Entrepreneurship and Management degree programme

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    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) Dulanjali, L.A.N.
    Human resources are considered the most precious asset of SME. In order to reach its values the firm must pay a huge importance in human resource management. The implementation of enterprise strategy is dependent from the employee's quality who are arranged to realize it. The aim of this research paper is to show the application of human resource practice and their impact in SMEs performance. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) form the backbone of Sri Lankan economy. They also employ a majority of the working population and account for a large proportion of economic output. They have been playing a crucial part in economic and social development in Sri Lanka. Many businesses seem to have gone out of business due to various reasons. The firm entry rate has a downward trend while exit rate has trended upward in recent years and considerably exceeded the entry rate. This research investigates the impact of human resource management practices on small and medium enterprises performance in apparel industry (Special reference Colombo District).The researcher developed structural questionnaire to collect important information. Data were collected from 100 apparel industries in western province by using convenience sampling technique. The researcher utilized descriptive statistics and hypothesis testing as data analysis techniques using the SPSS-22 version (Statistical Package for Social Science) as the primary data analysis tool. As some SME advocates argued, one of the reasons for the high rate of business failures among SMEs is due to its lack of attention on the human resources management practices in their business firms. There for Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) require effective human resource management practices to sustain their competitiveness. Key words: Human Resource Management Practices, Small and Medium Entqrprises, SMEs Performance
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    Impact of Green Human Resource Management Practices on Employees' Job Commitment: With Reference to Apparel Industry in Sri Lanka
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) Prabhashini, M.D.M.
    Need for a proactive approach has been emerged due to the increased environmental effect caused by the businesses in various means. Therefore, most of the businesses tend to transform their business processes into green. In that process transforming human resource of the business organizations into green is crucial. Yet few researches related to the Green Human Resource Management have been carried out in Sri Lankan context so far. To bridge the gaps in the existing literature this study was carried out to investigate the impact of Green Human Resource Management Practices on employees' job commitment and the level of adaptation of GHRMP in the Sri Lankan Apparel Industry. Questionnaires were distributed among 150 employees to gather the necessary data to assess the objectives of the research. Questions were asked regarding six GHRM practices and fmdings revealed that, there was a significance impact of green human resource management practices on the employees' job commitment. Further, the study showed a very high level of adaptation of green employee empowerment and participation and a high level of adaptation of green training and development in the apparel industry in Sri Lanka. In order to create a sustainable development in the environment, further adaptation of GHRMP is essential. Keywords: Green Human Resource Management, Green Human Resource Management Practices, Job Commitment, Sustainable Development
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    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) Wijesiri, N.G.T.D.
    Maintaining and increasing employee engagement is one of the critical problems in the apparel industry in Sri Lanka. Novel organizations have become aware that leadership styles are a determinant which can increase the employee engagement. Leadership styles create intercommunication between the leader and the subordinates in the organizations. Thus, the study empirically evaluated the job stress as the mediator between leadership styles and employee engagement of the middle and operational level employees in key apparel players in Sri Lanka. Questionnaires were distributed by using convenient sampling method to collect data from 100 middle and operational level employees working for first 05 key apparel firms in Sri Lanka. The data were analyzed using correlation coefficient, regression, Baron and Kenny mediator assessment method and Sobal test. The results of the study indicated that there is a positive relationship between leadership styles and employee engagement. Mediator assessment and Sobal test identified that job stress partially mediate the relationship between the leadership styles and employee engagement. The findings show the importance of managers to building a positive and trusting relationship with their middle and operational level employees to maintain and increase the employee engagement within the apparel industry in Sri Lanka. The study also makes a number of recommendations to managers based on the findings of the study. Key words: Leadership Styles, Employee Engagement, Job Stress
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    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) Erandika, K.K.
    Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP) Market which is the largest however the poorest social- economical sector, which globally consists of about 5 billion consumers who spend approximately 2 USD per day. Market orientation is a set of actions within the organization that create value for the customer which result in profitability and fmally facilitate to achieve sustainable competitive advantage which consists of three behavioral elements of customer orientation, competitor orientation, and inter-functional orientation. Product innovation could create a firm's performance and profit growth. Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry plays a vital role in the Sri Lankan economy as it has been seen as the engine of growth to the economy as a result of its ability to create a job, generates revenue, reduces poverty and drives economic growth. FMCG Companies cannot survive without innovations due to high competition in the industry. The BOP market orientation on BOP focused product innovation in the FMCG industry in Sri Lanka, have not been substantively explored in the extant literature. Therefore this study conducted to identify the relationship between BOP market orientation and BOP focused product innovation. Data were collected across fifty major high performing FMCG companies in Sri Lanka, according to the Lanka Monthly Digest 2018 and Listed Company Directory of Colombo Stock Exchange using theoretical sampling technique. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation analysis and used simple regression analysis only as a supportive analysis to prove the relationship further. Results of the analysis indicated that BOP market orientation significantly and positively impacts to BOP focused product innovation. The outcome of this study provided important implications for managers and the policymakers to enhance the activities to engage in more BOP focused product innovations in the FMCG industry. This study can be utilized for academics to expand knowledge as a literature source. Keywords: Bottom of the pyramid, Market orientation, Product innovation, Fast moving consumer goods industry
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    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) Rathnayaka, A.P.H.U.
    Smoking and tobacco usage has become a widely spread problem in Sri Lanka. Further, the linkage between smoking and lung cancer has become very obvious. In contrast, 45.7% of men, 5.3 % of women, and 25.8 % overall were current users of tobacco, in any form. And 29.4% of men, 0.1% of women, as well as 15.0% overall were current smokers of tobacco. 26.0 % of men, 5.3 % of women, and 15.8 % overall were current users of smokeless tobacco within Sri Lanka (System for Thalidomide Education and Prescribing Safety, 2015). Meanwhile as a resolve the issues of tobacco usage, many health researchers and professionals consider the implementation of graphic warning labels on cigarette packages as breakthrough in anti-smoking communication efforts. It can be predicted that smokers' intentions to quit smoking will increase as the depiction of the pictorial warning becomes more graphic. Through gathering of literature, the effective scale has been developed in the present study to evaluate the research objective. Primary data for the study has been collected through a well-structured formal questionnaire. The sample consisted of 261 respondents who are currently smoking and living within the Western Province, Southern Province and Central Province. Data collected was analyzed through SPSS 25. The data analyzed by using descriptive analysis, correlation coefficient, simple regression analysis and multiple regression analysis. Test results indicate that the pictorial warnings in cigarette packs are effective and have impact on quit intention. The findings of the study can be useful to the public health officials to identify effectiveness of their warning labels and to educate general public about the negative effects of smoking. Key Words: Pictorial Warnings, anti-smoking promotional tools, Reading and Comprehension, Quit Intension.
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    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) Ulugethenna, D.G.U.N
    Creation of innovative solutions to solve most preasurable social problems can be defined as social entrepreneurship. The term implies that innovative social solutions shaped by the human creativity. Therefore social enterprises and social entrepreneurs performed major role of change agent within the society. Further social mission is prioritized by the social enterprises rather than the profit maximization. With regards to that triple bottom line is arisen to measure the performance of social enterprises by questioning about profit maximization while prioritize the social mission. However the knowledge and empirical gaps were identified by referring past literature and this study aims to determine whether social entrepreneurship dimensions helps social enterprises to secure triple bottom line. Current study is hypothesized that there is a positive significant relationship between social entrepreneurship and triple bottom line and its factors (Economic, Social, and Environment). Online questionnaires was used as research instrument to collect data from social enterprises and 137 of social enterprises were selected using convenient sampling technique as the sample (N=137).Cronbach's alpha value is ensured that the reliability of questionnaire developed based on the past literature. The data was analyzed using descriptive analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis. According to the analyzed results, findings proved that the weak positive relationship and positive impact of social entrepreneurship on triple bottom line and its factors. Further simple regression analyses for the triple bottom line factors are found that the social entrepreneurship highly affected on the environment performance rather than the social end the economic performance and it denotes that the positive impact on the triple bottom line factors even though there is a lack of balancing on triple bottom line factors. However, the study winds up with conclusion of social entrepreneurship helps social enterprises to secure triple bottom line. Keywords: Social Entrepreneurship, Social Entrepreneur, Social Enterprise, Social entrepreneurial Dimensions, Social Mission, Triple Bottom Line
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    Investigation of the Impact of Green Marketing Tools on Customer Purchase Intention of Fast Moving Consumer Goods: With special reference to the youth sector
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) Rathnayake, P. A.
