SUDASINGHE, S.P.2021-04-202021-04-202013UWU/EAG/09/0036 longum and Piper samentosum are two species of tippili, widely used in ayurvadic medicinal raw materials in Sri Lanka. The aim of this study was to find out the effective species, potting medium, and polythene type for vegetative propagation of tippili for commercial scale cultivation using stem cuttings. Two species of tippil (P. longum and P. samentosum), polythene types (Black, Transparent) and four potting media were selected. P. longum species showed higher root length (22.57 cm) among two species. Soil: Sand: Cow dung 1:1:1 showed higher shoot height. (8.07 cm), higher root length (24.6 cm) and higher root dry weight (0.81 g). According to that P. longum is the bet species and Soil: Sand: Cow dung 1:1:1 medium is the best medium for vegetative propagation using stem cutting. There is no any effect of transparence polythene and black polythene for vegetative propagation of tippili. P.longum in Soil :Sand: Cow dung 1:1:1 can be recommended for commercial cultivation of Tippili in Key words — Piper longum, Piper samentosurp, propagationPvegetative, speciesenExport Agriculture Degree Programme (EAG)EFFECT OF DIFFERENT POTTING MEDIA FOR PROPAGATION OF TIPPILI (Piper longum and Piper samentosumResearch Article – EAG 2013Thesis