Effect of Feeding Method and Locally Produced Blood Meal Incorporated Diet on Growth of Young Male Guppy Fish (Poecilia reticuliitii)

The tropical ornamental fish production is among the most valuable industries in the world arid the live bearer guppy fish (Poe cilia reticulate) are the most popular species among hobbyists (Harpaz e/ al., 2005). An information oil dietary requirement of guppy fish has been mainly evaluated by the individual experience of the farmers and is readily available. Guppy fish is known as omnivorous and require 40-45% dietary protein level in their diet (Harpaz er at., 2005). Fish feed is the single highest costly input in the ornamental fish industry and traditional I y fish meal is regarded as the commonest and most popular source of protein in the commercial feed production (Otubusin ci at., 2009). Jonston (2005) cited in Oubusin e/ at. (2009) has reported that global supply of fish mean would not be sufficient to satisfy the demand in 2014. Hence, the present study aimed to evaluate the use of blood meal as an a alternative protein source for the fish meal in the young male guppy fish diet and the form of feeding that could be ad ministered.
Fisheries Management, Aquaculture & Fisheries, Capture Fisheries