    The consumer awareness of environmental issues has become a major concern within the society. By identifying this as the path to sustainable growth, most of the organizations have moved toward green marketing. Apparently, organizations use various tools which can enhance the knowledge and awareness of consumers while influencing their purchase decisions. Eco- brand, eco-label and environmental advertisement are major green marketing tools used by organizations in order to create awareness among consumers in relation to products which are environmentally friendly. Moreover, the Sri Lankan Fast Moving Consumer Goods sector has identified as an industry which more focus on environmental issues. Since these tools are new to the Sri Lankan market, there is a significant lack of empirical research in relation to such green marketing tools. Thus the main purpose of the study was to investigate the impact of green marketing tools on customer purchase intention of Fast Moving Consumer Goods in Sri Lanka. The research was quantitative in nature and primary data was collected through self- administrated questionnaires. 384 of Sri Lankan youth consumers were selected as the sample of the study. The sample was selected using a convenience sampling technique. Simple linear regression and multiple linear regression analysis were conducted to achieve the research objectives. Based on the research findings, the study concluded that there is a significant impact of green marketing tools on customer purchase intention of Fast Moving Consumer Goods in Sri Lanka and eco-brand has mostly influenced with purchase intention than the eco-label and environmental advertisement. Further, the findings of the research recommends that organizations should promote these green marketing tools within the market and it is required to concern more regarding eco-labels due to the lack of the awareness. Key words: Green marketing tools, Eco-Brand, Eco-Label, Environmental Advertisement, Purchase Intention
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    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) Mederigema, K.R.S.P.
    The success story of Sri Lankan economy is recently highlighted with the graduation as an upper middle-income country. A large working population is allowing it to pursue development projects but majority of the women are not included in the working population. Since this paper aims to identify the major determinants of the Female Labor Force Participation (FLFP) in rural sector of Sri Lanka. Hence, the research seeks to examine the impacts of demographic and other household factors on the FLFP of rural Sri Lanka. The study used secondary data from the Labor Force Survey Report (LFS) — 2016 which is conducted by the Department of Census and Statistics (DCS). The study is employed Probit model to accomplish the objectives of the research. The results suggest that age of the women and being married have positive and statistically significant relationship between FLFP in rural sector. However, having children, larger household size and having no or less education show a negative and significant relationship with FLFP in rural Sri Lanka. This study accomplishes valuable information for the economists and government to encourage women to participate more vigorously in the national economy through increasing the rate of female labor force participation in rural Sri Lanka. Key words — Female Labor Force Participation, Probit Model, Demographic Factors, Labor Force Survey
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    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) Wijesuriya, M.D.D.T.
    Interest in corporate governance has been rapidly growing and it has recognized the importance of corporate governance for the organizations. Objectives of this study were to find out the impact of corporate governance practices on working capital management efficiency in listed commercial banks in Sri Lanka and to determine the most suitable corporate governance practice which impact on the working capital management efficiency in listed commercial banks in Sri Lanka. According to this study, corporate governance was the independent variable and working capital management efficiency was the dependent variable. Board size, board diversity and board meeting frequency were used as corporate governance practices and debtor's collection period, creditor's payable period, and cash conversion cycle were used to measure working capital management efficiency. Ten listed commercial banks were selected as sample size in Colombo Stock Exchange for the period of 2004 to 2018. Secondary data was collected from banks annual reports, Colombo Stock Exchange web site and publications. Descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and panel data regression analysis were used for analyze the data. The results revealed that there was a positive relationship between corporate governance practices on working capital management efficiency in commercial banks. And also this study was coming under the random effect model and according to that model board meeting frequency was the most significant variable that positively impacted to the working capital management efficiency. Based on the findings, the researcher recommended that good corporate governance practices can obtain advantages from increasing their working capital management efficiency. Keywords: Corporate Governance, Working Capital Management Efficiency, Commercial banks, Board Meeting Frequency, Cash Conversion Cycle
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    IMPACT OF GREEN HUMAN RESOURCE PRACTICES ON EMPLOYEE RETENTION (With Special Reference to Regional Tea Plantation Companies in Badulla District)
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) Yoganathan, R.
