The Impacts of Tourism Development on Rural Livelihood in Haputhale Area

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Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka
Tourism industry has been progressively using for, and directly connected with, rural liveli- hood poverty reduction in developing ongoing years, it has, however, been rep- rimanded by rural developers for its lack of concern for the rural poor and for being too in- creasingly focused on tourism specifically. The main purpose of this study is to identify im- pacts of tourism development on the livelihood of rural residents in Haputhale area. Apart from that there are specific three objects which include identifing the existing level of rural livelihood in Haputhale area, identifing the relationship between tourism development and rural livelihood in Haputhale area, and identifing the impacts of tourism development on ru- ral livelihood in Haputhale area. Structured questionnaire with five-point Likert scale used as a research instrument to gather information from 150 respondents. The researcher has used SPSS 21 software package to analyze the data. Further, in analysis researcher has been used the reliability analysis, descriptive analysis, correlation analysis and multiple linear regression analysis method. Existing level of rural livelihood is analyzed in this research by using descriptive statistics. According to the correlation analysis, there is a strong positive relationship between tourism development and rural livelihood in Haputhale area. In addition to that multiple linear regression analysis has confirmed the positive and negative impacts of tourism development on rural livelihood in Haputhale area. Moreover, this study provides recommendation and suggestions for practical implementation for tourism industry based on the research findings. In order to develop the tourism in Haputhale rural area should consider economic, socio-cultural, and environmental impacts with proper strategic bases on livelihood patterns in rural area. Key words — Tourism Development, Impacts of Tourism,Environmental in2pacts,Economic impacts, Socio-cultural impacts, Livelihood, Rural Livelihood,
Hospitality, Tourism and Events Management degree programme (HTE)