Push factors effect on voluntary external labor turnover intention in apparel industry Katunayaka Export Processing Zone

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Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka
Employees’ turnover is a much studied phenomenon in human resource management (Khatri et al. 2003) but there is no standard reason why people leave organizations. The term “turnover” is defined by Yasir in (2001) as the ratio of the number of organizational members who have left during the period being considered divided by the average number of people in that organization during the period. Employees’ turnover intention is different from Employees’ turnover. Labour turnover intention is mental decision of an individual toward the decision of continue or leave the job (Meyer et al, 2001). Turnover intentions are the instant connection to turnover behavior (Benedict et al, 2007). As a result of the turnover intention at the end it can be seen labor turnover. Voluntary external labor turnover intention is employee own intention to quit from the job as well as from the organization. But there is no standard reason why people leave organization. Those factors basically can be divided as push factors and full factors (Ali Shah et al., 2010). Push factors are controlled factors because those factors are internal and can be controlled by organizations. According to Vuipoh (2002), firm can control push factors. In addition to that push factors can be defined as aspects that push the employees towards the exit door such as salary, benefits and facilities; size of organization, job satisfaction, job stress, and organizational commitment (Ali Shah et al., 2010). Further it has broadly divided push factors called organizational factors, attitude factors, and organizational commitment. This research conduct to find solutions for following three research questions such as What is the relationship between push factors and voluntary external labor turnover intention?, What is the impact of push factors on voluntary external labor turnover intention?, What are the suggestions provide by employees to maintain voluntary external labor turnover intention? Researcher aim to achieve following research objectives respectively to identify the relationship between push factors and voluntary external labor turnover intention, to identify the impact of push factors on voluntary external labor turnover intention, to identify the suggestions provide by employees to maintain voluntary external labor turnover intention. Methodology The population of this study was operational level employees work in apparel related firms which have registered in Sri Lanka Board of Investment (BOI) within Katunayake Export Processing Zone (KEPZ). The aim was to study best three companies within population. Those best three companies select based on Sri Lanka BOI annual report, 2012. Finally select 30 operational level employees from each company have been selected which accounts for 90 operational level employees. Primary data is collected through self-administered questionnaires. Further Cronbach Alpha reliability test was employed to assess the validity of the questionnaire. Thus, employee turnover intention was measured by using self developed questionnaire based on Ali Shah et al.,(2010) The questionnaire items to measure turnover intention developed by the researcher have shown a reliability level of 0.808 confirming that these levels are exceeding the general acceptable level. Hence, it is suitable for the further processing. In addition, Interview techniques use to gather deeper information of employees relevant to research objectives. Data were analyzed by using descriptive analysis, correlation coefficients analysis, and regression analysis. Results and Discussion The researcher measure relationship between turnover intention and push factors. Push factors categorized basically three parts such as Organization factors (Pay, Benefit, and Organizational justice), Attitude factors (Job satisfaction, and Stress), and Organization commitment (Affective commitment, Continues commitment, and Normative commitment) according to the research findings Correlation between push factors and turnover intention Show as follow.
Management, Human Resource Management, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship and management, Apparel Industry in Sri Lanka, Apparel Industry