Kaushala, E.A.N.Aratchige, N.S,Wijayaratne, D. K. W.2021-02-082021-02-0820122235-9877http://www.erepo.lib.uwu.ac.lk/bitstream/handle/123456789/5823/137-2012-Comparison%20of%20Two%20Species%20of%20Ascid%20Mites%20as%20a%20Food%20Source%20for%20Neoseiulus%20baraki%20A%20Predatory%20Mite%20of%20Coconut%20Mite%2c%20Aceria%20guerreronis.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=yCoconut mite, Acei’ia guerreronis Keifer (Acari: Erioph yidae), is a major pest of coconut fruits (Cocos nucifera L..) (Lawson—Balagbo et a!., 2008) causing 30-60% loss of production (Nair, 2002). Coconut mite is difficult to control due to its hidden habitat under the perianth and tall stature of the coconut free. Chemical control is impractical, uneconomical, and environmentally not sounds (Navia el at., 2012). Release of the predatory mite Neoseinlus barai‹i at 3-4 month intervals at 5000 mites per palm for at least a quarter of the plantation is recommended. For tft is, mass production of N. baraI‹i is necessary. Tyrophagiis pulrescenliae is used as the food source for N. baraki. A new Tyrophagiisp. which can be a host for N. baraki has also been observed, but the efficacy of this new species has not been evaluated. There Fore the objectives of this study were to compare the oviposition, developmental times, longevity and sex ratio of N.baraki on r. pulrcscenliac and new Tyropha$us sp. and to quantify the mass production of N.baraki on the two Tyrophagus sp.enExport AgricultureAgricultureCoconut processing technologyComparison of Two Species of Ascid Mites as a Food Source for Heoseiulus Bairiki: A Predatory Mite of Coconut Mite, Aceria guerreronisResearch Symposium 2012Other