sri Lanka
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2017) Yajitha, M.L.
    ABSTRACT The tourist industry is one of the largest umbrella industries, comprising thousands of sub-industries. Surfing tourism is an emerging world tourism trend. The Covid-19 pandemic has altered the situation on a global scale. Almost all industries fell due to the Covid-19 pandemic, with tourism suffering the most. As a result, the surf industry suffered for a long time. With the Covid-19 new normal conditions, the surf tourist business is struggling to adapt to the Covid-19 new normal condition. This research aims to study the challenges of surf tourism in the Hikkaduwa area under Covid-19's new normal conditions, special reference on service providers' perspectives. The research study was carried out with the primary objectives of identifying the problems in surf tourism under covid-19 new normal conditions in Hikkaduwa and identifying the potential to develop surf tourism under covid-19 new normal conditions Hikkaduwa. The research was conducted using a qualitative approach, and data were obtained from 14 respondents using the purposive sampling method during semi structured interviews. The data was manually evaluated using the content analysis method. The study's findings revealed significant challenges under the covid-19 new normal state in the Hikkaduwa area, as well as the potential to develop surf tourism in the Hikkaduwa area. Through government involvement and a sustainable approach to developing surf tourism in the Hikkaduwa area, It will be able to ensure surf tourism service providers and surf tourism well-being. Keywords: Surf tourism, Covid-19 new normal condition, Challenges, Service providers, Potential
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    The Impact of Tipping on Employee Motivation and Performance in Restaurant Operation of Sri Lanka (With Special Reference to Colombo District)
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2017) Withanage, W.D.H.N.
    ABSTRACT A tip can be defined as “a gift or a sum of money tendered for a service performed or anticipated and it is a common reward system nowadays especially in the hospitality industry. Pervious researchers have conducted many studies on the subject of tipping. Among them most research looked at tipping as a societal norm, racial and ethnic differences in tipping, tipping and service quality, hotel tipping systems, and consumer incentive to tip. Further, most studies have focused on tipping from the perspective of customers and why they get tipped. Hence, this research concerned the impact of tipping on employee motivation and performance in restaurant operation of Sri Lanka with special reference to the Colombo district while exploring the employee’s perception regarding the tipping and relationship of tipping on employee motivation and performance. The sample was 120+ operational level employees who serve to the Food & Beverage departments in 3, 4 & 5 star category hotels. Purposive sampling technique was employed to reach the sample. The collected data was analyzed by applying the quantitative analysis approach by using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the SmartPLS & SPSS data analysis software’s. The outcomes show that majority of the respondents prefer to receive monetary tips at working hours rather than receipt of non monitory tips and the relationship between tipping and employee motivation and performance and mediating impact of motivation in between tipping and performance. Furthermore this statesthat tip pooling is as fair distribution method. Furthermore, this study recommended some alternatives for tipping methods and tip distribution methods related to motivation and performance. Key Words: Tipping, Tip Distribution method, Employee Motivation, Employee Performance
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    Impact of Glass Ceiling Effect on Women’s Career Progress: Evidence from Three, Four- and Five-Star Hotels in Kandy District
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2017) WIJETHUNG, R.N.
