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Item Abundance and Diversity of Valithondal Coral Reef in Jaffna Penisular and Current Impacts(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2016) Raveendrakumar, N.Coral reefs are one of the most important marine habitats in shallow tropical seas. However, there are no proper scientific records on the status of the Valithondal coral reef in Northern, Sri Lanka. Therefore, the present study was carried out to identify the abundance and diversity of Valithondal coral reef at Northern coastal waters of Sri Lanka from January 2021 to May 2021. Coral Video Transects (CVT) method was carried out for sampling at the selected location assigned by the criteria of the species abundance and water clearance where water depth less than 5m by snorkeling over 100m transect lines, which covered 10m x 100m area. Altogether 69 macro-species were recorded comprising twenty-three species of hard corals, seven species of soft corals, nine species of green seaweeds, seven species of brown seaweeds, five species of red seaweeds, thirteen species of fishes, and five species of mollusks. Species richness, Shannon-H index, and Simpson's diversity index were 29, 3.113, and 0.9428 respectively. Comparatively, a medium diversity of coral families was recorded. Families Faviidae, Merulinidae, Acroporidae, Montastraeidae, Pocilloporidae, Leptastrea, and Poritidae are the hard corals. There is one soft corals under the family Alcyonidae. Green brown, and red seaweed species were identified under three, two, and three families respectively. The families of the green seaweeds were Caulerpaceae, Halimedaceae, and Ulvaceae, brown seaweeds were Dictyotacea and Sargassaceae, and red seaweeds were Liagoraceae, Gracilariaceae, and Halymeniaceae. Identified fishes were included under six families; Chaetodontidae, Lutjanidae, Pomacentridae, Serranidae, and Haemulidae while molluscs are included in five families which are Buccinidae, Terebridae, Trochidae, and Muricidae. The highest species diversity was observed in the family Merulinidae (12.72%), Caulerpaceae (10.90%), and Alcyonidae (7.27%) and followed by Chaetodontidae (5.45%). The most abundant species were Acropora cytherea and Porites lobata in hard coral species, which is contributed to reef recovery in Sri Lanka. The other high abundant species are Lobopyton sp. and Sinularia sp. in soft coral species, Caulerpa lentilliferca, Caulerpa parvula, Canistrocarpus crispatus, Padina boergesenii and Halyrnenia durvillei in seaweed species, Chaetodontidae and Pomacentridae in fish species. The results highlighted that the high biodiversity and abundance of macro-species recorded in the Valithondal coastal waters, which would be protected by forcing effective management practices. Further studies are also needed to the sustainabilitlf of the coral reef ecosystem. Keywords: Corals; diversity indices; hard coral; macro-species; molluscs; seaweeds; soft coralItem Abundance and Diversity of Ichthyoplankton in the West Coast of Sri Lanka, from Kelani River Estuary to Maha Oya Estuary(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2014) Silva, A.P.R.Fundamental understanding of fish resources has become an urgent need in Sri Lanka for the sustainable management of fish stocks. A preliminary study was carried out with the aim to find the abundance, distribution and diversity of ichthyoplankton in the west coast. Samples were collected in five stations bordering Kelani river estuary, Negombo lagoon and Maha Oya estuary in the west coast. A horizontal surface sample and a vertical sample were collected from each station using Working Party 2 (WP2) plankton net (180 wn mesh size) for three months in 2018: March, September and October. Fish eggs and larvae were separated and identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level under the stereo microscope using the standard keys. A total of 4095 fish eggs from which 3 families: Clupeidae, Engraulidae and Cynoglossidae were able to identify. And 465 fish larvae belonged to 23 families from which 19 were demersal. The 5 most abundant larval families recorded from the study site were Siganidae (30%), Blenniidae (28%), Clupeidae (7%), Gobiidae (5%) and Engraulidae (4%). An average abundance of 8.772 /m3 eggs and 0.996 /m3 larvae were recorded. The results of one-way ANOVA revealed that the spatial variation of larval abundance was significant (P<0.05). The highest abundance of fish eggs was found at station three (22.158 /m3 in vertical sample and 13.934 /m3 in horizontal surface sample). Further, egg abundance was found to be highest in March. Highest larval abundance (1.196 /m3 in vertical sample and 2.537 /m3 in horizontal surface sample), number of families (19), Simpson index (0.261), richness (8.584) and dominance (0.755) were recorded at station four which is located adjacent to Negombo lagoon mouth and Maha Oya estuary. This study infers that there is a high pelagic and demersal fish diversity and abundance in the west coast of Sri Lanka. Since this is a preliminary study, comprehensive studies on the spatial and temporal variation of abundance and diversity of ichthyoplankton in Sri Lankan waters are recommended. Keywords: Ichthyoplankton, Fish Larvae, Fish Eggs, West coast, Sri LankaItem ACUTE TOXIC EFFECTS OF DIAZINON AND ETOFENPROX ON ZEBRAFISH (Danio rerio) EMBRYOS(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2016) WIJETHUNGA, K.A.N.L.Pesticides severely affect the balance in biodiversity, but