Shifana, A.M.Fernando, P.I.N.2022-02-012022-02-0120159789550481088 as one of the internal environmental factors, can affect a person's decision to purchase the product. Consumer attitude is a response or assessment given by consumers consistently, favorable or unfavorable, positive or negative, like it or not, agree or not to an object. Verdurme and Viaene (2003) describe an attitude as the psychological tendency of a person to respond or behave, in a consistently positive or negative manner with respect to a stimulus as a result of their attitude toward that stimulus. Accordingly people are having negative or positive attitudes and consumers may act against their own interest. Therefore proper understanding of consumers is important to explore the consumer attitudes towards the buying behavior. Consumers’ choice and buying behavior of particular products depend on many factors: as quality, variation, location, price, environment, etc. The attitude plays a fundamental role in consumer behavior field, because it determines his disposition to respond positively or negatively to an institution, person, event, object or product (Azjen and Fishbein, 1980). The study stated how these consumer attitudes are influences on their buying behavior. In present context, fast food restaurants and its consumption are rapidly growing with the people’s hard-working professional living, and busy life styles in all over the world. There are large numbers of fast food restaurants available in Colombo city. Consuming fast foods has become a recent trend among upper society, teenagers and youth have also increased and the fast food has won the palate of those groups.Ritzer (1996; 2002) and Schlosser (2002) argue that fast food can be seen as a powerful symbol of globalization and post- modern society and few countries of the world seem immune to its apparent attractions. The main objective to assess the relationship between consumer attitude and buying behavior towards fast food restaurants in Colombo city Sri Lanka. Secondary objectives are to find out the factors influencing on consumer attitudes and most significant factor and salient beliefs which influenced on buying behavior towards fast food restaurants. Methodology The target population of this study represents the consumers of the fast food restaurants in Colombo city. There are 104 fast food restaurants in Colombo city, out of these 104 fast food restaurants researcher selected 34 restaurants in order to represent the population size and 90 consumers selected from 34 restaurants. In this study primary data was collected through structured questionnaires among the consumers of the fast food restaurants in Colombo city. In addition Cronbach’s alpha test was conducted assures the reliability of questions. To analysis the data descriptive statistic, correlation analysis, analysis of variance (one way ANOVA), and independent samples T test and regression analysis were used.enFood ScienceManagementFast FoodConsumer AttitudesMarketingEntrepreneurshipConsumer attitudes and buying behavior in fast food restaurants: with special reference to Colombo City, Sri LankaResearch Symposium 2015Other