An Analyzing of Factors that Attract Tourist Guides and Their Job Satisfaction (With Reference to Southern Province Sri Lanka)

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Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka
This study seeks to determine the factors that attract tourist guides and their job satisfaction with reference to Southern province Sri Lanka. Job satisfaction is a significant thing of any professional worker in any type of industry in the world because that would be impacted to the personal life of them and quality of the product or service they offer as well. The research problem was why there is a different in job satisfaction of tourist guides work in the same industry and the objective of the study was to find the impact of attracting factors to the Job satisfaction of tourist guides. The 60 registered tourist guides those who are working in Southern province Sri Lanka were selected as the sample out of the population of 595 registered tourist guides in southern province by use Convenience sample technique. The data were collected and measured by five point likert scale method further more collected data were analyzed by using!uni variant (descriptive), bi variant and multi variant statistic. Overall output of Job 'Quality, Personnel preference and Skills & abilities positively impact to the job sa'I' isfaction but financial benefits, Local Tourism Industry and Limited option were negatively impact to the job satisfaction of registered tourist guides of Southern province of Sri Lanka.
Hospitality, tourism And Events Management Degree Programme