Jayasundara, J.M.P.V.K.Herath, H.M.W.M.2019-08-152019-08-1520189789550481194http://erepo.lib.uwu.ac.lk/bitstream/handle/123456789/1698/380-2018-Impact%20of%20Pursuing%20Certificate%20in%20English%20for%20Junior%20Executives%20on%20.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=yHaving gained international acceptance as widely used medium of communication, English reigns supreme in all aspects of the society. This research intends discovering the prime objective, the impact of pursuing 'Certificate in English for Junior Executives (CEJE}' on enhancement of communication skill through English and the research problem was formulated as, is there a significant impact of pursuing CEJE on enhancing communication through English? Randomly selected sample of 80 Junior Executives in different public and private institutions in Uva Province was considered while employing questionnaire and observations to collect primary data. The statistical software, Minitab 15 was used for analytical purpose. In addition, graphs and charts were used for graphical representation of the results. As to the results ascertained, the respondents have gained better improvement in all language skills than the previous stage after pursuing CEJE recording significant boost in 'very good' and ‘good’ levels of communication through English while reflecting negative effect on ‘fair’, ‘poor’ and 'very poor' levels in particular aspect. Hence, the research highlighted the positive impact of pursuing CEJE on enhancement of communication through English language among adult learners. Further, the findings illustrated the importance of applying interactive activities in language classrooms to better facilitate learners as majority of the learners have the belief that they could be competent communicators in English while enhancing their language skills through array of interesting activities. Consequently, the current research intends to challenge the Critical Period Hypothesis (CPH). Thus, outcome of this research is beneficial for designing training programs for employees enlightening the teaching and learning process of English as a Second Language in Sri Lanka especially with the implementation of creative teaching methodologies including diversified yet interesting activities and further research can be conducted pursuing this line of the research..enLanguageEnglishSecond LanguageImpact of Pursuing Certificate in English for Junior Executives on Enhancement of Communication through English LanguageInternational Research Conference 2018Other