are used worldwide for agriculture to control pests. The effect of this on the life in water bodies has been poorly investigated. The present study investigated the acute toxicity of two widely used pesticides; Diazinon (C12H21N203PS) and Etofenprox (C25H2803) on zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos, since the sensitivity of toxicology testing of zebrafish reveals the permissible limits in toxicants to the ecosystem. Fertilized zebrafish embryos were exposed to a series of concentrations of pesticides (below 100 mg L-1 for Etofenprox and below 10 mg LI for Diazinon) which was prepared according to the results of the range finding test. Deionized water was used as an internal plate control and negative control whilst 15% ethanol was used as positive control. Four apical observations of coagulation of fertilized eggs, lack of somite formation, lack of detachment of the tail bud from the yolk sac and lack of heartbeat at 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours were recorded as an indicator for lethality according to OECD / OCED 236; guideline for the test of chemicals, Fish Embryo Acute Toxicity (FET) test. Results indicated that the median lethal concentration (LC50) of Diazinon and Etofenprox at 96 hours for zebrafish embryos were 1.975 mg 1:1 and 4.800 mg L-1 respectively. Shrinkage of chorion, growth retardation, lack of tail formation, yolk sac edema, hemorrhages, pericardial edema, lack of pigmentation were most potential sub lethal and teratogenic deformities in treated embryos with Diazinon and Etofenprox. An increasing trend of mortality rate with the pesticide concentration and the decreasing trend of LC50 with the exposure time were observed in the present study. Results revealed that exposing zebrafish embryos to minor concentrations of Diazinon (1.975 mg 1:1) and of Etofenprox (4.800 mg L-1) can directly affect the survival and embryonic development of zebrafish, it can be used as a cost effective method to assess the hazard potential of pesticides in aquatic bodies. Keywords: LC50, Toxicology, Sub lethal, DeformitiesItem Adoption of Information Technology Adoption with Suppliers and its Impact on Performance in Travel Agency (with Special Reference to Travel Agencies in Colombo District)(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2018) Fernando, W.A.C.Sri Lankan tourism sector has been identified as one of the key sector enhancing the country's economic growth. Across the industries, firms have adopted e-business initiatives to better manage their internal business processed as well as their interfaces with the environment. E-business can be described as online presences of business. With the development of the technology, travel and tourism industry has also been changed. Most of tourists are getting towards online methods and this is creating a competitive environment to the traditional travel agencies. It is important for travel agencies to maintaining a better relationship with suppliers to deliver a quality service to the customers. Hence, the main purpose of this study is to examine and test a moderating effect of supplier relationship quality which integrate the Information Technology (IT) with suppliers (i.e. e- procurement and e-communication) and operational performance in the context of the SME travel agency with special reference to Colombo District. And also, this model was focused to identify the IT adoption level of SME travel agency's operations, to examine the relationship with between IT adoption and operational performance and to identify the IT adoption impact on operational performance in SME travel agencies. Primary data was collected from the sample of 72 SME travel agencies in Colombo district registered under Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority and random sampling method was adopted to find the respondents. Hence, descriptive analysis, Pearson correlation and coefficient, multiple regression analysis were used to analyze data and Adrew Hayes process macro was utilized to identify the moderation role of selected variables. Researck finding indicated that e-procurement and e-communication have a positive relatiOnship with operational performance. Further, e-procurement significantly and positively influences on operational performance while there is no significant effect found between e- communication and operational performance. Furthermore, supplier relationship quality moderates the effect with the e-procurement and operational performance of SME travel agencies. As per the results it has suggested that, even IT adoption of SME travel agencies are in a considerable level, furthermore traditional travel agencies should develop their IT practices with the suppliers and strengthen the relationship quality with suppliers to survive in the travel and tourism industry. Keywords: IT adoption, e-business, operational performance, e-procurement, e- communication, supplier relationship quality, Small and Medium Enterprises (SME)Item Adoption of Machinery in Tea Cultivation and Management by Tea Small Holders in Kalutara District(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2017) Karunathilaka, U.M.Use of machinery is a vital investment to enhance the productivity and overall performance of the tea industry. It is considered to be a better solution for the problems of labor shortage and high cost of production. