Industrial Information Technology Degree Programme (IIT)

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    System for A Disabled person to Operate A Computer
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2013) Wimalaguna, D.D.S.
    Being physically challenged is like a curse to a handicapped person that makes life miserable by making him dependent on others for basic survival. But thanks to the new advancements of new technology, even physically challenged individuals can now enjoy the life, and can contribute to the development process of the country. There are certain numbers of people who are having physical impairments from the birth. Apart from them we should keep in mind that considerable number of soldiers who fought for the country is also experiencing this situation. Even though they are physically handicapped, mentally they also are human beings like us. The world today is largely dependent on computers. Therefore not being aware, of the tricks of this trade is bound to make a person feel left out. In developed countries, the situation is totally deferent comparing to countries like Sri Lanka, as they use expensive assistive devices to help with those people. It leads us to find an appropriate solution for this issue minimizing the cost of system, but achieving the same benefits. The output of my project will be very useful equipment in the medical field as it allows the person to operate a computer and do whatever they want independently. From the start command to the switch off command the system will be totally controlled by voice commands. The mouse pointer will be controlled using eye movements. In that case, we are planning to use image processing technology.
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    Web and Mobile Based Mutual Business Environment (Shopping System)
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2013) Weerasinghe, W.R.
    This is a web based and android application based project. Sometimes it is difficult to find sellers who are involved in unique products. In this context, he can use this website to find a seller matching his search criteria. Also this is an opportunity for such sellers to obtain publicity. In the meantime, a sales person engaged in this area can look for a new opportunity by contacting the seller. There are no any systems for mutual business environment in Sri Lanka. In my system provide website and mobile application help for give solution for this problem for Sri Lankan business environment. This system considers about three of views like customers, sales managers and shop owners in business environment. And build good integration. A website requires attractive design and proper arrangement of links and images, which enables a browser to easily interpret and access the properties of the site. Hence it provides the browser with adequate information and functionality about the organization, community, network etc. Mobile application helps to sales managers for contact a published shop in order to sell his items. Also they can create a collection of details. The web site has been developed using php, HTML, jquery, java script and MySQL for database connectivity. Mobile application follows with android and SQLite for database connectivity.
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    Controlling Windows Media Player with Hand Signals
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2013) Pavithrani, M.W.K.M.
    In this paper, a real-time Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) based on the hand gesture recognition is proposed. HCI is moving more and more natural and intuitive way to be used. One of the important parts of our body is our hand which is most frequently used for the Interaction in Digital Environment and thus complexity and flexibility of motion of hands are the research topics. And in this paper about applying this concept for Windows Media Player that is the most fervently use player. It is very comfortable to have hand signal control system for Windows Media Player .Because it is an application frequently that use in day-to-day Life. The results show that hand gesture recondition used for interaction is better than normal static keyboard as the interaction process is more accurate and natural in dynamic environment with no distance limitations. Also it enhances the user's interaction and immersion feeling. Virtual environments have always been considered as a means for more visceral and efficient human computer interaction by a diversified range of applications. Evolution of ubiquitous computing, current user interaction approaches with keyboard, mouse and pen are not sufficient for the still widening spectrum of Human computer interaction. Gloves and sensor based trackers are unwieldy, constraining and uncomfortable to use. Due to the limitation of these devices the useable command set based diligences is also limited. Direct use of hands as an input device is an innovative method for providing natural Human Computer Interaction The research effort centralizes on the efforts of implementing an application that employs computer vision algorithms and gesture recognition techniques base on skin colors and shape which in turn results in developing a low cost interface device for interacting with computer using hand gestures technique for Windows Media Player.
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    Online Travelling Plan and Service System
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2013) Wanigasuriya, L.T.
    Nowadays, available existing websites in tourism industry. Those are providing basic services only. And there are arranged packages available in the web site. But travelers cannot decide on their tour as they wish. So there is no way for them to know the cost for their selected package because some people cheat the travelers. Then it brings ill-fame to the country. As a result of it, foreigners get a bad image of the country. Most travelers would like to watch some places and get broad knowledge about them. They want to know about languages, communities, cultures, religions. But most guides would provide incorrect information of they do not know about the value and importance of these places. And small scale business, local producers, religious places and functions have low concentration in the tourism sector. As a solution they can be advertised via this web site. Before travelers come to Sri Lanka, they could get a wide knowledge about the country via the website. As well, they can plan their destination as they wish. At the same time, through this website it is expected to increase the Grand National Product, attract a bigger number of tourists to Sri Lanka, and help small scale business and popularize Sri Lanka among other countries.
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    Decision Support System for Southern Highway Gates
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2013) Upeksha, G.N.