    ABSTRACT This research was conducted to identify the Impact of the Glass Ceiling Effect on Women’s Career Progress at Three, Four, and Five-Star Hotels in Kandy District, which comes under the Human Resource Management subjective area under Gendered Organizational Theory. This research focused on five main glass-ceiling determinants as independent variables. They were; Family and Social Commitment, Internal Job Mobility, Organizational Culture, Level of Job Performance, Level of Educational and Professional Qualifications. Women's Empowerment was the mediator of this research study, while Women’s Career progress was the dependent variable. To conduct the research study effectively, the researcher established research questions and built general and specific research objectives based on the research questions. They were; to identify the impact of the glass ceiling effect on women empowerment, to identify the determinants that affect women's career progress, identify the impact of glass ceiling determinants on women's empowerment, and to identify the impact of the glass ceiling effect and women's career progress through women empowerment at 3 and above star hotels in Kandy District. This study was done based on the primary and secondary data gathered by the researcher. Primary data were collected through a self administered questionnaire, which was share through the google form and 15 questionnaires were distributed physically. All together questionnaire was distributed among 123 respondents along with the Simple Random Sampling method during the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022. The data was processed and analyzed using SPSS (descriptive analysis) and structural equation modeling in Smart PLS. According to the analysis, demographic factors did not show a strong significance to the research. As well as, according to the hypothesis testing, only H2 (There is an impact of IJM on WE) and H8 (There is an impact of OC on WCP) were rejected due to having a lower P-Value than 0.05. Other than Internal Job Mobility and Level of Educational and Professional Qualification, mediator had a significant impact on the dependent variable. In conclusion, this research was able to answer all the research questions while achieving research objectives. By conducting awareness programs for the family members and society and encouraging colleagues groups to appreciate women workers, delegate authority when and where necessary, give opportunities for the women employees for the job enrichment, enlargement, and job rotation help to uplift their career progress. Moreover rebuilding organizational structure by designing job descriptions and specifications that are beneficial for female workers, allocating flexible working hours, and designing a work-friendly environment helpsto empower women while uplifting their career progress. Doing necessary and unbiased performance appraisals and based on that providing training and rewards make up the career growth of women as a success. Providing scholarships and allocating flexible working environment to enhance the educational and professional qualifications of the women helps to achieve their personal goals while ending up with a qualified women workforce in the hotel sector. These are some recommendations to overcome barriers in the hotel sector women's career progress through women empowerment. Future researchers can do qualitative research regarding the same research study where they can expose several other issues related to women's career progress in the hotel sector. In addition, research can done on women’s career progress by considering all the types of hotels in Sri Lanka as the site. Keywords; Glass Ceiling Effect, Family and Social Commitment, Internal Job Mobility, Organizational Culture, Level of Job Performance, Level of Educational and Professional Qualifications, Women Empowerment, Women Career Progress
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    Tourism Stakeholders’ Involvement for Cultural Tourism Development in Ancient City of Anuradhapura
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2017) Wijerathna, D.M.I.S.
    ABSTRACT Cultural tourism is considered to be one of the fastest growing sectors in the tourism industry. It has comprised the economic, environmental, and socio-cultural components and traditions of societies. This cultural tourism sector should be expanded further in order to maximize the social and economic benefits of this sector. Tourism stakeholders are known as the key link in the ladder of development in cultural tourism. Therefore, their involvement is acknowledged as essential for developing cultural tourism. This research aims to examine the tourism stakeholders’ involvement in cultural tourism development in the ancient city of Anuradhapura. Hence, the objectives of this study were to identify factors affecting tourism stakeholders’ involvement in cultural tourism development in the ancient city of Anuradhapura and to explore the role of the tourism stakeholders in developing cultural tourism in the ancient city of Anuradhapura. The study's population included all tourism stakeholders in the ancient city of Anuradhapura, and it was conducted using a qualitative approach. A sample of 15 significant tourism stakeholders was selected via purposeful sampling. The data was collected via a structured direct interview, and the interview transcriptions were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The findings of the study revealed that profession, willingness, power, daily routine and time, family background, religion, myths and beliefs as the major factors that affect tourism stakeholders’ involvement in cultural tourism development. Furthermore, the role of tourism stakeholders was defined as the preservation of cultural assets, building a good host guest relationship, promotional efforts, maintenance activities, awareness activities, creating laws and regulations, and achieving an international market. As a whole, this study has emphasized that the success of the development process in the field of cultural tourism depends on the involvement of tourism stakeholders. To develop cultural tourism in Anuradhapura, building a proper long-term planning of infrastructure facilities, creating a system of strict legal regulations against illegal activities, implementing awareness campaigns, involving tourism stakeholders in the decision-making process, attracting more travelers through the social media platform, preserving the authenticity of indigenous arts, and promoting traditional products are suggested as recommendations. Keywords: Tourism stakeholders, Involvement, Cultural tourism, Ancient city of Anuradhapura
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    A Study on Potential of Developing Sustainable Coastal Tourism in Sri Lanka from Government Perspective: Study of Hikkaduwa Area
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2017) Wickramanayaka, W.M.D.D.R.
