Implementation of ERP system in a change Management Context(A Study of Diversified Multinational Companies Listed in Colombo Stock Exchange)

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Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka
Change has turn into an unending event in businesses whereas Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software system integrates key business and management processes within and beyond a firm's boundary. As a consequence of that the importances of ERP system enhance dramatically and it grabs the management attention significantly. In that context the researcher finds out the relationship between Change Management and ERP implementation as well as the success factors which help to successful ERP implementation. In this study, an attempt has been made to study the implementation of ERP system in a Change Management context in Sri Lanka. For this study, six (06) listed diversified multinational companies listed in the Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) have been selected. The researcher finds out there is a significant relationship between Change Management and ERP implementation whereas Training and Education and Communication factors are impact strongly towards ERP implementation. The strong project management team, top management commitment, monitoring budget of the project, and vendor selecting should have to done carefully in order to achieve successful implementation. Therefore Change Management role has to play effectively throughout the process of ERP implementation.
Entrepreneurship And Management Degree Programme