Rajarathna, M.D.M.N.Jayarangana, J.P.C.Rathnayake, R.M.N.U.K.2019-05-312019-05-3120199789550481255http://www.erepo.lib.uwu.ac.lk/bitstream/handle/123456789/808/609.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=yTourism has become a fastest growing sector of the world’s economy in recent years. It is one of the fastest growing economic sectors of Sri Lanka. Considering Anuradhapura tourist destination, most of the visitors are foreign and elderly tourists. The attractions of young local tourists were poor, but there is a trend among these young local tourists in revisiting Anuradhapura. However, there seems to have a problem with attracting young local tourists and their revisits. So, it is important to identify motivation factors that attract local young tourists to Anuradhapura. Therefore, the objective of this study is to determine the influence of push, pull motivations on tourist’s destination loyalty. The target populations for this study are the young local visitors aged between "15–35". The sample was selected through convenience sampling. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from 200 local young tourists. The questionnaire contains push, pull factors and five - point Licked scale is employed to assess variables. Regression model was used to analyze the data. Independent variables were categorised as push, push motivation factors. Exciting, relaxation, knowledge, education and family togetherness identified as push factors. Availability of modern atmosphere, wide space and activities, suitable weather, historical and religious background, were identified under pull factors. Result shows that excitement, wide space and activities, suitable weather, historical and religious background are statistically significant at 10% level, has positive effect on destination loyalty. Therefore, it is important to improve those significant factors to attract more tourists and promote destination loyalty. This study is useful for the various tourism related organizations to identify the significant factors to take success decisions that affect for increase destination loyalty of local young tourists.enTourism ManagementHospitality ManagementHuman Resource DevelopmentAn Impact of Motivation on Destination Loyalty of Young Local Tourists: Empirical Evidence from Anuradhapura Tourist DestinationInternational Research Conference 2019Other