Narmatha, T.E.Wijayaratne, L.K.W.Kiri waththuduwage, S.2021-02-082021-02-0820122235-9877 onnum L.) is one of the most valuable casf› crops gi own in Sri Lanka, and an important condiment and a culinary supplement. A. large extent of chilli cultivation is prominent in the dry zone of Sri Lanka, especially in Mannar, Jaffna and Vavuniya districts. The annual national chilli production has decreased over the years, and more than 30,000 t is imported annually to meet the shonfall (Department of Agriculture, 20 12). Weeds are a major problem in chilli cultivation, and one reason for this is the poor competition of chilli plants with weeds (Gonza’ lez and Salas, I999).So the productivity of chilli depends largely on weed flee condition.Both monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous weeds are reported in chilli (Gonza’ lezer o/., 1 992). They compete for nutrients, moisture, sunlight and spsce during both the vegetative and reproductive stages of the crop (Singh, 2009), causing field losses from 30 (Mofimoode/ at., 2006) to 78%« (VedPrakashe/ at., 2003). Herbicide application is an efficient method of managing weeds. Mostly pre- emergence herbicides have been used to control weeds in chilli cultivation (Muthussnkaranarayananer o/. , 1997; t'•larasalagi, 999; Adigun, 200 I; Frost and Hingston, 2004), and it is the same condition in Sri Lanka, as well. But in chilli cultivation, late- emergence weeds areassvere problem (Singh e/ o/., 1 993), and the managemenc of these weeds is critical to increase the crop yield (Singh, 2009). Targa‹BSuper (Quizalofop-P-ethyl) is a new post-emergence, systemic herbicide, which controls grasses and shows excellent selectivity over non-graminaceous crops (The Pennsylvania State University, 2007).This product is used on the crop plantations at 20 to 30 days are establishment (Technology Commercialization, 2012), and hence will be effective at controlling even late emergent grass weeds. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of 'Targa Super' against weeds in chilli cultivation and to compare its elTect with the pre-emergence herbicide, Stomp.enExport AgricultureAgricultureFood SienceEffect of Targa (R) Super (Quizalofop-P-ethyl) Against Weeds in Chili Cultivation in Manner DistrictResearch Symposium 2012Other