Effect of Aerva lanata in Controlling Root-Knot Nematode Meloidogyne incognita of Tomato in Sri Lanka

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Introduction The root knot nematodes (Meloidogyne syy.) are a group of endo-parasites which are among the most damaging agricultural pests, attacking a wide range of crops worldwide. In Sri Lanka, tomato (Lyeopersicon esciileiiiutn commercial and a widely grown vegetable which is often severely prone to attack by root-knot nenj6t0de, M lDi‹1 iii cogri/‹z. Other than in tomato, the Meloi’Jog 5'n e syy. Cause serious reduction in yield in several economically important plants such as potato, chilies, okra, mung-bean, rice, tea and tobacco (Akfitar, 2000). Nematode control is mainly based on, chemica1 nematicides, which present potential risk on non-target organisms and the environment. Their high costs, non-availability at the time of need and the hazards they pose, discourage most potential users. In the search for more environmental to chemicals, possibilities are being investigated to exploit nematode-anatagonistic plants for nematode control. Leaf extracts of certain plants are known to have nematicidal or nematostatic properties against several plant parasitic nematodes (Gapasin c/ at., 2002). The nematicidal activity of the plant extracts can leads for development of plant-based agrochemicals. Weeds are usually aggressive growers with the presence in large quantities. These plants species may therefore contain active biological compounds to resist various nematode infections. Biological nematicides prepared with weed plant extracts have the advantage of readily availability, low cost and environmental safety over other conventional nematicides. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of Aeixa lonala (Ameranthaceae) weed p l ant species for nenaaticidal activity against MeloiJog tie incognita, root-knot nematode collected front tomato.
Agriculture, Crop Production, Crop Production Technology, Entrepreneurial Agriculture