    Sri Lanka is distinguished with the unique tea production over 150 years. Tea industry was the backbone of Sri Lanka's economy in the early era. However, the contemporary performance of Sri Lanka's tea production is gradually declining in the global market due to various factors. The economic predictors' states that the cost of production and the labour demand is significantly affecting tea production in the global market. Meanwhile environmental concern also one of the controversial issue in the tea plantation industry. Having both the issues the problem of this research has been identified as there is low employee retention and poor green HR practice which intended to test among three regional tea plantation companies in Badulla district. Although there are researches and publications on Green HR practices related to employee retention, there are limited researches conducted in the context of tea plantation in Sri Lanka which motivated the researcher to conduct this study. The research is titled as "Impact of Green Human Resources Practices (GHRP) on Employee Retention with special reference to regional tea plantation companies in Badulla district. In accordance with the plantation context, rewards and recognition, employee relation and compensation were identified as the independent variables and employee retention was identified as the dependent variable and the conceptual model was constructed based on the literature review. Based on the conceptual model, hypotheses were developed and as a tool, Five point likert scale questionnaire was administrated among 84 managerial staffs of 28 estates of three regional tea plantation companies such Agarapathana PLC, Malwatte valley PLC, and Madulsima PLC. Statistical Package for social science (SPSS) was used to analyze the data. Initially reliability test was conducted and resulted 0.882 which is above 0.7. Subsequent the reliability test, Simple and multiple regression analysis were conducted to test the hypotheses and the impact of green HR practices on employee retention. The tests resulted all the independent variables have above the moderate strong and positive relationship with employee retention. The coefficient of determination value interpreted that GHRP has the most impact on employee retention and rewards and recognition and compensation has higher impact than the employee relation. Based on the P value analysis all null hypotheses were rejected and alternative hypotheses were accepted. This research recommends the future researches to test the other green HR practices with employee retention in different geographical location. Key Words: Green HR Practices, Rewards and Recognition, Employee Relation, Compensation, Employee Retention, Environmental concern in Tea plantation.
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    The Influence of Marketing Mix Variables on Consumer Buying Behavior of Mobile App-Based Taxi Service in Sri Lanka (Special Reference to Colombo Metropolitan Area)
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) Wijayasundara, W.M.D.N.B.
    Mobile app-based taxi service is an upcoming transportation method in Sri Lanka and now step by step it's becoming an internal part of public transportation. Mobile app-based taxi service is economical, quick and convenient to consumers. Conventional taxi service arises many problems. This research paper focuses on the influence of marketing mix variable on consumer buying behavior of mobile app-based taxi service in Sri Lanka with special reference to the Colombo metropolitan area. The service marketing mix is modern marketing theory and it's tied up with every service. Therefore, service providers should concentrate on service marketing mix. This study investigated the service marketing mix (7p's) influence that five mobile app-based taxi service providers in Sri Lanka. Both primary and secondary data was gathered through a questionnaire and from previous scholar's articles and company sources. The research analysis based on 150 consumers responses that were collected by who used or often used a mobile app-based taxi. Correlation and regression models used to analyze data. Results showed service marketing mix positively influence on consumer buying behavior of mobile app-based taxi service. It concluded that among service marketing mix (7p's) variable product, process and physical evidence has a significant impact on consumer buying behavior. The study recommended the government should develop regulation for mobile app-based taxi service and also service providers should update their standards and recruit more female drivers. Keywords: Service Marketing Mix, Consumer Buying Behavior, Mobile App-Based Taxi Service, Colombo Metropolitan Area
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    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) Wickramasinghe, A.W.A.I.S.
    This study was conducted to measure the impact of the performance of Typical employees and Atypical employees on Operational Performance of an organization. This is done by referring to Fibre based products manufacturing organizations within Gampaha District. Hiring of Atypical employees has been one of the new trends which is rapidly utilize by the manufacturing organizations these days. Hence this study seeks to verify the impact of employment status on the Operational Performance. Employee performance has been categorized into three elements; namely Task Performance, Adaptive Performance and Contextual Performance. There are three research objectives in the study which are based upon above three employee performance elements. The three objectives were to identify the significant difference in Task, Adaptive Performance and Contextual Performance of Typical and Atypical employees on Operational Performance. The respondents were the supervisors of those chosen companies who had both Typical and Atypical employees under their control. A quantitative research was conducted by distributing an adopted questionnaire among 100 supervisors. SPSS was used in analyzing data while statistical tools such as Pearson Correlation, Regression and Descriptive Statistics. The outcome of the study showed that Typical employees has a greater impact on Operational Performance than the Atypical employees. Key Words — Typical Employees, Atypical Employees, Task Performance, Adaptive Performance, Contextual Performance, Operational Performance
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    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) Wasanthamali, I.M.P.W.