    ABSTRACT Tourism is a multidimensional phenomenon and it has many activities in a community or region with ecological, economic, social and cultural effects which require planning and coordination. On the other hand, for effective sustainable tourism, careful planning, adaptation of the principles of sustainability and the implications of plans are required to gain maximum economic benefits and tourist satisfaction, while managing the natural resources of the destination. Hence sustainable coastal tourism plays an important role in the tourism industry for innovative approaches. Special attention has been given by authorities in tourism industry in uplifting sustainable coastal tourism. In this study special attention has been given on the potential for developing sustainable coastal tourism in the Hikkaduwa area of Sri Lanka from government perspectives. They are government offices who work in southern province tourism related organizations. In this research purposive sampling is use as sampling technique. Primary data were collected through semi instructed interviews with government officers in southern province. Through our interviews researcher grasped the idea that government offices are in high appreciation of adopting sustainable coastal tourism in their area. That is Hikkaduwa. They believe through adopting new approaches will become their area popular for tourism. In this study the emphases has been given on the importance of introducing new policies and practices to develop sustainable coastal tourism in Hikkaduwa area which will be benefited for both hoteliers, local people and other stakeholders. Key words – Sustainable tourism, Coastal Tourism, Potentials, Challenges, Government perspectives
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    Impact of Responsible Tourism on Community Wellbeing: With Special Reference to Southern Coastal Belt
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2017) Weragoda, N.W.V.K.V.
    ABSTRACT Scholars in the field of tourism have given significant attention to the topic of responsible tourism. This research examines and analyzes the local community engagement and responsible tourism practices in the Southern Coastal Belt in recognition of the importance and advantages of local community participation in responsible tourism. On the basis of convenience sampling technique, in order to meet the study objectives, a survey occupied by semi-structured questionnaire with 40 items was used in the to gather primary data. Analytical tools of descriptive analysis, Pearson's coefficient correlation and regression analysis were utilized to determine the research objectives. according to the results of a regression analysis, the independent variable of responsible tourism has a statistically significant positive impact on the responsible tourism and community well-being in the Southern Coastal Belt. As a result of the findings, it is possible to implement measures to improve community well-being and responsible behavior in the Southern Coastal Belt while also protecting people and culture, coastal wildlife, and minimizing hassles from beach sellers. Key words: Responsible Tourism, Community Wellbei,zg,
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    Role of Street Food to Promote Sustainable Gastronomic Tourism in Sri Lanka
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2017) Weerathunga, W.M.M.G.S.G.
    ABSTRACT Street food is one component coming under the gastronomic culture which excites in the destinations. This novel niche market of street food can support for Sri Lanka to go beyond from the mainstream tourism products. The role of street food in gastronomic development has become one of the significant concept in recent. As a result, this study explored how street foods can contribute to promote Gastronomic tourism in Sri Lanka and the perspective of tourism stakeholders’ perspective on it. Basically, this study aims; the potentiality about street food as a gastronomy promotion factor and the opportunities available for the use street foods as a gastronomy promotion factor in Sri Lanka and the challenges for the use street foods as a gastronomy promotion factor in Sri Lanka The study mainly depends on the primary data that has been collected from the tourism stakeholders. Primary data collected from 14 respondents in selected street food vendors, tourists and Tourism Development Authority covering Galleface, Dambulla and Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority. Semi-Structured interviews were used with convenience sampling technique. Qualitative data analytical method was conducted throughout the study and the collected data were transcribed and analyzed by content analysis. The findings of the study revealed that to maintain the authenticity of street foods; Awareness, Government Involvement, Unique Recipe and Continuous Ancestors are important. Perception, Involvement and Value addition can make contribution to the development of street food concept in Sri Lanka. Further, Government support, Negative perception and Promotion are challenges to promote street food as gastronomical product. This study concludes with some recommendation for gastronomy tourism such as promotion, improving the knowledge of the street vendors, proper management, increasing government support etc. Keywords: Gastronomy, tourism promotion, street foods, stakeholders
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    Identifying the Importance of Food Photography on Online Food Delivery in Restaurants Located in Colombo City
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2017) Weerasinghe, L.N.T.
