A Customizable Virtual Reality Application for Enhancement of Method of Loci

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Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka
The ability of memorizing more information can be considered as a measurement of intelligence, especially in the long-term memory. There are several ways to recall the memory such as mental memory tree, memory map, etc. These methods are based on the visualization of facts. The Loci method is one of the best methods which allows quick recall of information through visualization and the use of spatial memory. This method enables to memorize by linking information with various symbols. However, that method has been proven to be effective for centuries, it is still not widely adopted by most of the people due to the complications of understanding the technique. This difficulty of visualizing and usage of this method renders it less useful to a majority. Various studies on enhancement of method of loci have been done through the years. These studies are not providing customizable approach to the end-user. This research also enhances this application by enabling the end-users with the ability of customizing the solution making it applicable in a broad range. The solution introduced in this research is a Virtual Reality based software application developed using Unity3D Game Engine and Google Cardboard Virtual Reality Software Development Kit. It renders a memory palace along with the ability of customization allowing the user to store information along the palace path. The researchers have developed a mobile application which can be run on any device that supports Google Cardboard Virtual Reality. This application has the potential of aiding the user with the ability of memorizing various information with ease. This can be applied in a wide range of fields such as education and psychological treatment. The researchers have planned to further develop the application allowing users to use various mind palace templates according to their preferences.
Computer Science, Information Science, Computing and Information Science