    Branding is one of the highlighting competitive business trend in the Dairy product sector in Sri Lanka. Due to the reason that dairy sector is highly competitive industry with less barriers to entry and branding is a best way to differentiate their products from the competitors. Hence future of dairy companies lies on brand. Brand offers added value to the customers and this brand value create brand loyalty and brand personality for the products. Brand extension, perceived quality of the parent brand and the extended brand are highly contributing to when creating brand personality attributes in dairy sector. However, lack of research attention has been given on the impact of brand extension on brand personality for the dairy products where perceived quality playing the mediatory role. Thus it identified knowledge gap and empirical gap and however this research study covered this gap by providing evidence to encourage marketing, branding and for symbolic brands because brand personality is an important determinant of what the brand symbolizes. In accordance with the above considerations this study develop a model to identify the impact of brand extension on brand personality mediated by perceived quality in dairy product sector in Sri Lanka. Data were collected from 200 dairy product consumers from Western Province using multistage sampling and convenient sampling techniques. Further, data was analysed using descriptive statistics, coefficient correlation analysis, regression analysis, and mediator analysis based on the research objectives and hypothesis developed. According to the fmdings of the analysis it was concluded that there is positive impact of brand extension on brand personality with and there is a partially mediated impact of perceived quality on the purchase behaviour of dairy product consumers. The results provides both knowledge and managerial implications and as well suggests some further research areas for future research. Key words: Brand extension, Brand personality, Perceived quality, Dairy sector, Parent brand
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    The Impact of Non-work Roles on the Success of Women Own SMEs (With Special Reference to Western Province)
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) Vimarsha, G.D.T.
    Entrepreneur success research suffers from a lack of consistency in defining the scope of non- work (life outside work). Considering the evolving life preferences of modern women entrepreneurs, entrepreneur success researchers should have a broader view of life which expands beyond work-family, and include other non-work domains of life. This study is an attempt to establish that for today's women entrepreneurs. For this study, several non-work domains were identified from previous literature. Research is mostly based on primary data and data were collected through 160 women entrepreneurs selected by using stratified sampling method and convenience sampling method by distributing self-administrated questionnaires. To validate research objectives, 10 women entrepreneurs out of 160 were selected who have achieved success in their business. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis, structural equation modeling and thematic analysis. Results indicated that there is a significant positive relationship between non-work roles (marital role, parental role, community involvement, leisure activities and religious involvement) and success of women own SMEs. Findings revealed that women entrepreneurs in western province were satisfied with the existing level of non-work roles participation. This study provides an insight to the future research and policy makers and academics to a novel direction of the curriculum. Key words: SMEs success, non-work roles, women entrepreneurs
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    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) SUKUMAR, L.
    Social enterprise is the emerging and growing topic in the current world. In this era, social enterprises are continuously searching new ways to develop and achieve better social performance. Social competencies are under a great deal with Social Performance due to many antecedents with social performance of the social enterprises. Present study is focuses to identify the level of social competencies and social performance of the social enterprises in Northern Province, and examine how Social Competencies affect the Social Performance of the Social Enterprises in Northern Province, similarly expect to identify the most influencing social competencies on social performance of the social enterprises in Northern Province and. Population of this study is all the social enterprises which are situated in Northern Province. Stratified Sampling method was used to select the sample size. A Sample of 100 Social Enterprises in Northern Province were selected as the sample. Questionnaires were administrated to collect primary data. Total 100 Social entrepreneurs and the managers responded and filled the questionnaire, with a response rate of 98%. Questionnaire consists of questions examining different phenomenon namely on the demographic profile of the respondents, Social Competencies and Social Performance. Both descriptive and inferential techniques were used. With respect to inferential, Pearson's correlation analysis and Regression Analysis were used to indicate relationship and impact between Social Competencies, and social performance of the social enterprises. SPSS and Process Macro were used to analyze the data. Results indicated that there is a positive relationship between social competencies and social performance. The above findings was in line with previous studies and supported with literature. With reference to the study results some valuable suggestions and management implications were provided to the management for achieving better performance by increasing the social competencies Key words: Social Enterprises, Social Competencies, Social Performance
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    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) SUBAKEERTHANA, S.S.