    ABSTRACT During the COVID 19 pandemic, Sri Lankan Restaurants lost millions of dollars, and shutdown entire operations irrespective of the size. Some of them converted operation into online food ordering platform with their capabilities. However, it drives benefits for both consumer and the operators as of unique characteristics associated with. These Online Food Delivery Services (OFDS) heavily rely on food photography in order to attract and make a potential customer into a buyer. Therefore, this research aims to identify the importance of food photography on online food delivery in restaurants located in Colombo City and the types of issues faced by the restaurant operators due to the usage of food photography on OFD to achieve the objectives of the study, primary data was collected using the semi-structured interview method. The sample of 12 restaurant operators running OFDS and 10 food consumers who are ordering those OFDS was selected using purposive sampling technique. The collected data were analyzed using thematic analysis. The results revealed that seven importance factors; Easiness of describing dishes, Effective linkage with social media sites, Positive effect on sales, Convenience of online food ordering, Easiness of remembering restaurant’s online menu ,Understand the food and Use for food order customization and four major issues and challenges such as issues to comply with consumer's food photography expectations, to engage in professional food photography, lack of support from outsourced partners and OFD System issues faced by operators because of food photography use in OFDS. Based on the findings, the study recommends to enhance the awareness and knowledge of employees, Quality, Use of mobile photography, display descriptive food photographs, daily visual aspects on social Medias and Use of realistic food illustrations. Future researchers could use a mixed research method to broaden the scope of the study. Furthermore, researchers can focus their studies on a different geographic area and a different niche restaurant OFD service area. Key Words: Restaurants; Online Food Delivery Service (OFDS); Online Food Ordering; Food Photography
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    Impact of Green Human Resource Management Practices on Environmental Performance: Empirical Evidence from Hotels in Southern Province in Sri Lanka
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2017) Warnasooriya, H.D.
    ABSTRACT Growing awareness on sustainability has encouraged stakeholder’s broader participation in greener management. The green human resource management practices are emerging as a new concept for sustainable organizations and in the society. The practices which are stimulated employees with a sense of pride for participating in green initiatives while educating them with complexities of environmental management. This study is undertaken to explore the impact of Green Human Resource Management Practices on Environmental Performance in Hotel industry with special reference to 4 & 5-Star hotel in Southern province, Sri Lanka. This research is related to the Resource-Based View (RBV)Theory because the resource-based approach is a management paradigm for determining which strategic resources may employ to gain a long-term competitive advantage. This study aims, to identify the impact of Green Human Resource Management Practices on Environmental Performance and identify the intermediator effect of Employee Green Behavior between Green HRM practices and Environmental Performance in 4 & 5 star hotels in Southern Province of Sri Lanka. The sample has been selected using purposive sampling method and sample size consists with 100 respondents. Quantitative analysis methods have been used to process primary data collected using self-administrated questionnaire. Smart PLS Software for Partial least squares -structural equation modeling was used to test the proposed hypotheses. In this study, positive impact of Green HRM Practices on Environmental Performance has been identified. Also, the intermediating effect of Employee Green Behavior between Green HRM Practices and Environmental Performance has been identified a positive impact of each variable. Future research areas suggested that it will be delighted to study about employee green behaviors between green HRM practices and Environmental performance in Western Province. In concluding, it will worth noting that the green practices will lead to good performances of the 4 & 5 star hotels. Key words: Green Human Resource Management; Environment Performance; Hotel Industry; Employee Green Behavior; Human Resource Management
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    Impact of Service Quality on Re-Patronage Intention through Customer Satisfaction at Unregistered Restaurants in Arugam Bay Tourist Area.
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2017) Wafeek, M.S.M.
    ABSTRACT The ultimate purpose of this research study is to examine the influence of service quality on re- patronage intention of customers through customer satisfaction in unregistered restaurants in Arugam bay tourist area. Both primary and secondary data was gathered in finding the ripostes for research objectives. The primary data was gathered to bridge the research gap in the existing literature. Primarydata has been gathered through questionnaires which were distributed among the selected restaurants which established in Arugam Bay tourist area while secondary data was gathered form the existing research articles. The study examines the influence of the service quality on re patronage intention through customer satisfaction and the study proposed four major hypotheses (1) there is a relationship between service quality and re-patronage intention, (2) there is a relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction, (3) there is a relationship between customer satisfaction and re-patronage intention and (4) there is a relationship between service quality and re-patronage intention through customer satisfaction. The sample population consisting of customers from unregistered restaurants inArugam Bay tourist area. 150 customers completed the survey. Structural Equation Modeling and descriptive statistics were used to test study hypotheses. Data analysis was carried through SmartPLS and IBM SPSS software packages. The results revealed that there is significant and positive relationship with all the hypotheses. The findings are expected to help the owners and restaurant managers of restaurants in Arugam Bay tourist area to address the gaps (customers’ perceived service quality and actual quality of service in restaurants) and improve satisfaction level as well as customer re-patronage intention to the restaurants, thereby bringing about repeat business and improving profits margin as well as market share in tourism and hospitality service industry in Sri Lanka. Key words: Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Re-Patronage Intention, Unregistered Restaurants,Structural Equation Modelling, SmartPLS
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    A Study on Spas Employees’ Perception on Customer Behavior in Hotel based Ayurvedic Spas in Sri Lanka
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2017) Udayangani, I.K.H.R.
