A Study on Spas Employees’ Perception on Customer Behavior in Hotel based Ayurvedic Spas in Sri Lanka

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Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka
ABSTRACT Assessing the employee perception on customer behavior in hotel based Ayurvedic spa in Sri Lanka has become a subject of international importance. Several research studies have explored the effects of employee perception and customer behavior on spa industries. Much research regarding that has been carried out in developed countries, but only a few studies have been carried out in developing countries like Sri Lanka, as well as in the Ayurveda spa sector. This study will close the gap by examining the employee perception on customer behavior in Hotel based Ayurveda Spa centers. This research focuses on 11 dimensions of employee perception, customer behavior and employee career. Assurance is employees‟ understanding and courtesy and their capacity to inspire confidence and trust. Finally, Empathy implies customer care and attention. Regarding the employee perception on customer behavior in hotel-based Ayurveda Spa centers in Sri Lanka, one hundred and twenty questionnaires were filled out by the employees who are providing service in the hotel-based Ayurveda Spa centers in the Down south, Kandy, and Dambulla areas. The Ayurveda Spas were chosen based on the list of SLTDA approved hotels with Ayurveda facilities in the tourism industry hotspots in Sri Lanka. The findings are revealed and verified that the employee perception on customer behavior in Hotel based Ayurveda Spa centers and who are the most visiting customer in hotel based Ayurvedic spa centers in Sri Lanka. It showed that the perception on employee perception on customer behavior and how to impact the customer behavior on employee career. Finally this study presented more suggested viable recommendation to have better employee perception. Page 5 of 71 Key word: Employee perception, Customer behavior, Hotel based Ayurvedic Spa, Employee career
Hospitality, Tourism and Events Management degree programme (HTE)