    Credit risk in microfinance institutions is on an increasing rate. It has become an area of concern to many people and institutions in the lending business globally. This kind of exposure leads to instability and poor performance of financial institutions. Therefore, this research sought to evaluate the effect of credit risk management on the financial and social performance of micro fi nance institutions. In this era, micro finance institutions are continuously searching new ways to develop and achieve better social and financial performance. Credit risk management is the key aspect which affects the performance of micro finance institutions. This study deals with identifying the impact and level of impact of credit risk management on social and financial performances of micro finance institutions. Control environment, credit risk assessment, monitoring and control activities are the key elements in managing credit risk in financial institutions. For this study researcher has used purposive sampling to select the sample of employees from micro finance institutions in Mannar district. According to that fifty respondents from ten microfinance institutions were selected for the study, of them ten managers, twenty accountants and the other twenty credit collectors were incorporated. Primary data were collected through fi ve point likert scale questionnaires which consists of thirty questions to analyze the impact of credit risk management against the dependent variables of social and financial performances. Data analysis was carried through IBM Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software package. Descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were used to analyze the data to achieve objectives of the study. Based on the findings of research the researcher had identified that there is positive relationship between credit risk management and financial Performance of the micro finance institutions in Mannar district. Moreover, it ensures that there is a significant impact in monitoring on financial performance and significant impact in credit control on social performance, Key words: Micro finance institutions, credit risk management, control environment, credit risk appraisal, monitoring, control activities, financial performance and social performance.
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    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) Sivarasa, T.
    Social enterprises are one of major pillars to a country's sustainable development. At present, they are highlighted through a greater growth rate by researches in Sri Lanka based on the new consideration on the word of "Social Enterprises". As a key parameter to their success, being entrepreneurial is the potential to promote strategic directions within the enterprises. Market development and access play an important role in creative entrepreneurship as market opportunities eventually determine the circumstances that lead to success or failure in enterprises. Social entrepreneurial orientation is a company-level strategic orientation that captures the strategic practices, organizational philosophies and company attitudes of an organization that are entrepreneurial in nature, including innovative, pro-active and risk management aspects. This research focused on identifying the role of market orientation to lead entrepreneurial orientation of social enterprises, with special attention to Jaffna district. With market orientation attributes being independent variables, they were further divided into subsections to better quantitatively measure these subjective variables. The dependent variable, entrepreneurial orientation was further divided into three sub-dependent variables. The research had three major objectives; first twos namely, identify the existing level of market orientation and entrepreneurial attributes in Jaffna district, and the final objective is to identify the relationship between market orientation and entrepreneurship to identify the salient market orientation attributes influencing the entrepreneurial level in Jaffna district. Using judgmental sampling, 100 respondents were selected, Primary data were collected by using questionnaire and questionnaire consists of 29 questions from seven sub variables. Data were collected from the filled questionnaires. Data analysis was carried through IBM SPSS software package. Descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were used to analyze the data for achieving objectives of the study. Findings of the study revealed that there is a positive relationship between market orientation and entrepreneurial attributes. Detailed findings say that barring the beneficiary orientation, donor orientation, peer orientation and inter functional coordination done in the region strongly influence the entrepreneurial level. Finally, this study would be a done a greater job to increase the performance of social enterprises in Sri Lanka, through the reference area of Jaffna district. Key words: Social Enterprises, Market Orientation, Entrepreneurial orientation
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    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) W.K.H.S., Sathsarani
    With the globalization, organizations have to face lengthy supply chains with complex organizational structures and networks. Therefore, efficient supply chain is vital to gaining competitive advantage over rivals. High level of employee performances is also crucial of better functioning of the organizations. Supply chain management and its functioning have been widely accepted with the terms of its effectiveness and efficiency. Present, the influence of Human Resources Management implications has identified a main element of supply chain success. The Logistic Performance Index(LPI) has shown a gradual decline with past three years in Sri Lanka and one indicator that affect to the performance of LPI is warehousing and Supply Chain Management. Super market retail industry is mostly engaged with the supply chain and warehousing activities. The study is mainly based on the problem of LPI and aims at contributing to the problem in Human Resources Perspective. This study provides a detailed analysis about how Human Resources Management Practices help organizations to enhance the efficiency of their supply chains in supermarket retail sector. Three leading supermarkets were selected for the purpose of the study according to their performances Middle level employees of the super markets were selected as the unit of sample and Quantitative approach has been adapted by the study and data was obtained through the survey questionnaire.120 of responses were collected in the survey. Structural Equation Modeling and descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data in order to fulfill the research objectives of the study. Findings of the research emphasize that HRM practices; Selection, Compensation and Evaluation high level of adaptation in super market sector and Compensation has the highest adaptation level. Selection, Compensation and Evaluation Significantly and positively impact on Supply Chain Efficiency in supermarket retail sector and Training has showed a non- significant but positive relationship with Supply Chain Efficiency. Key Words: HRM Practices, Supply Chain Efficiency, Supermarket Retail Sector
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    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) Sanjeewani, D.M.N.M.