    ABSTRACT Assessing the employee perception on customer behavior in hotel based Ayurvedic spa in Sri Lanka has become a subject of international importance. Several research studies have explored the effects of employee perception and customer behavior on spa industries. Much research regarding that has been carried out in developed countries, but only a few studies have been carried out in developing countries like Sri Lanka, as well as in the Ayurveda spa sector. This study will close the gap by examining the employee perception on customer behavior in Hotel based Ayurveda Spa centers. This research focuses on 11 dimensions of employee perception, customer behavior and employee career. Assurance is employees‟ understanding and courtesy and their capacity to inspire confidence and trust. Finally, Empathy implies customer care and attention. Regarding the employee perception on customer behavior in hotel-based Ayurveda Spa centers in Sri Lanka, one hundred and twenty questionnaires were filled out by the employees who are providing service in the hotel-based Ayurveda Spa centers in the Down south, Kandy, and Dambulla areas. The Ayurveda Spas were chosen based on the list of SLTDA approved hotels with Ayurveda facilities in the tourism industry hotspots in Sri Lanka. The findings are revealed and verified that the employee perception on customer behavior in Hotel based Ayurveda Spa centers and who are the most visiting customer in hotel based Ayurvedic spa centers in Sri Lanka. It showed that the perception on employee perception on customer behavior and how to impact the customer behavior on employee career. Finally this study presented more suggested viable recommendation to have better employee perception. Page 5 of 71 Key word: Employee perception, Customer behavior, Hotel based Ayurvedic Spa, Employee career
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    A Study on the potentials, barriers, and challenges for tea tourism development in Post-COVID 19 (With special reference to Kallebokka Tea Estate)
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2017) Tennakoon, T.M.A.P.
    ABSTRACT Tourism has been regarded as one of the world's largest and fastest-growing industries. Its rapid growth and expansion, large inflows of foreign exchange, and infrastructure development activities have an overall impact on the economy's sectorial performance. Niche tourism is concerned about the consumer market segment's interests and travel desires making the destination more attractive, responsive and marketable. Tea tourism is one of the key niche tourism segments that emerged with a new trend of sustainable tourism. Since, Sri Lanka has a prominent Ceylon tea brand image embedded with a quality value proposition to worldwide consumer segments, tea could also be turned into multiple channels of revenue generation to the tourism sector. Meanwhile, Sri Lankan tea estates find unique natural beauty with landscape and comfortable climatic condition to attract tourists to involve in tea tourism activities. This study aims to investigate the potentials, barriers, and challenges for tea tourism development in Post-COVID 19 with special reference to Kallebokka Estate. The study is based on qualitative approach and uses semi structured interviews. The sample was drawn using convenience sampling method and sample size consists with 15-20 residents, tea suppliers, related government officers, tour operators, tourists and hoteliers in Kallebokka area. Moreover, the findings highlighted, Kallebokka has a good potential in natural beauty, cultural and social qualities, but a low score in present tourism activities due to poor community engagement. Equally, Kallebokka Tea Estate can remark as the most suitable tea Estate to promote tea tourism in Sri Lanka in Post COVID-19 period as per the findings. As the results of the developing tea tourism, it would contribute to the local economy in direct and indirect ways. Finally, these barriers can be avoided by community participation, recreational activities, training programs and publicity with wider stakeholder engagement. Keyword: Tea Tourism; Tourism in Post COVID-19; Kallebokka Tea Estate; Niche tourism; Qualitative inquiry
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    Role of Host Community In Promotion of Cultural Heritage Tourism in Northern Sri Lanka (Special Reference to Jaffna Peninsula)
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2017) Sriramachandran, K.