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors affecting the adoption level of machinery. This study was conducted using 154 tea small holders in Kalutara district. The sample for the research study was selected using multistage sampling technique. Data were collected using structured questionnaire and interviewing the tea small holders at their residences. Dara were analyzed descriptively and using regression models. According to the results of the descriptive analysis, overall adoption level is 12.73%. Small holders have higher adoption regarding pruning machine (29.22%) and TRI selective tea harvester (20.13%) while lower adoption on Holing machine (7.14%), Fuel operated plucking machine (5.19%) and Battery operated plucking machine (1.95%).The tobit regression analysis revealed that Farming experience, Gender, use of Family labor, Information by TM, Owned land and Yield positively affect the adoption level while Educational level of the fanner, Age of the farmer and Time spending in the tea land negatively affect the adoption level of machinery. Therefore, more attention should be given on these significant variables for find the appropriate strategies for increasing the adoption level on machinery by tea small holders in the study area. Awareness programs on machineries should be arranged frequently to improve the knowledge and awareness of the tea small holders in Kalutara district. Key words: Adoption level of machineries, Tea small holding sector, Plucking machines, Pruning machine, Holing machineItem Adsorption of Lead (Ii) Ions Using Chemically Modified Banana Stem Fibers as a Low Cost Adsorbent(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2017) Shakoor, I.F.Sorption of Lead (II) ions from aqueous solution on to banana stem fibers modified with citric acid treatment were investigated with respect to pH, contact time, initial metal ion concentration, adsorbent dosage, agitation speed and particle size which are the factors that affect the adsorptive capacity. Effects of different citric acid concentrations on the modification of banana stem fibers were also determined in this study. Adsorption was found to be effective, which was 99.5% at an optimum pH of 4.5, where, the initial concentration used was 2 ppm. It took 90 minutes of contact time to achieve equilibrium with an effective agitation speed of 180 rpm. The effective particle size and the adsorbent dosage were found to be below 63 um and 3.0 g respectively. Citric acid concentration used in the modification was also found to be an important factor which affects the adsorption capacity. Final Lead (II) ions concentrations were measured by using Atomic adsorption spectrophotometer. FT-IR analysis showed that banana stem fibers consist of functional groups such as hydroxyl and carboxylic groups which play a major role in the adsorption process. It was observed that with the citric acid modification the peaks' intensity was a little higher compared to that of unmodified banana stem fibers. Langmuir isotherm model fitted well with the results obtained with a R2 value of 0.992 and qmax of 20.12 mg g-1, while Freundlich isotherm model did not describe the process well. Regeneration capability of used banana stem fibers for the re-utilization was found out to 'be very effective under desorption studies carried out where, HC1 concentration was kept constant while varying the contact time. The optimum desorption results obtained was approximately 85% in 90 minutes of contact time in 0.1 M HC1. The results obtained from the study suggests that banana stem fibers modified with citric acid can be used as an effective low cost, eco-friendly adsorbent for the removal of Lead (II) ions from aqueous solution compared to unmodified banana stem fibers.Item Adsorptive Removal of Ferrous Ion from Aqueous Solution Using Natural Ferrihydrite(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2012) Mohamed, A.M.A.Total iron in water is one of major aesthetic problems due to its unpleasant taste, smell and rusty appearance. Iron mainly occurs as ferrous Fe (II) or ferric Fe (III). Fe (II) is soluble and Fe (III) is insoluble and occurs as colloids, in this work we consider all irons in solution phase. Aeration, ion exchanging and adsorption methods are the widely used to remove iron. The adsorption process has many advantages such as low cost of adsorbent, utilization of industrial, biological and domestic waste as adsorbents, low operational cost, ease of operation compared to other processes, capacity of removing heavy metal ions over wide range of pH and to a much lower level, environmentally friendly and cost effective. In this research ferrihydrite is used as a starting material to remove excess iron in potable waters. This method has several advantages; the material is readily available, and can be generated in their presence of excess iron in solution and it is environmentally benign. The major process we are interested is the sorption. Ferrihydrite (Fe5H08.4H20), a poorly crystalline meta stable mineral which is a precursor to the more stable iron oxides such as goethite and hematite. It is commonly formed by rapid oxidation of Fe (II) containing solutions followed by hydrolysis in the presence of crystallization inhibitors (Schwertmann, 1982). One of the most significant roles of ferrihydrite is as an adsorbent for various trace elements due to its coordination-unsaturated surface sites, large surface area, strong adsorptive effects, and high adsorption capacity. In this study, a series of batch laboratory experiments were conducted in order to investigate the feasibility of natural