Microbiological Quality Assessment of Raw Milk to Identify Sources of Contamination

NOTE: see the PDF version Bogahawatta area is one of the major milk supplying area to Kotmale Dairy Products (Pvt) Ltd, Bogahawatta factory. One of the major challenges faced by Kotmale Products (Pvt) Ltd is the poor microbiological quality of the milk received at the factory. This research was carried out to find out the contribution of contamination sources for milk contamination in Bogahawatta area. Methodology Thirty small holder cattle farmers participated in this study. Farmers were selected using a simple random sampling method. Six samples (two milk samples and four swab samples) were collected from each farmer. Two milk samples (one sample received at the factory under chilling condition & other one received under room temperature) were received. Swab samples were collected from udders of cow, skin of cow, hands of farmer and milking bucket & lid. The time period for receiving milk from farm to the factory and temperature differences occurred during transportation period were recorded. The Total Plate Count (TPC) method was used to enumerate the total aerobic microorganisms present in the samples. Eosin Methylene Blue (EMS) Agar method and Violet Red Bile (VRB) agar method was used for enumeration of E. coli and Coliforms present in the samples, respectively. Karl Pearson Correlation Coefficient method and paired t-test was used to identify the relationship between the contamination sources and contamination of milk.
Animal Sciences, Biology, Animal Production Technology, Food Science