Analyzing the Effectiveness of Training and development Practices on Labor Productivity with Special Reference to Tire Manufacturing Industry in Sri Lanka

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Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka
Tire manufacturing industry was more labor incentive in nature. Thus, Human resources are the most vital resource and the improving labors knowledge, skills and the attitudes are the most significant part of tire industry. In present, most training and development practices are implemented but most companies faced difficulty to get their expected outcome through implementing training and development practices. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to identify the impact of effectiveness of the, training and development practices to the labor productivity in tire manufacturing industry in Sri Lanka. Data were collected from 100 randomly selected factory level workers in 6 selected tire manufacturing companies in Sri Lanka. Tire manufacturing companies were Loadstar (pvt) Ltd, Samson rubber industries (pvt) Ltd, Elastomeric engineering co Ltd, MAM rubber industries (Pvt) Ltd and Global rubber industries (Pvt) Ltd. The research data collection is mainly based on the primary and secondary data. Main objective is this study is to identify the impact of effective training and development practices to Labor productivity. To achieved this objectives knowledge acquisition, trainee's satisfaction, training infrastructure, training schedule, training motivation, intensity of labor effort and Quality of labor effort has used as variable of this research.
Entrepreneurship And Management Degree Programme