ferrihydrite for the removal of iron, Fe (II) from aqueous solution by the adsorption process. Investigation was carried out by studying the influence of initial solution pH, contact time, adsorbent dosage and initial concentration of iron. All batch experiments were carried out at a constant temperature of 25°C using magnetic stirrer that operated at 120 rpm. The findings indicate that the possibility of applying natural ferrihydrite as an adsorbent to remove ferrous ion with the approximate removal percentage of 99%.Item The Affiliation Between Marketing Mix Variables and Tea Purchase Intention in Local Retail Market with Special Reference to Western Province, Sri Lanka(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) Lunuwila, H.L.D.T.The tea sector has the potential to contribute considerably to the economic development of Sri Lanka. The production and manufacturing of black tea are of higher importance in this regard. Moreover, in a competitive market arena, the way the product is presented to the customer is also noteworthy. The study of people's behavior in purchasing tea was examined by the researcher as to the relationship in the marketing mix variables. The marketing mix is tied up with every product. Although the question is how marketing mix influences on purchase intention of black tea consumers in the local market. This research paper proposes a framework of the influence on purchase intention of black tea consumers. This research is conducted to show the relationship between the marketing mix, socioeconomic status, and purchase intention of black tea consumers. However, in this study, a detailed analysis of the intention of purchasing tea in Sri Lanka was presented. This research also provided an overview and suggestions on the use of the marketing mix (4Ps) strategies. The research analysis is based on 300 supermarket customer responses that were collected from October 2019 November 2019 by those who consumed black tea in the western province. Appropriate supermarkets were selected using the judgmental sampling technique while consumers were taken using the convenient sampling technique. Primary data were collected by administrated structured questionnaire among the respondents in the sample. The results have been collected from the questionnaires done by the people who consumed black tea in the western province. Moreover, new product launches, business firms, and existing and potential marketers can increase more effectiveness of consumer expectations, increase customer base and grow the business in the tea production industry using marketing strategies to satisfy customer needs and wants. Keywords: Black Tea, Buyer Decision Making, Marketing Mix, Purchase Amount, Purchase IntentionItem After Sales service Management System(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2013) Siriwardhane, D.H.L.Human resource is the most valuable resource in the world. In other hand it's very difficult to handle not just as the other resources. For a business it can be affects in two ways. Those two ways are Employees and Customers. According to this project business organization will be able to manage it in a kind of way. This project will be addressing the business problem with business solution plus IT solution. When consider about the Employees as one part of human resource they should be fully motivated and enthusiastic to do their job. Otherwise they get fed up in their own jobs and they will not try gain for the business. The one way of motivating employees is giving incentives but increasing their salary and keeping too much employees in the organization is extra cost for them. Then consider about customers they are the most important part of the modern business. Customer satisfaction is very much necessary to face for the competition and its leads to customer retention with the business. Otherwise to acquire new customers business organizations have cost more on it. One kind of customer retention technique is giving them a good after sales service. For do that business organization should be well prepared and be ready to serve them. Therefore they need good after sales service force within their organization. Most of the companies unable to balance these two part of human beings. So this project will be helped to keep a good service force while minimizing the operating cost and increasing the customer satisfaction by giving them most reliable, fastest and secured service with very convenience way.Item Allelopathic Effect of Weeds Extracts on Growth and Yield of Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicam L.)(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2014) Ranaweera, R.A.T.L.The weeds are used as mulch, green manure and in compost production that could favourably or adversely affect on crops due to presence of allelochemicals. Such chemicals can be present in any part of the plant and release to microenvironment by leaching, root exudation, residue decomposition and other processes. This study was undertaken to evaluate the allelopathic effect of four common weed species available in agricultural lands on growth and yield of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicam L. var. Padma) under plant house conditions. The dried vegetative parts of Kura thampala (Amaranthus viridis), Bubovitiya (Clidemia hirta), Panithora (Cassia occidentalis) and Hulanthala (Ageratum conysoides) were used to extract aqueous solutions at different concentrations i.e. 4%, 8%, and 12%. Aqueous