    ABSTRACT Tourism is one of the world’s fastest growing industries and is a major source of income for many countries. Cultural heritage tourism is considered as one of rapidly growing sector in tourism industry. Sri Lankan tourism industry also shows a rapid growth while becoming a famous destination among travelers. However cultural heritage tourism sector of Sri Lanka shows slow growth amid the rapid development of other tourism sectors. Specially in Northern Sri Lanka, Jaffna peninsula has lot of potential to promote tourism since the host community involvement towards cultural heritage tourism was quite less and also all the host people not aware about this. Hence, the objectives of this study were to examine the role of host community to promote cultural heritage tourism in Northern Sri Lanka and identify the challenges and opportunities faced by host community in Northern Sri Lanka. The purposive sampling technique was used to select 13 respondents from government and private sector. A qualitative research design was adopted in this research. The information was derived from direct interviews and content analysis was utilized for data analysis. Findings indicated that the most of the time policy and decision makers, financial supporter or investor role play by government sector personnel. And also host people play as information provider and facilitator, entrepreneur role for CHT in Jaffna peninsula. Moreover, finding identify Government influences, Lack of understanding about CHT, Covid 19 and economic instability, and Connectivity and host people mindset as challenges and Geographic location and potential for significance attraction and younger generation interest and digital platform as opportunities associated with northern Sri Lankan CHT tourism promotion. Key words: cultural heritage tourism, role of host community, CHT promotion, challenges, opportunities
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    Challenges & Opportunities of Rural Tourism During The Covid -19 Pandemic In Sri Lanka: A Local Community Perspective
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2017) Sewwandi, A.A.D.N.T.
    ABSTRACT The tourism industry is one of the most successful and fastest-growing sectors in the world today. It generates a large amount of foreign exchange for the Sri Lankan economy. While this tourism industry has the potential to generate direct and indirect employment opportunities across the country, it has also helped to alleviate the poverty of the people as well as facilitate infrastructure development. Although the Sri Lankan tourism industry was hit hard by the terrorist attack on Easter Sunday. As the tourism industry began to rise in the aftermath of this attack, it became even more difficult due to the worldwide epidemic of COVID- 19. As a result of the global epidemic, countries around the world implemented travel restrictions, limited flights, and maintained social distancing, making it impossible to support the tourism industry. Tourist arrivals were low due to measures taken to control the epidemic. As a result, the rural tourism sector, including the Sri Lankan tourism industry, was severely affected. Hence, this study is especially focused on identifying the challenges & opportunities of rural tourism during the COVID -19 pandemic in Sri Lanka from the local community perspective. Furthermore, it explores the community expectations after a month of a f pandemic. Primary data was collected by the researcher from 13 local community members in the Dambulla area of Sri Lanka. Semi Structured interviews were used with a purposeful sampling technique. A qualitative data analytical method was employed and the collected data were transcribed and analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The study revealed information regarding general and specific challenges, opportunities they have gained through it, and expectations from their point of view. The findings of this research will assist the Sri Lankan government and other institutions in better understanding how rural tourist activities engage with the epidemic and contribute to rural livelihoods. The Sri Lankan government and the National Tourism Development Authority can use the findings of this study to help them engage in rural tourism in the future. This research recommendation will help keep the rural tourism industry afloat in the future and introduce new innovative opportunities by instilling a positive attitude toward them. Keywords: Tourism industry, Rural tourism, Community perspective, COVID- 19, challenges, and opportunities
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    Harmonizing Luxury and Sustainability: Potential of Developing Luxury Sustainable Tourism in Sri Lanka from Hoteliers’ Perspective
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2017) Sathsarani, K.A.S.N.
