Lakmal, K.G.G.S.Gunaratne, Y.M.C.2022-03-032022-03-032013 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are gaining popularity in the current turbulent business environment as a mechanism of integrating the cross functional business units. An ERP system is a software that helps organizations to integrate their business functions through a common database and enable planning and utilization of organization wide resources (Silva et al., 2008). Operational performance is firm's performance measured against standard or prescribed indicators of effectiveness, efficiency, and environmental responsibility such as, cycle time, productivity, waste reduction, and regulatory compliance. As an operational system, the possibility to exploit the potential of ERP system can be achieved by having proper training as well as vendor support (Silva et al., 2008). The ERP system implementation is a huge investment and it affects not only the organizations but also the entire country in long run in indirect manner. Considering the Sri Lankan manufacturing sector as one of the pivotal sectors in the economy of the country, identifying whether such investments add value to the organization is a vital need. Since the available knowledge on the said matter is limited, through this study, the researcher examined whether ERP has made any positive impact on operational performance of the manufacturing sector in Sri Lanka. Hence, the study objectives were to determine the relationship between user training on IT and three operational factors which are gaining operational performance, to examine the relationship between vendor support and three operational factors which are gaining operational performance and to determine the impact of ERP system on operational performanceenBusiness ManagementDatabaseEntrepreneurship and managementEntrepreneurshipSystemEnterprise Resource PlanningEnterprise Resource Planning Systems and Operational PerformanceResearch Symposium 2013Other