solutions were applied two weeks after transplanting and continued at one-day intervals until harvesting. Three replicates were used for each treatment in Complete Randomized Design with a control (water applied). Vegetative and reproductive characteristics of tomato such as plant height, No of leaves, No of branches, stem girth, total chlorophyll content, No of flowers, No of fruits, and fruit weight were recorded. Total polyphenol content of weed species and variation of soil pH and EC were analyzed in monthly intervals. The application of 4% of Hulanthala was shown the positive performances in vegetative growth, while 12% of Panithora reported the lowest values for both vegetative and reproductive growth of tomato compared to other treatments (p<0.05). Further, the highest total polyphenol content was in Bubovitiya and highest fruit weight was reported in the plants treated with 4% Bubovitiya compared to other weed species (p<0.05) with the highest brix value. It can be concluded that the weeds such as Hulanthala and Bubovitiya could be used in preparation of compost or in other organic applications at lower concentrations to obtain better growth and yield performances of tomato. Keywords: Allelochemicals, Reproductive growth, Tomato, Vegetative growth, WeedsItem Analysing the Relationship of Factors Affecting on Tourists' Buying Behaviour of Handicraft Products (With Special Reference to Galle District)(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) Darshani, K. L. R.Handicraft products are one of the important products which can market in tourism and hospitality industry and create unique expressions of skills, traditions, culture and local material used of the country. Handicrafts industry is a major form of employment in many countries and play significant part of the export economy. Buying behaviour of products depend on many factors and identification of affecting factors much more important for all the parties of the particular market. Therefore in the handicraft industry has great opportunity to obtain benefits through understanding factors and tourists' buying behaviour of handicraft products. The main purpose of this study was to analyse the relationship between affecting factors and tourists' buying behaviour of handicraft products in Galle District. Marketing mix factors, situational factors and personal factors considered as affecting factors of the buying behaviour of handicraft products. The target population for this study was all the Local and foreign tourists who visit handicraft shops in Galle District and from the data, a sample size of 100 was selected from 10 shops and selected 10 tourists from each shop using convenience sampling method. Primary data were gathered using questionnaire with five point likert scale. Descriptive statistics, Karl Pearson Coefficient of correlation analysis used to analyse the data collected. Results disclosed marketing mix factors, situational factors and personal factors have positive relationship with tourists' buying behaviour of handicraft products. The study recommends that there is need effective market segmentation and targeting based on consumers' personal factors. In addition handicraft shops should engage with the global market and trends to reach the potential market. Key words: Tourist, Handicraft, Buying behaviour, Marketing mix, Situational factors, Personal factorsItem Analysis of Alternative Marketing Strategies for Ceylon Tea(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2017) Kottahachchi, S.M.Tea is considered to be the one of most important agribusiness in the country as a one of highest net foreign exchange earners. Sri Lankan tea industry is in very crucial situation due to some problems in present primary marketing systems via auction system, private sales, direct sales and forward contracts. This study develops with the aim of formulation of alternative strategies to improve primary marketing system for Ceylon tea. 70 manufactures were taken for the study. Simple random sampling technique was used to select number of manufactures among 24 plantation companies. That research framework has three major phase which includes the input phase, comparison and correspondence phase and decision making phase. As the first phase SWOT analysis has been applied to examine Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and threats existing on the primary marketing strategies that they are already using. To overcome the research objectives identified SWOT factors were calculated using IFE and EFE matrixes and during input phase all the required information's were evaluated. In comparison phase, based on external factors and internal factors, some evaluations serious were adjusted on assumptions by using SWOT matrix and 15 Strategies were formulated based on marketing channels. Finally during that decision making phase Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) was evaluated and identified 15 strategies were prioritized. Overall score for IFE is 3.57 and for EFE are 3.52. Major strategies that are prioritized based on QSPM are to promote direct private sales and export directly from production sector. Keywords: Primary marketing, Strategies, IFE and EFE matrix, SWOT, QSPMItem Analysis of Antioxidant Properties of Crude Proteins from Black Tea and Green Tea of Uva Region in Sri Lanka(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) Fernando, W.C.S.The consumption of tea has gained much attention due to its antioxidant potential. Tea