Investigation of Drawbacks and Misconceptions in Implementing ISO 22000: Food Safety Management System in Sri Lanka
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Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka
In the modern agrifood economies, the development of food safety and quality management
standards is crucial, and many firms in food alimentary chain usually face difficulties in
implementing those standards.As far as Sri Lanka is concerned, it is vital to go for the concept
of FSMS as it now finds themselves to participate in a global trade dealing in a wide range of
food products. Thereforethe main objective of the research was to investigate the major
obstacles and misconceptions encountered during the ISO 22000 certification efforts within the
Sri Lankan situation. A structured survey was carried out by using a random sample of 35 firms
in food alimentary chain located within the Western and North Western provinceswhere the ISO
22000:2005 Food Safety Management System has already been put into the practice.Data were
gathered by using a structured questionnaire. The scale adopted in questionnaire was five point-
likertscale. Collected data were processed using Minitab 15 and Microsoft Excel statistical
survey.Hypothesis testing was conducted separately for each factor toidentify the major
drawback/misconception while factor is a drawback/misconception was taken as an alternative
hypothesis. For acceptance a measure as constraint, it shouldbe greater than three (midpoint of
the likert scale) and then P values were used to furtherevaluate the results. According to the P
values and acceptance of the alternative hypothesis results were clearly emphasizes eight major
drawbacks and out of them lack of personnel furnished with the sufficient knowledge of food
interdepartmental relationship, inadequate interpretation of standard requirements heads the list .
Four major misconceptions identified were the external support is must for the system
implementation, FSMS is a certificate or award gained by the company, implementation effort
of the system is the responsibility of quality and production departments only and FSMS is a
more complex and requirements are unachievable. Both barriers and misconceptions of FSMS
lead firms to impede the successful implementation of the system within Sri Lankan situation.
Out of them lack of personals furnished with the sufficient knowledge of food science and
standard requirements has become the leading problem. Therefore need of competent personals
furnished with required food science and system based knowledge is must for the industries and
more intervention of the local and international accreditation bodies is highly essential to ensure
successful implementation of the system.
Agriculture, Export Agriculture, Food Science, Food Technology