Explorative Study on Determinants of Length of Stay of Asian Tourists in Sri Lanka

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Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka has been identified as a top tourism destination in the world by top famous magazines, websites and institute. Because of that, various type of tourists are visiting to the Sri Lanka. When compared to the tourist from all other regions, the Asians indicates a lower length of stay in the country. Therefore, this research objective is to identify the determinants of length of stay of Asians tourists who are visiting to the Sri Lanka, identifying relationship between travel characteristics, destination attributes and travel motive with tourists' length of stay, further this study directed to identify travel agencies contribution to extend the length of stay of Asian tourists in Sri Lanka. To achieve this objectives, primary data was collected using a structured questionnaires and interview. Data was collected from 150 tourists who had visited cultural triangle and 8 travel agencies who handle the Asian tourists. The data were analyzed by using both quantitative and qualitative methods. It was identified different socio demographics have different impact to the length of stay and there was a relationship between travel characteristics and destination attributes with length of stay of Asian tourists 'in Sri Lanka. Further, identified budget and free time were recognized as reason for low length of stay and suggested to improve tour packages, promotions and prices to increase the length of stay of Asian tourists' in Sri Lanka. Key Word: Length of Stay, Destination Management, Sri Lanka
Hospitality, Tourism and Events Management degree programme (HTE)