Distinguishing Larval Instars of the Vegetable Leaf-Miner Liriomyza huidobrensis (Diptera: Agromyzidae)

Note: See the PDF Version The vegetable leaf-miner, Liriomyza huidobrensis (Diptera: Agromizidae) is a highly polyphagous species known to attack ten different plant families including economic crops and ornamental plants (Wijesekara, 1997). Larval parasitoid, Diglyphus iseae, has been introduced and has recorded higher levels of parasitism of the vegetable leaf -miner (Nugaliyadde et al., 2000). Diglypus isaea females oviposit on larger hosts but reject or feed on smaller hosts (Parrella, at al., 2005). Therefore, a need has arisen to develop an easy method to determine the correct time duration of different larval instars during the life cycle of vegetable leaf-miner, withouthelp of sophisticated methods. The Major objective of this study, was to identify a simple and easy method to distinguish different larval instars of the Liriomyza huidobrensis under glass house conditions and specific objectives were, to identify the different larval instars of Lirioniyza huidobrensis and to study the relationship between larval development time (in days) and larval instars of Liriomyza huidobrensis.
Agriculture, Animal Science, Biology, A