Gunawardana, M.A.C.P.Gamage, S.S.N.2019-07-112019-07-1120189789550481194 is believed to be a doctrine preached by Lord Buddha and regarded to obtain protection from evil, promote health and well-being. Voice source produces a harmonic series, consisting of the fundamental frequency, F0 and harmonic frequencies called as formants, Fn. Vowels can be mapped using the relationship between lip opening width to the first formant frequency, F1 and tongue constriction width to second formant frequency, F2. This work is dedicated to developing phonetic picture on Pirith chants and analyze acoustic properties using computeraided tools. As reported by several other studies, characteristic vowels and high frequency formants are identified in chanting in contrast to normal speaking. The motive of this study is to investigate vowel distribution of Pirith chants with the aim of special pattern recognition. Samples of Ratana, Karaniya Metta and Angulimala Suttas recited by male monk chanters were recorded using high precision microphone array and 15 samples of each Sutta were analyzed. Recorded samples were then subjected to splitting of smaller voiced segments of frame length 10 ins using sampling rate of 44.1 kHz. In the computational speech model, a preemphasis filter is applied to the sampled time series of voiced segment to cancel out the effect of glottis. Then frame-by-frame analysis was used with hamming windows and liner predictive coding (LPC) and auto correlation to extract the formant values. Finally, PDFs of each Sutta is generated and compared for first five formants. Angulimala Sutta and Ratana Sutta show similar patterns in terms of PDFs but Karaniya Metta Sutta indicates a clear discrepancy demonstrating a unique set of characteristics. Furthermore, the vowel distribution reveals that Angulimala Sutta and Karaniya Metta Sutta contain high number of compact vowels comparing that of Rathana Sutta.enComputer ScienceInformation ScienceComputing and Information ScienceRecognition of Vowel Distribution for Sri Lankan Traditional Pirith Chants Using Formant VariationInternational Research Conference 2018Other