Gunawardana, C.N.P.Mudannayake, D.C.Perera, M.N.P.2021-05-172021-05-17201122359877 See the PDF Version Cream is a vital ingredient in manufacturing of many dairy products. Cream is a good substrate for microbial growth due to its high nutritional value. Generally, in dairy processing factories separated cream is held on a period of time prior to incorporation in to the dairy products. The spoilage of cream from separation till the production of dairy products has been a critical problem to producers. The treatments which are given and the conditions under which cream is held will have a direct effect on its keeping quality. Shelf life of raw cream currently produced as an ingredient for curd production at Fonterra Brands Lanka (Pvt) Ltd is estimated to be approximately four days at 4 °C. Therefore a method that could be used to extend the keeping quality of raw cream beyond four days would be a helpful and economical to the industry. Pasteurization of raw cream after separation can be done to improve the keeping quality. As there are no regulations governing heat treatment of cream in Sri Lanka, the time/temperature combinations used vary widely in practice. This investigation was undertaken to determine the effective pasteurization temperature/time combinations to improve the keeping quality of cream.enFood ScienceAgricultureBioprocess TechnologyAgricultureFood TechnologyEffect of Different Pasteurization Temperature – Time Combinations on Shelf Life of Raw Cream in Relation to its Microbiological, Chemical and Physical propertiesOther