Development of a Cereal Incorporated Yoghurt

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Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka
Yoghurt, thought to have been part of Balkans and the Mediterranean countries for a longer time in the history (Early, 1998), is a popular nutritional healthy food serves as a snack and a dessert. Yoghurt is a fermented milk product which is partially digested by microorganisms. Under the standard of identity established by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in order for a refrigerated product to be called "yogurt," it must be produced by culturing permitted dairy ingredients with a bacterial culture, which contains Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. In addition to the use of bacterial cultures required by the FDA standard of identity, live and active culture yogurt may contain other safe and suitable food grade bacterial cultures. Yoghurt has a higher nutritional profile and known to have many health benefits. Yoghurt is a good solution for lactose intolerance, due to several factors including the activity of live bacteria in the yogurt or the digestive action of other enzymes on lactose such as bacterial p-galactosidase. The increased viscosity of yogurt compared with milk has also been suggested as a potential explanation, as this may result in slower emptying from the stomach and thus a longer transit through the gastrointestinal tract, which in turn may improve the absorption and reduce the amount of lactose present in the colon. Studies have also shown that consumption of milk and dairy foods as part of a calorie controlled diet is associated with increased weight loss, particularly form the abdomen, amount of lactose present in the colon. Yoghurt is healthy option for obesity. The action of probiotics is another health benefit of yoghurt. Probiotics can exert a positive effect on health by redressing the balance of health-promoting and pathogenic bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. Cereals are grasses cultivated for edible components of their fruit seeds. Cereals play an important role in meals. Rice varieties are staple food of Asians. Many cereals have a very good role in the breakfast and snacks in other corners of the world. Focusing on the nutritional factors, cereals are known to possess dense nutritional properties with less calories and sugar. They manage the blood sugar levels and body weight. Cereal plays major roles in health by reducing the risk of coronary heart diseases and cancers of stomach and colon. A cereal with milk is a leading source of nutrients in children's diet. Incorporating both nutritional sources, this study was aimed to develop a ready — to — serve cereal incorporated yoghurt as a new yoghurt product, while adding value to local cereal varieties such as Rice (Oryza saliva) and Finger millet (Eleusinecoracana). The law fat content and medicinal value of cereals opens a broad market segment for this yoghurt. Considering its health impacts, this yogurt can be marketed for elders among whom the yogurt is not much popular.
Science and technology, Food Sience, Animal Production, animal Product and public Health