    ABSTRACT Harmonizing Luxury and Sustainability: Potential of Developing Luxury Sustainable Tourism in Sri Lanka from Hoteliers’ Perspective Sustainable Tourism emerged with the timely necessity to mitigate negative impacts of tourism development. The purpose of the study was to examine the managerial perception on sustainability tourism practices in luxury hotels and how they have compromised luxury and sustainability in their hotels. This study was conducted through qualitative approach. Out of 37 hotels that awarded National Sustainability Tourism Certification, 10 were used for the study through Purposive sampling technique, collecting data through in-depth interviews with semi-structured questions from the Naturalists and Engineers. The researcher also followed up an observation checklist. Data was analysed employing content analysis. Results indicate that the luxury hotels have been switching onto sustainable tourism recognizing sustainable tourism trend, increasing guests’ awareness and purchasing behaviour towards sustainable products, cost effectiveness and Green marketing as perceived by managerial level staff. Sustainability Policy Documents, Sustainability officers, Environment Conservation & Tourist Information Centres and CSR projects are among the key actions that have been executed by the luxury hoteliers in different magnitudes. Results further demonstrate the current sustainability practices of luxury hotels in Sri Lanka under themes; Environmental, Economical and Socio Cultural. Findings amalgamates that the luxury hotels have focused on management of Air Quality, waste, water, Environment & Bio diversity conservation for enhancing Guest satisfaction, chemical pollution control, Zero plastic mission and. For Economic sustainability, they try to ensure cost effectiveness through energy conservation and enhancing self sufficiency, benefit to the community and the employees from the hotel, guest Satisfaction for long term Customer Relationship management. The analysis evokes that there is a great potential to develop luxury sustainable tourism in Sri Lanka with regards to hotel sector. More Government support, a well- developed Sustainability Grading system for hotels, more actions for coastal & marine conservation, more renewable energy sources, a Green tax for tourists, Sustainable Tourism Fund, introducing and increasing awareness of sustainable tourism products are recommended to further sustainable hospitality management in Sri Lanka. Keywords: harmonizing, luxury, sustainable tourism, hotels, Sri Lanka
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    A Study on Conflicting Behaviors Between Travel Agents and Tourist Transport Providers in Sri Lanka
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2017) Sasanka, S.P.G.
    ABSTRACT Tourism is one of the biggest industries in the world which contribute a significant impact for the global economy. Sri Lankan tourism industry has achieved a new milestone with the increased number of arrivals in past few years before the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time increased the different types of stakeholders’ involvement in the tourism industry. Travel agencies and tourist transport providers can be identified as the two major part of it. However, the various conflicts between the two parties have affected the efficiency of the entire tourism industry. Hence, the central focus of the study was to identify factors influencing the conflicts between both parties and examine consequences of those conflicts. The purposive sample methodology was used to collect primary data from 5 travel agents and 10 tourist transport providers who are engaged with each other in tourism industry to supply service for their clients. In addition, qualitative data analytical method was employed, and the collated data were transcribed and analyzed by using content analysis. The study’s findings reveal that the several key factors influencing the conflicts between the two parties. These include conflicts over payments for tourist transport vehicles, conflicts over delay payments, conflicts over the staff quality of transport service providers, conflicts over the quality of passenger transport vehicles, conflicts over transport staff facilities, and communication issues between the two parties. Furthermore, recommendations of the study help to maintain a smoother business operating environment while minimizing conflicts between two parties. In addition to that will provided some suggestions for government bodies of the country according to minimize the conflicts between travel agents and transport providers. Thus, this research study will help future researchers to find out kinds of literature, knowledge, and information who preferred to develop their literature on tourism and transportation industries related studies. Key word: Conflicting behaviors, Travel agents, Tourist transport providers.
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    The Socio-economic Impacts of Elephant Tourism on Local Community; A Study of Captive Elephants in Sri Lanka
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2017) Samaraweera, H.M.U.L.
    ABSTRACT The elephant tourism is a novel concept and growing sector of the tourism industry in the world. Despite the large number of attractive destinations, there is most important thing that visitors never miss the elephants in Sri Lanka since elephants have a dominant position within the country’s religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism and in Sri Lankan culture. Also, they have always been a symbol of power, prosperity, peace and pride. Therefore, most of the tourists come to Sri Lanka who love to see elephants. Considering the background, local community encouragement should be placed in elephant tourism sector as it creates socio-economic impacts on local community. Hence, the objectives of the study were to identify the socio-economic impacts of elephant tourism on local community in Sri Lanka and to identify the challenges and opportunities to promote elephant tourism among international tourists. This study was conducted using qualitative approach and the primary data was collected from the 16 respondents that consists of managers, accommodation providers, mahouts and residents in Udawalawa and Pinnawala area. Further, purposive sampling technique was used to formulate the sample of the study and structured direct interviews was used to collect data from the respondents. Moreover, interview transcriptions were analyzed by using thematic analysis method. The findings of this study revealed that the elephant tourism are directly affected socially and economically on local community and strong collaboration among stakeholders is very important to maximize the positive impacts. Furthermore, this study makes important recommendations; to conduct random inspections of elephant tourism organization, awareness programs, specific policy for elephant tourism to develop elephant tourism in sustainable manner. And also, there should be proper infrastructure and elephant tourism marketing strategies to promote tourism among international tourists and establishing elephant protection groups are also very important to protect this endangered species. Key Words: Elephant Tourism, Socio-economic Impacts, Captive Elephants, Sri Lanka
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    The Study on Potential of Developing Accessible Tourism in Kalpitiya Area.