    Functions in the financial sector arise various risks due to the uncertainty of the several situations. This study expected to investigate the applicability of risk model identified by the Basel framework on advancing financial performance of Commercial Banks in Sri Lanka. The study was conducted with the objective of identifying whether there is an impact of risks in BASEL framework on the financial performance of commercial banks in Sri Lanka and to develop a "New Risk Model" including other risks which have not addressed in the BASEL framework. A sample of 10 banks were selected out of the 26 licensed commercial banks using assets based sampling method. This study used both primary and secondary data and the Primary data was collected from in-depth interviews using a semi structured interview schedule and the secondary data was collected from annual reports of the selected banks. The Mix methods approach was used in data analysis. The impact of risks in BASEL Framework on financial performance was measured by a panel data regression analysis using 100 observations covering 10 companies for 10 financial years and the thematic analysis was used to identify the risks which have not been addressed by the BASEL Framework. The results revealed that the risks in the Basel Framework which have an insignificant impact on the financial performance of commercial banks in Sri Lanka but, the Capital Adequacy Ratio has a significant impact on financial performance. Further, IT risk, Reputational Risk, Security Risk, Strategic Risk, Country Risk, Legal Risk, and Competition were identified as the risks which have not been addressed in the BASEL framework. Finally, the researcher recommend that the Sri Lankan Commercial Banks to consider the other risks other than the risks in the Basel Framework. Key Words: Basel Framework, Financial Performance, Credit Risk, Market Risk, Liquidity Risk, Operational Risk.
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    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) SAMARAWEERA, U. K. U. S.
    New product development has emerged as a salient aspect in modern business environment. It is highly popular in today's world. The new product improvement emphasizes the significance of introducing new products on the market for persevering with enterprise success. Hence, when trying to launch an innovative product to a new target audience that has been identified, it is important to inform them about the needs they have for the new product. The current aim of promotion mix is to create customer awareness through creating most attractive promotion methods. Fast moving consumer goods sector is a field which the most competition has achieved in Sri Lankan market. Hence, the purpose of this research is to measure and find the effect of promotion mix on consumer buying behavior of new product in fast moving consumer goods sector in Western province and ultimately give recommendations. Further there is a limited number of researches have done in Sri Lankan context regarding new product and promotional mix. Therefore this study aims to fulfill the theoretical gap and empirical gap which literature has not fulfilled. To examine the current level of promotion mix and consumer buying behavior of new product, a questionnaire survey was conducted using 250 sample and through correlation and regression analysis of SPSS, the data was analyzed. As a result, the current level of promotion mix and consumer buying behavior of new product in fast moving consumer goods sector is emphasized as moderate, where the relationship of promotion mix on consumer buying behavior of new product in fast moving consumer goods sector in Western province, concluded as moderate. As for the findings and results, there was significant impact on promotion mix to consumer buying behavior of new product in fast moving consumer goods sector. And through that future researcher can identify another significant factor and give recommendations to improve consumer buying behavior of new product further. Key words — New product, Promotion mix, Consumer buying behavior. Fast moving consumer goods sector