    Presently Sri Lanka has been recognized as a country with a rapid development in many sectors as economy, transportation, healthcare, education, etc. Therefore, transportation plays a main role of the development of the economy as well as the quality of lives of the citizens. As a result of that the first express way was born in year 2011 as Southern Highway. Since the express way concept is new to our transportation culture, it has identified several problems which affect to the efficiency of the highway and caused to limit the advantages of the highway. According to the current system the payments and suitability confirmation of a vehicle have to be done manually at the existing gates which may cause for the long vehicle queues at highway entrances. It is a major problem which reduces the efficiency of the road and increases the fuel wastage causing the environmental pollution as well. This project proposes a computerized automated decision support system for all the main functionalities while proposing a criterion to maintain the roadworthiness of the vehicle by performing a Suitability Test. The commuters will be facilitated with an online payment service which is one of the major parts of the project. A desktop application is used for acquiring the vehicle details with the help of image processing techniques. The system maintains a loyalty client category so that they are provided over drafts with predefined limits in case of lack of credits while travelling. When a particular driver on his way on the highway, before he reach to the exiting gate he can recharge his own account just by sending a SMS. The Decision Support System provides several benefits to the drivers including all the road users, the national economy and the environment. System avoids unnecessary queues and delays at the gates which causes to a pleasant drive for the drivers. Therefore, stressfulness of the drivers is minimized and it resultants to prevent road accidents.
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    Online Event Management System for an Organization
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2013) Tharmathas, T.M.
    Large number of companies organizes events on a regular basis. The way in which an organization deals with events is known as Event Management. It may include the organization's objectives for managing events, assigned roles and responsibilities, ownership of tools and processes, critical success factors, standards, and event-handling procedures. The linkages between the administration and various departments within the organization required to handle events and the flow of the information between them is the focus of event management .As a result event management is considered one of the strategic marketing and communication tools by companies of all sizes. An effective means of planning the entire course of event and scheduling the activities reduces inconsistency, wasting time, resources and monetary loss etc. Online Event Management System with its unrivaled features allows you to plan and organize events, manage the registrations and reports in an easy to use interface. Online Event management System is a perfect event management tool for an organization or an enterprise to organize and execute the events flawlessly. Online Event Management System automates event planning and scheduling activity by serving as a central place wherein the staff or outside invitees can look for various events and register to participate in the event. It is an ideal solution for organizations to plan an event, schedule the course of event, invite participants & trainers, analyze the registrations, monitor the expenses & payments and generate relevant reports.
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    Restaurant Picker
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2013) Sudarika, A.V.G.T.
    Due to the globalization virtual markets have been rapidly developed. Due to this reason most business organization pays attention to sell products online. Because it's cost effective and they can promote their business through worldwide. Through the web they can address a wide area of customers. Currently in Sri Lanka there are no facilities which provide information about Restaurants via the mobile phone and Restaurant owners can update their feature through the website. The project looks at solving these issues by proposing both a business as well as an IT solution. Restaurant Picker project helps customer to select the Restaurants through his or her phone. Not only that but also registered Restaurant owner can promote their business through the website. Restaurant owners can promote their restaurants by registering their restaurants in the web site and they can insert, edit, and delete menu details and promotions. Mobile users able to find all the registered restaurants in the web site and they will be able to find their menus promotions and location via the mobile. Though business organization (Restaurants) promote their facility through the website most people won't able to know about that because of their busy life style. In this situation if they can use their mobile phone to gain the information about Restaurants it's very useful and both customer and business organization.
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    After Sales service Management System
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2013) Siriwardhane, D.H.L.
    Human resource is the most valuable resource in the world. In other hand it's very difficult to handle not just as the other resources. For a business it can be affects in two ways. Those two ways are Employees and Customers. According to this project business organization will be able to manage it in a kind of way. This project will be addressing the business problem with business solution plus IT solution. When consider about the Employees as one part of human resource they should be fully motivated and enthusiastic to do their job. Otherwise they get fed up in their own jobs and they will not try gain for the business. The one way of motivating employees is giving incentives but increasing their salary and keeping too much employees in the organization is extra cost for them. Then consider about customers they are the most important part of the modern business. Customer satisfaction is very much necessary to face for the competition and its leads to customer retention with the business. Otherwise to acquire new customers business organizations have cost more on it. One kind of customer retention technique is giving them a good after sales service. For do that business organization should be well prepared and be ready to serve them. Therefore they need good after sales service force within their organization. Most of the companies unable to balance these two part of human beings. So this project will be helped to keep a good service force while minimizing the operating cost and increasing the customer satisfaction by giving them most reliable, fastest and secured service with very convenience way.
