Vasan, S.Attanayake, A.N.B.Udagedara, D.T.2021-02-102021-02-1020122235-9877 water is an important source which provides drinking water supply especially to dry zone of Sri Lanka. Therefore considering the quality of groundwater is essential to ensure the health of human and other living things. However the quality of groundwater varies place to place, mainly depending on its geological origin even though. it is become deteriorated by various anthropogenic activities. Nowadays in Sri Lanka this is especially due to the extensive use of agro chemicals. In this content, this study was carried out regarding the groundwater contamination by agrochemicals. The study was focused on 10 Km' area encircled the paddy land associated with Vavuniya Tank. Topographic map of the study area was grasped deeply for the site visit to acquire hydrogeological features. Flow direction was roughly assumed by investigating hydrogeological features. In this area 68 well water samples were collected for the water quality analysis.enMineral Resources and TechnologyWater Quality managmentWater Treatment methodsModeling Groundwater Contamination by Agro NutrientsResearch Symposium 2012Other