Selecting Best Extraction Method of Betanin from Beetroot (Beta vulgnyiy) and Evaluating Suitability as a Colorant for- Flavored Yoghurt

Betanin are the pigments responsibie for red colour of Beetroot (Dela vulgnris). I i is derived from 3,4-diliydroxypIienyla1anine through metabol ic reactions such as respiration. Betanin (Beetroot red) is used as a food coloring and, as a natural dye for fabrics (Nottingham, 2004), Therefore, betanin may be useful to replace synthetic colors used in yoghurt manufacturing. A variety of different coloring ingredients such as Tartrazine, Cochineal, Carminic acid, Erythrosine, Red 2G etc. are current I y added to flavored yoghurt for making the products more attractive and to encourage wider popularity. The permitted colors and the concentrations used for flavored yoghurt differs from one country to another (FAO/WHO, 1990). According to recent studies, there are some evidence of carcinogenic effect in artificial food colouraits. Similarly, many studies have shown that, treating and fermentation of the in ilk caused color bleaching and increasing the fat content in the in ilk base leads to decrease the intensity of color (Tarn ime and Robinson, 2007). Therefore, this study was carried out to select the best extraction meets od of betanin with low cost of production and to assess the suitability of extracted be tan in as a colourarit for strawberry flavored yoghurt.
animal Product and public Health, Animal Production, Animal Production Technology, Hygienic milk Production