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    Effective Tax Collection System for The Inland Revenue Department of Sri Lanka
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2013) Ruparathna, H.G.N.M.
    The Inland Revenue Department of Sri Lanka is a leading government institute in Sri Lanka. The main role of the institution is collecting taxes representing the government. It is controlled by the Ministry of Finance and Planning. The department's head office is in Colombo 2. The data of the department is handled by the computer development unit. There are not any separate information systems for these branches. There is an increasing request from the government to collect much revenue from taxes to face the increasing financial problems experienced by the country. So the Inland Revenue Department has to collect tax from registered tax payers effectively. The registration process of new tax payers completely depends on the availability of tax-information and easy tax payment system. In such a situation the department has to have an enhanced tax payments collection system and an efficient way of handling tax-information. This project provides a web-based system, which has a facility to make online payments by the registered tax payers which introduced to solve above problem. Further it will maintain a strong relationship with its registered members by sending the details and updates quickly. Along the path towards the web based system from existing system it decided to achieve efficient and effective revenue collection process and reports generation process from the data gathered. After completing the analysis and design, implementation, evaluation and testing this web based system can be established to make effective tax collection process in Sri Lanka. Ultimately it will be add values to national resource base by increasing the life status of all citizens as this cause to increase the tax revenue of the country.
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    Drugs Indicater and Pharmacy Management System
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2013) Rohana, P.G.M.
    Giving incorrect drugs from the pharmacist is a considerable problem in modern society. Numbers of patients were death and large numbers of patients were disabled due to wrong drugs given by pharmacists. Inability to identify right drugs is the main problem. Sometimes expire dates are clearly mentioned in the containers. Therefore pharmacist will issue expired drugs to the customers. Next issue is time wasting to select correct drugs. Since it is difficulty identify the relevant stores for drugs. Thus customers need to wait until pharmacist select the drug from the exact rack or location. Main objective of this project is to provide a solution for mentioned problems above by providing a technology based solution. This consists of hardware based solution and a software based solution. This gives physical indication for the drugs stored in the pharmacy. Programmed Techduino (clone of arduino) will detect correct path to the drugs by using application given binary value. And proposed application is giving managing facility for pharmacist to regulate day to day activities like remove expired drugs, drugs re-order alerts, stock details, and several reports. This desertion will be exposed more detail about issues, how those issues handle, structure of the project, and environmental context of the project.
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    Online Shopping Complex and Supplier Service (E-Plazza)
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2013) Ranaweera, H.N.K.P.
    With the understanding of the current situation of the shopping complex systems and the all other manual system in the world, there is an opportunity to insert some user friendly, easy usage and less cost system which we can be mainly suitable for Sri Lankan context. In today's context the online shopping & advertising has grown extraordinary since the spread of usage of the Internet. Hence electronic commerce or e-commerce, buying and selling products or services over the Internet and other computer networks plays a major role in today's business world. Simply this system has two modules; those are client view module and Admin module. In the client view, customer can register with the system and can select their products and put them in the shopping cart. Finally customer can place an order which had included in the shopping cart. And all the data was stored using Mysql databases. Other module of the system is "admin view". This is the basic controlling phase or the back end of the project. By using this admin can add category, add products, add vendors, confirm order, reject order and view any detail. In here all the validation done by using jquery. Other than that entire project is based on PHP, Javascrip and Ajax for development. When consider the software architecture model of the system, it consist PHP client layer (customer and admin) and data base layer which store all the data getting from the front view. When consider the testing and evaluation part, I had done some test user registration and insert some test data to get the expected results. Test all the function and module which interact with the system. Finally within this project I had achieved all the objectives and tasks. It can be developed for future with some functionality for business activities.
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    Web Based Solid Waste Management System
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2013) Rajakaruna, S.M.
    With the development of human societies, urbanized areas have become much more vast and complex than the past decades. In parallel to the expansion of the urban areas, disposal waste has increased in large quantities. Solid waste management has become challengeable and tends to be a failure in many occasions, providing displeased environment to the society, such as surface water contamination, pollution, soil contamination and reduction of municipal wellbeing etc. Having poor management of disposal waste has cost many social and financial losses for the related authorities. Web based solid waste management is focusing on solving the existing problem by implementing a virtual business transformation through this solution. For the success of this project a comprehensive requirement gathering was carried out in order to identify the factors which will be needed to design the solution. And have identified the poor waste management is a result of poor information acquisition regarding disposable waste and poor planning of selecting routes to collect waste in urban areas. This solution has designed and developed basically based on the above assumptions. This web based solution will able to fill the gap of poor waste management in urban areas by providing relevant information for the related authorities.
