Rajapaksha, S.R.M .K .P.Mahindarathne, M . G . P. P.Samarawikrama, B. A.S. K.2021-02-082021-02-0820122235-9877http://www.erepo.lib.uwu.ac.lk/bitstream/handle/123456789/5835/165-2012-Development%20%20of%20a%20Hazard%20Analysis%20Critical%20Control%20Point%20%28HACCP%29%20Manual%20for%20a%20Food%20Processing%20Plant.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=yQuality and safety in manufacturing food have a greater importance by today more than any other day where, consumers are very much viii last and educated on the matter , accordingly the industry regulations and standards have been elevated auld enforced and more importantly these parameters are being heavily used by the marketers in securing their market share. Curry Mate (Pvt) Ltd., is a well-established i1›edi \In scale food processing enterprise which is engaged in the production of many ready to eat food ile‹\1s a \d curry i+1ixtures packed in bottles, cans and plastic bags for local and export markets. The con1pai j' lf as beeil doing well more than twenty five years gaining the recognition and reputation of the consumers. However, the absence of internationally accepted quality certification has become c bottleneck at present in coiripelin s both local and i nternatioi1al n ai kets. Tl1erc£ore, it is principle such as HACCP. HACCP is a tool to assess hazarJs and establish conti ol systems that focus on preventive measures rather than relying i4ia inly on end-product testing (Codex Alinentarious, 99§). It is one o£ Ills it te‹ i1al ioiially recognized food stai1dard development by the Codcx A Iiitientai' io‹is Come» ission. Ailed it is necessary to develop a HACCP plan prior to iirplei›iei\ting HACCP gunits system in the food processing plait. According gly, the main objective of this study was to develop a manual to implement HACCP quality system in the food processing plant and the specific objective was to analyze the gaps and feasibilityenExport AgricultureFood SienceFOOD PROCESS ENGINEERINGDevelopment of a Hazard analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Manual for a Food Process in g PlantResearch Symposium 2012Other