Can Organizational Culture Make Impact on the Growth of Customer Base in Hospitality Industry? An Evaluation with special Reference to Trincomalee District

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Uva Wellassa University of Srilanka
Note: See the PDF Version Organizational culture refers to a system of shared meaning held by members that distinguish organization from other organizations (Stephen and Timothy, 2009). According to Stephen and Timothy (2009), there are seven primary characteristics of the organizational culture. They include innovation and risk taking, attention to detail, outcome orientation, people orientation, team orientation, aggressiveness and stability. In the last few decades, Sri Lanka has attained a significant growth in the service sector and its contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employment has risen in a considerable manner during the period from 1980 to 2007. As far as the tourism industry in Sri Lanka is concerned it is getting more significant developments in recent years (Central bank Report, 2009). Consequently, hotel industry has taken a new entrance and considered as a mode of foreign income. However, the customers find difficulties when the organization changes the organization frequently and that might cause to lower the customer loyalty. Customer loyalty and growth of the customer base are the most important challenges faced by most of chief executive officers across the world (Ball, 2004). Accordingly, this research aimed to identify the nature of the organizational culture and the growth of the customer base of the hotel industry and to identify the relationship between the characteristics of organizational culture and growth of the customer base in hotel industry with special reference to Trincomalee District.
Tourism Management, Tourism Industry, Hospitality Management, Entrepreneurship