Job Satisfaction and Organizational Performance (With Special Performance to Public and Private Bank in Badulla Area)

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Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka
Job satisfaction is the terminology used to describe whether employees are happy and contented and fulfilled their desires and needs at work. This is most important for working environment to obtain great service from employees. Organizational performance also the most important criteria to measure the success of the organization by achieving their own goals, objectives, mission and vision. This research paper makes study about relationship between job satisfaction and organizational performance in banking sector. This study examines job satisfaction of 50 employees in Badulla. In addition to that to observe the significance between private banks and public bank regarding this job satisfaction and organizational performance was another aim of this research. Job satisfaction criteria hope to measure by using monetary benefits and non - monetary benefits. Promotions, Supervise, Appreciation of work, Training, Job security, Good working conditions, Communication and Health insurance benefits had used as indicators of these non - monetary benefits.
Entrepreneurship And Management Degree Programme