A Study on Potential of Developing Sustainable Coastal Tourism in Sri Lanka from Government Perspective: Study of Hikkaduwa Area

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Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka
ABSTRACT Tourism is a multidimensional phenomenon and it has many activities in a community or region with ecological, economic, social and cultural effects which require planning and coordination. On the other hand, for effective sustainable tourism, careful planning, adaptation of the principles of sustainability and the implications of plans are required to gain maximum economic benefits and tourist satisfaction, while managing the natural resources of the destination. Hence sustainable coastal tourism plays an important role in the tourism industry for innovative approaches. Special attention has been given by authorities in tourism industry in uplifting sustainable coastal tourism. In this study special attention has been given on the potential for developing sustainable coastal tourism in the Hikkaduwa area of Sri Lanka from government perspectives. They are government offices who work in southern province tourism related organizations. In this research purposive sampling is use as sampling technique. Primary data were collected through semi instructed interviews with government officers in southern province. Through our interviews researcher grasped the idea that government offices are in high appreciation of adopting sustainable coastal tourism in their area. That is Hikkaduwa. They believe through adopting new approaches will become their area popular for tourism. In this study the emphases has been given on the importance of introducing new policies and practices to develop sustainable coastal tourism in Hikkaduwa area which will be benefited for both hoteliers, local people and other stakeholders. Key words – Sustainable tourism, Coastal Tourism, Potentials, Challenges, Government perspectives
Hospitality, Tourism and Events Management degree programme (HTE)