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    Project Related Task Handling system for A Software Company
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2013) Rajakaruna, A.K.
    By considering the large scale organization they have large number of tasks to achieve. Hence project manager or superior level management always has to close to their subordinates and it is difficult to do. Since large number of subordinates are difficult to manage. And also when we consider the organization hierarchy from top to bottom it is difficult to manage and it is time wasting. It slows the organization growth, decreases the employees' efficiency and effectiveness. This project looks at solving these issues by proposing an effective system. Any software company can use this task handling system. Before use this system company has to register first. Company can register their employees, create projects, create tasks, assign tasks for employees, divide main task into sub tasks and view those tasks, and also employees can add comment relevant to their assigned tasks. Through this task handling system senior level management can know whether their subordinates will able to fulfill that given task within given period of time. Since in this system there are four various colored symbols. Symbols emphasize at what stage projects are currently in. This task handling system evaluates the progress of the each project by generating progress bar. It will help to managerial level to get decision on time. Furthermore it will increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the company. Company can achieve high growth.
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    Effective Online Passenger Transportation Service System
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2013) Priyadarshani, G.S.
    The Online Passenger Transportation Service System is a web-based application that allows passengers check seat availability, buy bus ticket and pay the bus ticket online. This system is established for all the passengers after gaining access from the administrator. Chapter I is Introduction. It describes the project background, motivation, goals, and achievements in brief, and structure of dissertation. Chapter His Literature Review and. Chapter III is methodology. It describes thetechnology and approach. Chapter IV is includes details about the design. It describes the functionality of the application. Chapter V is includes images of implementation of my application. Testing & Evaluation part is includes in Chapter VI. It concerns with existing systems, then using the information gathered to define the requirements for a new system. Future works were included in Chapter VII. This project is aimed at developing an online seat reservation system for a bus. The Passenger Transportation Service System is an Internet based application that can be accessed throughout the Net and can be accessed by anyone who has a net connection. This application will automate the reservation of tickets.
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    Price Comparing System for Airlines Reservation
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2013) Priyadarshani, G.A.P.S.
    Now a day in this busy world, information technology and the internet facilities has been developed. With those developments, people are tending to use the internet facilities for their day to day activities to make them convenient and efficient. Therefore now a day, online shopping, e-ticket bookings are become more popular among people in all over the world as well as in the business world. Online ticket booking for flights are one of popular activity that is done in the internet. Although more web sites are available for compare the prices of the airlines available, there are some drawbacks of those web sites. Some are inefficient due to the use of databases of those airline companies, and they are not time effective and consumes much time of users thus make them inconvenient. Some web sites display the prices of the flights with the including of a profit rate for them. Therefore the users are unable to get the real price of the flight. This proposed system is time efficient and provide the real time results to the users as it has developed in web mining technology. Using PHP server side language, this system has been developed with the support of PHP Curl library. The system sends the requests to the different airline web sites and retrieves the results from the web sites through curl function. Then after analyzing and comparing the prices, the results are displayed to the user. The system provides real time information as it has developed in web mining technology. As well as, the user has the facility to know the real prices of the flights, as any profit rates are not included in the prices and show only the real prices. Also the airline organizations can maintain their secure details as the system not require the databases of those organizations.
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    Inventory Intermediate system (Customer Order Details)
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2013) Prajeevf, K.
    In the rapidly changing present industrial world saving time and travelling have become two major challenges for most industrialist, entrepreneurs and customers. In that concern today shopping has become more over through the internet; although this saves time it is doubtable whether it is really useful when you are on a journey. There are a lot of websites available today to purchase online, but not all websites are viewable through a mobile phone and even some phones do not have internet access, in terms of mobile phones finding solutions for the above mentioned problems is very critical. Having options to search and purchase products through your mobile will give a distinct advantage to travelers in terms of saving time, As mobiles are handheld devices including such applications is very effective. Especially when people travel, finding the exact and the proper place to get their required items has been difficult with the time factor, with hundreds of thousands of shops lying beside the streets choosing the exact, money worth products is very important, In the meanwhile it should be in the convenient distance. In contemporary there are no proper base to connect buyers and sellers. Creating such platforms is very essential. As a solution we are introducing the all new Inventory intermediate systemfor this problem. Inventory intermediate systemwill guide a person to save his time on searching products and will help most travelers to experience quality shopping.
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    Price Comparing application for Android Mobile Users
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2013) Pilapitiya, H.M.O.A.