polyphenols are believed to be the major contributor. However, proteins can also act as powerful antioxidants and there are few scientific reports on crude tea proteins' anti- oxidant properties. Tea proteins contribute around 21-28% dry weight of tea. Uva is one of the most top tea growing region in Sri Lanka with distinguishable flavour characteristics. This study was focused on investigation of antioxidant properties of crude tea extract of green and black tea collected from Uva region. Black and green tea samples were collected from selected tea factories representing Uva high and Uva mid regions. Crude extract was obtained using hot water treatment with different temperatures (30°C and 40°C) in 2hrs followed with lyophilisation. Extracted crude was elucidated using 15% SDS-PAGE and quantification was done using Lowry method for proteins. Lyophilized crude extract was tested for antioxidant activity using DPPH and Fe2+ chelating assays. According to protein yield analysis, approximately 40% in green tea and 30% in black tea was observed (40°C series) in lyophilised powder. As with the assays Uva teas have maximum of 95.33% inhibition of DPPH radical at 10 mg/ml solution which obtained by 1 g of made tea, using water extraction method. It shows significant difference in protein concentration between black and green teas in prepared 30°C and 40°C series (p<0.05). There is no any difference between crude extract powder yield between the temperatures used for the extraction procedure (p>0.05). Uva teas showed antioxidant properties in DPPH assay but negative results in Fe chelating assay. However, there is no significance difference in levels of elevation, type of tea and temperature in % inhibition of DPPH radicals in Uva teas. Further studies need to be done with other antioxidant assays to determine the antioxidant property of Uva tea. Key wards: Uva tea, Green tea, Black tea, Crude Protein, Antioxidant activityItem Analysis of Chemical and Physical Quality Standard of Rework Black Tea(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2016) Jeyandran, J.In recent years, there was quality claims regarding quality of tea in tea bags. The aim of this study was to evaluate quality of rework black tea on chemical and physical quality changes during tea bag production. The quality of rework black tea bags at Heladiv Exports (Pvt) Ltd. was accessed by physical and chemical analysis. The objective of the study was to reveal the quality defects of rework black tea and their effects on quality of black tea to those who are engage in tea exporting and marketing sector in Sri Lanka. Significant variations in physical and chemical parameters were observed. The Sri Lankan Tea industry maintains the highest quality in the world market and ISO 3720 is the minimum standard applied for the products. The Processing/Manufacturing facilities owned by the export companies comply with local standards (SLSI) and with International Quality Standards. There were already national regulations on tea was given tolerances of foreign elements found in tea. The normal tea manufacturing process was removed most of the separate pieces which were not tea. From the consumer's point of view, therefore, it was the impurities within, or firmly attached to the individual leaves which were important. In the case of a temporary over supply of tea, low quality will be ignord by buyers anyway. The rework process facility must have a written program showing how a recall of unsuitable product could be executed. Traceability was important, and the program needs to address handling of rework and returns. Thiry tea bag samples which were produced from rework black tea at Heladiv Exports (Pvt) Ltd. were selected for the study. Rework black tea samples were collected from the exporting company of Heladiv Lanka Exports (Pvt) Ltd. at the beginning of the research. Quality parameters were checked to these samples. They were tested for selected chemical quality parameters such as moisture content, total ash content, water soluble ash content, alkalinity of water soluble percentage, acid insoluble ash content, water extract percentage and physical quality parameters such as total dust content in rework tea and different sizes of tea particles. Data was analysed using descriptive and one sample t-test. The results show that, the significant effects for changes of quality parameters of moisture content and foreign impurities in rework black tea. Key words: Quality claims, Rework black tea, Physical and chemical analysis, Health and safety regulationsItem ANALYSIS OF CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND OIL YIELD OF Cymbopogon nardus AND Cymbopogon winterianus IN THANAMALWILA AREA(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2017) GAMAGE, T.G.K.M.Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus and Cymbopogon winterianus) plant is a perennial crop which is used to extract citronella oil as a commercial product. Citronella is cultivated in Southern coastal area of Sri Lanka, mostly in Matara and Hambantota districts. Citronella cultivation is recently started in Thanamalwila area. Variety, climatic and soil condition can affect the yield and chemical composition of citronella oil. Objective of this study was to analyze and compare the oil yield and chemical composition of two species cultivated in Thanamalwila area to select the best species for oil extraction. Steam distillation technique was used to extract the citronella oil and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was followed to analyze the chemical composition. It was found significantly (P < 0.05) higher percentages of Citronellol (7.14%), Citronellal (9.02%) and Geraniol (16.01%) in Cymbopogon nardus than in Cymbopogon winterianus in which the respective values were 4.68%, 4.81% and 6.3%. There were no other significant differences between two species with respect to their Camphene, Limonene and Borneol contents. The oil yield of Cymbopogon nardus was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than that of Cymbopogon winterianus. Therefore, it could be concluded that Cymbopogon nardus shows the best characteristics for oil extraction out of the two species tested in the Thanamalwila area. Keywords: Citronella, Cymbopogon nardus, Cymbopogon winterianus, ThanamalwilaItem Analysis of Chemical Properties and A-Amylase Inhibition of Selected Medicinal Plants for the Development Of Herbal Tea; With special reference to Cardiospermum halicacabum, Acalypha indica, Ocimum tenuiflorum, Solanum trilobatum, and Plectranthus amboinicus(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2014) Usna, J.F.Herbal medicines are widely used around the world because of their safety, health benefits and very less or no side effects. Further, it's known that, herbs have high content of bioactive compounds which are produced in plants through secondary metabolism. From the ancient time, the natural remedies in Siddha medicine are used to cure the non-contagious diseases such as Cancer, Diabetes and Asthma etc. However, young generation is reluctant towards herbal remedies as there are not much scientific evidences to prove their benefits. The present study attempted to identify the Chemical properties and a-Amylase Inhibition of selected herbs namely Solanum trilobatum, Ocimum tenuiflorum, Cardiospermum halicacabum, Acalypha indica and Plectranthus amboinicus and intents to develop herbal tea. Selected herbs were dried in an oven for 12 hours at 50°C and infusions were prepared by boiling 1-5 g of dried sample in 100 ml of distilled water. Infusions were tested for their Antioxidant properties using DPPH (1, 1-dipheny1-2-picrylhydrazyl) Radical Scavenging Assay and a- Amylase Inhibition using Dinitrosalicylic Acid Method and finally IC5o value was also determined. The highest level of Antioxidant Activities has been observed in Cardiospermum halicacabum (7.7 mg mrl)while it's also having maximum a-Amylase Inhibition Activity (45.5 mg m1-1). Hence, sensory evaluation was done to select the best sample for consumption (a: 0.05) and it was subjected to the chemical analysis. The phytochemical analysis confirmed that all these leaf infusions contain in between the range of Anthocyanin (0.3339±0.2361-8.4051±0.7935 mg dm-3), Polyphenol (115.2398±2.4615- 236.6486±0.3815 mg dm-3), Free Sugar (24.6727±0.5839-788.8590±34.7578 mg dm-3). Accordingly, there is a potential to develop the herbaftea by using these five herbs. Keywords: a-Amylase Inhibition, Anti-oxidant, Free Sugar, Phytochemicals, Siddha medicineItem ANALYSIS OF COMBINING ABILITY AND HETEROSIS IN TOMATO (Solanum lycopersicum) USING FULL DIALLEL CROSS(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2014) JAYARATHNA, R.G.Y.H.Combining ability and heterosis were studied in a full diallel mating design among four tomato cultivars (PH 12561, PH 12585, PH 12696 and PH 12835). The four parents and twelve hybrids as well as reference hybrid (Bhathiya) were evaluated on traits; (vegetative traits, reproductive traits, yield traits and fruit quality traits). Genetic parameters estimated by the Griffing's analysis method. Analysis of variance revealed highly significant differences among all the F1 hybrid means and their respective four parental values for most of traits. The mean squares due to general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) were also highly significant for most of traits. Cultivar PH 12835 was found to be the best general combiner for vegetative, reproductive and yield traits. Cultivar PH 12696 was found to be the best combiner for fruit quality traits. PH 12561 X PH 12835 F1 hybrid was performed most of positive specific combining ability with increase vigor of F1 over the mid parent, better parent and standard variety for the vegetative and yield traits. PH 12585 X PH 12835 F1 hybrid was performed positive specific combining ability with increase vigor of F1 over the mid parent, better parent and standard variety for the reproductive traits. PH 12561 X PH 12696 F1 hybrid was performed positive specific combining ability with increase vigor of F1 over the better parent, mid parent and standard variety for the fruit quality traits. Low to moderate narrow sense heritability was observed in vegetative, yield and fruit quality traits. Low narrow sense heritability was observed in reproductive traits. Keywords: F1 hybrids, General combining ability, Specific combining ability, Hybrid vigor, HeritabilityItem Analysis of Competitiveness in Hotel Industry (With Special reference to the North Central Province)(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2011) Wattehewa, N.U.D.P.In present context, Tourism industry is an emerging industry in Sri Lanka and with the arrival of large number of tourists the hotel industry is becoming more competitive, this intensifies the present deficiency of accommodation facilities to meet the increasing demand. Amidst this background, this research attempts to analyze the competitiveness in hotel industry. Further, it