Ekanayake, O.V.2019-05-032019-05-032013UWU/IIT/09/0007http://www.erepo.lib.uwu.ac.lk/bitstream/handle/123456789/330/UWULD%20IIT%2009%200007-27032019134730.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=yAmong the health issues circulates in the globe, wide spread disease is the major concern in today's world. There are many reasons for the spread of diseases. People are unaware of the criticality of diseases, unable to take necessary precautions such like to keep their environment clean and for the infected, they do not have proper midi-care or more control over the spread of diseases. HealU will solve this issue, it will improve awareness among people to solve their community environmental problems, organize projects and campaigns to help the needed. HealU is a wide spread disease prevention network, generally every person can be a part of it; ideally we will specifically combining the government health sector which includes the authority, Deputy Director General and the Public Health Inspector. Organizations such like WHO, Lions Club, etc. Donors and suppliers like drug companies. Hospitals, doctors are also part of the users and finally the public. HealU provide a social technology platform which connects these parties to provide the solution. The public can report about a problem in their community via SMS or Email which will lead the public health inspector for investigation then he/she will report the problem for approval and will be published in the network notifying the relevant organizations. Therefore it will provide the necessary requirements for the organizations to organize and manage to execute the project. HealU will also improve awareness among people initially acquire patient information from hospitals and provide disease statistics especially to the Deputy Director General; therefore he/she can suggest precautions and notify the public via SMS and Email. These disease statistics is also been used to generate projects in aid for those who are infected so that volunteer organizations can join hands to help people.enIndustrial Information Technology Degree ProgramHealu Widespread Disease Prevention NetworkThesis