Indigahawela, H.I.S.W.Mahindarathne, M.G.P.P.Bandara, Layantha2021-06-292021-06-29201122359877 safety has become an important issue in the world today. There is a direct link between the inputs used in agriculture and the quality of food and safety aspects of food. Due to intensification of agriculture, farmers have no option but to use chemicals in controlling pest and diseases in agriculture Those chemical substances are called agrochemicals. Further, pesticides play a significant role by making agriculture safe from many dreadful pests (Abhilash and Singh, 2009). Globally, about 4.4 to 6.6 billion pounds (2 to 3 billion kilograms) of pesticides are being used every year, at a total cost of about $20 billion (Badruddin, 2010). During the past 50 years, the use of agro-chemicals in Sri Lanka has increased 30 times (Amarakoon, 2004). Farm workers and their families are exposed to pesticides through multiple pathways (Strong et al. 2008). Poisoning is a major health concern in Sri Lanka, where there is a very high morbidity and mortality from pesticide poisoning (Fernando, 2002). Further, pesticides and other agrochemicals have made some adverse effects on environment including, pollution of water, soil, destroying the beneficial organisms and air pollution. Accordingly, number of detrimental effects occurr due to the misuse of agrochemicals by the users and due to the lack of scientific knowledge about the agrochemicals and correct usage. Therefore, this research study was undertaken to identify the major factors which influence the farmers to make use of safety measures in agrochemical applications.enAgricultureFood ScienceFood TechnologyBiologyStudy on Factors Affecting the Farmers’ Decision to Practice Proper Safety Measures in Agro Chemical ApplicationsOther