is aimed at analyzing the extent to which hoteliers have perceived the competitiveness. The method employed to reach the objectives was based on the Michel porter's diamond model. By using a questionnaire the primary data was gathered on site for the study. Descriptive analysis was helpful to the data collected. Based on the research model five competitive dimensions were identified. Research findings indicated that the hotel industry is more competitive industry and firm strategy; structure and rivalry is the most significant dimensions to cause the competitiveness. Finally recommendations were discussed for the competitiveness which is in a higher level. Based on it the relevant authorities are recommended to take steps to upgrade the hotels capacity, quality and standards to face competitiveness in this sector. This will help the tourism industry in Sri Lanka to create competitive position in the region while maintaining top industry standards.Item Analysis of Consumption Patterns of Probiotic Incorporated Fermented Dairy Products in Sri Lanka(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2016) Hanouf, M.H.M.Probiotic dairy foods are considered one of the major functional food substances in the world. Consumers have been more health-conscious in recent years, and as a result, they are seeking more information on how to live a healthy life by consuming good food. Probiotic and probiotic products are having the possibility to attract those health-conscious consumers because of their health-promoting effects and lower cost. To our knowledge, there are no studies that analyze the consumer demand for probiotic fermented dairy products in Sri Lanka. This study focused on analyzing the consumer knowledge, attitudes, socio-demographic and economic factors that affect the consumption pattern of probiotic fermented dairy products in Sri Lanka. A total of 405 households from all nine provinces in Sri Lanka were surveyed with an online questionnaire. According to the results, 46% of the respondents have awareness of probiotics. Consumers were categorized into 4 groups based on the consumption level of dairy foods containing probiotic bacteria (per week) as never, low, medium, and high. The study showed that 53% of the respondents belong to the low-level consumption category, 27% have medium level consumption, 9% are in the high-level consumption category and 11% of the responders never consumed probiotic incorporated dairy products. An ordered logistic regression model was employed to analyze the relationships between the consumption levels of probiotics and number of demographics and socio¬economic characteristics of consumers such as gender, age, marital status, household size, presence of children, household income, locality, education level etc. .Attitudes of the respondents on health and nutrition aspects of probiotics, sensory attributes of probiotic products, access to probiotic foods and the impact of product promotions were also assessed using descriptive methods. The results reveal that probiotic consumption level is significantly and positively influenced by gender, marital status, household income, advertisements, and consumer's attitude on health and negatively influenced by household size and poor availability. The findings of this study give useful information to producers for their production and marketing strategies which are most suitable to fit with the demand characteristics and consumer expectations. Keywords: Probiotic; Dairy Products; Consumption Patterns; Ordered Logistic Regression; Sri LankaItem Analysis of Factors Affect to the Effectiveness of Tourist Information Centers in Sri Lanka(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2016) Chathurangi, K.K.P.Tourist Information center is physical location that provides tourist information to the tourist who tour the place or area. Tourist Information centers provides information and services. This research presents evaluation factors affecting to effectiveness of Tourist Information Centers in Sri Lanka. The services and their attributes are different one from another through this research it is expecting to study how these different attributes are effect to effectiveness through the visitors' satisfaction. Colombo, Badagamuwa and Badulla Information Centers are selected Information Centers and On-site visitors were surveyed using questionnaire to eliminate factors according to visitors' views. According to the findings, visitors' satisfaction level is different with different level of attribute. More visitors satisfy with Colombo TIC location than other TIC. When comparing other location Colombo TIC location it has easy access and it is situated strategic location than other TIC. Colombo TIC is more effective with Architecture or Attractiveness. When TIC has more attractive architecture visitors become more satisfy. When considering Facilities visitors more satisfy with Badagamuwa TIC. Badagamuwa TIC has multiple facilities than other TIC. Colombo TIC has more visitor satisfaction and more satisfy with their friendly and intimate service. In Sri Lanka TIC are not much adopted ICT or their service but Badagamuwa TIC has considerable level of TCT adoption. According to visitor feedback there are more satisfied with Badagamuwa TIC. Recommendations include incorporating visitor centers with choosing the location carefully, designing innovative and distinctive facilities, providing multiple functions, enhance HR capabilities and Adopt ICT as effective