    With the technology development most of the people use electrical items for their day to day activities. Mobile phone is the most use electrical item. Every person use smart phone now. Shopping is an intrinsic part of everyday life. The purpose of creating price comparison application is to efficiently manage time and money while shopping and not forget something important to buy. This application includes electrical items like mobile phones, oven, refrigerator, etc. With the advent of the mobile phone era and the frequent use of mobile apps to perform everyday tasks, the trend to use apps for creating and managing shopping lists is becoming more popular by the ,:ay. This application is fetch data like price, model, etc. from the different seller's web sites and parse those data to the android application by using web services. For the development of this application used android technology and PHP cURL library mainly. By using DOMDocument, Xpath extract data from different seller's web sites. For the web service used PHP language and data transferred by using JSON arrays. By using this application users can identify the lowest price providers in Sri Lanka and information about them.
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    Web Base Process Automation Application for Online Employment Market
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2013) Perera, W.H.V.S.
    The global information networks lead us to an information era where we presently live. In this information era, most valuable resource is known as information. Information technology always stays up to date and developing rapidly therefore it plays a vital role as a business driver not only that but also as a competitive weapon in the business world as the information technology can impact on the organization structure, business process and its people and many more other ways. The business organizations without employees cannot be consisting. Therefore, the organizations need employees with adequate qualification for compete and survive in the industry. Therefore the traditional recruitments methods are not always most effective and efficiency when we look in technological aspect. Because of the rapidly developing world, organizations must ready to face any risk and be up to date with confidence in order to face the strategic and developing environment. Therefore human Resource will be vital to a business organization to carry down there business process. The traditional job hiring method causetime wastage as the recruitment cycle has done manually, the paper documents can be misplaced, response time increase and high cost etc. This Web Based Process Automation Application for Online Employment Market provides an innovative system as a recruitment facilitator for job seekers as well as for organizations. The system collects curriculum Vitas from candidates for new jobs and market them to companies. All these process will conduct without human interaction. The system is mainly web-based system that automates the current CV handling. Web based solution is developed with user-friendly way for convenience for the both candidates and organizations. The system is cost effective, save recruitment cycle time, increase the response rate and quality response and allow organizations to find candidates with adequate qualifications in a short time period. Finally, this system expects more effective recruitment system than traditional approach with key benefits that describes above.
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    Bank Management System
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2013) Niroshani, D.G.T.
    In the recent years, computers are included in almost all kind of works and jobs everyone come across in the routine. The availability of the software's for almost every process or every system has taken the world in its top-gear and fastens the day-to-day life. Therefore, I have tried to develop the software program for the Bank Management System where all the tasks to manage the bank system are performed easily and efficiently. It manages all the transactions like new account entry, deposit as well as withdraw entry, loan entry, pawn entry, payroll entry, etc. Thus, above features of this software will save transaction time and therefore increase the efficiency of the system. The Rural Bank uses Manual system, and maintains their records, however it is not possible them to handle the data from multiple system in multi user environment, there is lot of duplicate work, and chance of mistake. When the records are changed they need to update. There is no option to find and print previous saved records. There is no security; anybody can access any report and sensitive data, also no reports to summary report. This Bank Management System is used to overcome the entire problem which they are facing currently, and making complete atomization of manual system to computerized system. The "BANK SYSTEM" undertaken as a project is relevant technologies. The main aim of this project is to develop software for bank system. This project is to develop software for bank system. This project developed to carry out the processes easily and quickly, which is not possible with the systems, which are overcome by this software. This project is developed using java language.
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    Web Based Property Reservation System
    (Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2013) Niranjika, L.G.H.U.
    Property is which is had by or belongs to/with something, whether as an attribute or a component. It may be a house, land, apal tment, restaurant etc. If a user needs to buy or rent a property need to be search through by contacts, reading newspaper, agents and browsing web sites until it match with their requirements with the property. It may takes ages of time to search. Here my project concern about the web sites which user going to search through the interne. He or she need to search thousand of web sites and millions of web pages for it. It is address the following issues. Difficulty of analysis and traditionally user consume more time to find out a property. Interactive web-based property reservation system which is responsible for carryout to manage reservation for property. Adobe photoshop, Adobe dreamviewer and wamp server are the technologies and also PHP curl library, HTTPFOX addon, firebug addon and PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser are also used the solve the problem. These tools extract the data from the HTML page and give the output as filtered. With this property reservation web site user can enter their specification. When they click search button it will match those requirements with five property web sites. This web mining read those web sites and give the similar specification properties as output. That output may redirect to the relevant property web site. Web based property reservation system make the users convenient and time efficient by avoiding the visiting of different property websites separately. Matching the user requirement by giving enhance searching experience and gives vast selection of properties in order to get the best fit decision for user needs can be done through this project.