Antimicrobial Activity of Plumbago Rosea Root Extract against Human Pathogens

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Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka
Note: See the PDF Version Plumbago prosea, also known as Plumbago indica is an ornamental garden plant. Root of this plant wild acrid, vesicant, a iterative, digestive, stimulate abortifacient and oral contraceptive ve properties is used in Ayurvedic medicine (Okeyo, 2006). According to the previous studies root of P.rosea contains plumbagin or 5-hydroxy-2- methyl- 1,4- napthoquinone (Mallavadhani 2002). Plumbago is present in all the varieties of genus plumbago to a maximum of about 0. 9 I %. Pliiml›ago zeylanicas, another species belong to genus plumbago has been reported for its antimicrobial properties. (Dhale, 2011). The emergence of antibiotic resistant strains of human pathogens and side effects of currently available drugs are becoming a serious problem , for witch alternative therapies are urgently required. Infections caused by staphylococcus aureus especially due to methicillin -resistant S.aureus (M RSA) in immune compromised patients is continue to be a serious problem in worldwide. Staphylococcus aureus is a cause for community- acqu ired urinary tract infections in young women. Opportunistic pathogens which as Pscu‹loiiioiias act uginos which causes range of human infection and the Escherichia coil are also, being reported for the antibiotic resistance. Drug resistant strains of CanJi‹la albicans, which causes cand id iasis is also a problems with global concern,
Agriculture, Biotechnology, Science & Technology