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2017) Sakunthala, A.R.M.
    ABSTRACT The study will focus on the Kalpitiya area, Kalpitiya can be known as one of the popular tourist destinations in Sri Lanka. According to 2016 annual statistical report presented that both the number of foreign arrivals and total revenue comparatively increased in Kalpitiya area. But when considering the visitors’ comments of the well known websites like trip advisor, Kalpitiya has been rated as a place where can get beach tourism experience. Therefore, this study is mainly focused to Study potential of developing Accessible tourism in Kalpitiya area and find the Challenges and opportunities to develop Kalpitiya as an Accessible tourism destination. To investigate that, the qualitative research approach was used. The primary data were collected from tourism service providers such as Hoteliers and tour guides in Kalpitiya area. Theoretical saturation for the study was reached after conducting ten semi structured in-depth interviews from ten tourism service providers in the area. According to the research findings, majority of tourism service providers believe that in present there no any Accessible tourism related actives Furthermore, the researcher identified that, mainly there are four challenges for developing Accessible tourism in Kalpitiya area, As per the findings of the study, mainly there are three of challenges for developing Accessible tourism in Kalpitiya area. In addition to that, SLTDA recognized Kalpitiya Tourism Zone is regarded as the largest tourism development project veiled in the Indian Ocean. Therefore the researcher hopes that, the findings of this research might help them to make new plans and strategies for sustainable tourism. Further, the researchers who indent to do research in the field of tourism management this will be literature for them. Key words: accessible tourism, disabilities, development, Challenges, opportunities
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    Impact of Social Media on the Travel Intention of Youth Travelers
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2017) Rathnayaka, R.M.A.P.
    ABSTRACT Social media can be defined as a computer-based system that allows people to share ideas, thoughts, and information via virtual communities and networks. It has influenced every aspect of human life, including how people consume. These changes have had a substantial impact on businesses, primarily by enabling new marketing strategies. Tourism, being one of the world's fastest-growing sectors, is undoubtedly a part of all of these. The combination of social media with tourism will produce good benefits for both the industry and the consumers. The purpose of this research is to learn more about the impact of social media on the travel intentions of youth people. The impact of social media on tourism may be observed in how people explore before going on a trip. Especially, youth people are now encouraged to speak about their trip experiences through social media. As a result, social media has altered how people make decisions. There has been earlier research that focused on social media and its impact on tourism, but the majority of the studies present obsolete information. This overall study seeks to fill an undiscovered knowledge gap by investigating youth tourists and the effect of social media on youth travelers' travel intentions. A stratified sample strategy was used to perform both qualitative and quantitative investigations with 100 young tourists across the country. Structured questionnaire was used to collect primary data. As part of the first objective, descriptive analysis was used to identify the perception of youth travelers on the use of social media. As second objective, collected data were analyzed using Pearson coefficient correlation and regression analysis to determine the impact of social media on youth travelers' travel intentions. As part of the final objective, descriptive statistics were used to determine which social media sites are most commonly used by young travelers. As a result of this research, the perceived usefulness of using social media had a positive relationship. This means youth travelers’ perception was good of using social media. On the other hand, the impact of social media usage on the travel intention of youth travelers has a beneficial impact on the intention. As well as, when it comes to the frequently used social media platform of youth travelers, Facebook and other platforms are using an orderly manner. Therefore, the tourism sector can target youth tourists by using social media platforms. Creating attractive content, and sharing travel experiences by using blogs/ FB posts, etc. will help to attract more. iv Keywords: social media, Youth travelers, Travel intention, Tourism sector, Travel experience