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Item Analysis of Factors Affect to the Effectiveness of Tourist Information Centers in Sri Lanka(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2016) Chathurangi, K.K.P.Tourist Information center is physical location that provides tourist information to the tourist who tour the place or area. Tourist Information centers provides information and services. This research presents evaluation factors affecting to effectiveness of Tourist Information Centers in Sri Lanka. The services and their attributes are different one from another through this research it is expecting to study how these different attributes are effect to effectiveness through the visitors' satisfaction. Colombo, Badagamuwa and Badulla Information Centers are selected Information Centers and On-site visitors were surveyed using questionnaire to eliminate factors according to visitors' views. According to the findings, visitors' satisfaction level is different with different level of attribute. More visitors satisfy with Colombo TIC location than other TIC. When comparing other location Colombo TIC location it has easy access and it is situated strategic location than other TIC. Colombo TIC is more effective with Architecture or Attractiveness. When TIC has more attractive architecture visitors become more satisfy. When considering Facilities visitors more satisfy with Badagamuwa TIC. Badagamuwa TIC has multiple facilities than other TIC. Colombo TIC has more visitor satisfaction and more satisfy with their friendly and intimate service. In Sri Lanka TIC are not much adopted ICT or their service but Badagamuwa TIC has considerable level of TCT adoption. According to visitor feedback there are more satisfied with Badagamuwa TIC. Recommendations include incorporating visitor centers with choosing the location carefully, designing innovative and distinctive facilities, providing multiple functions, enhance HR capabilities and Adopt ICT as effectiveItem An Analysis of Foreign Travellers’ Satisfaction with Guided Tour Packages in Sri Lanka(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2014) Wickramasinghe, K.K.S.N.; Herath, H.M.H.M.The guided tour package is a special tourism product that is composed of many components that are organized and offered by a tour operator. The literature shows that many travelers prefer guided tour package because they are a convenient way of organizing a holiday. Studies of traveler satisfaction with guided tour package are often conducted in developed economies, on coach tours in cities, and therefore less is known about guided tour package in developing economies where the principle attraction is wildlife and nature. This research investigates visitor satisfaction with guided tour package that feature in the Sri Lanka. Quantitative research method is used in this study and this research explores the traveller satisfaction with guided tour package, and the relationship between traveller satisfactions with the different components of the guided tour package. Package tours are a type of tour where all important services are organized or provided by a tour operating company. In the guided tour package setting, determine the elements of the tour such as the pre-arrival service, accommodation, food, transportation, attraction, guiding and information. Also, visitors in the guided tour package are accompanied by a tour guide who leads the tour, interacts with visitors and links visitors with different service providers. One of the main objectives of tour package companies is to offer a satisfying guided tour package experience. Traveller satisfaction with guided tour package is shaped by a range of services offered during the tour.Item Analysis of Organizational and Environmental Benefits from Sustainable Waste Management Practices in Hotels (With Special Reference to Kandy District, Sri Lanka)(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2017) Wijesinghe, W.A.D.S.Current global waste generation levels are approximately 1.3 billion tons per year. And the World Bank study forecasts that a 70% global increase in waste by 2025- with developing countries facing the greatest challenges as their waste is expected to more than double. Especially waste is a growing problem in urban areas of Sri Lanka. Kandy is one of the major cities in Sri Lanka. It is one of the well reputed tourist destinations in the world. But Kandy District records the second largest waste generation next to Colombo district. In today's competitive business environment, hospitality organizations tend to sustainable waste management to actively contribute to the economic, social and environmental goals of sustainable development. The main purpose of the study was to Analysis of organizational & environmental benefits from sustainable waste management practices in hotels (with special reference to Kandy district, Sri Lanka). The study will adopt a descriptive survey research design. Convenience sampling method will be used to select the respondents. Data collection instruments will include questionnaires targeting the hotel general managers, depaitmental managers and junior staff. The collected data will be coded, tabulated and edited with the aid of suitable electronic statistical package, then presented using tables, graphs and pie charts to enhance a meaningful description. The data will be analyzed using descriptive statistics namely frequencies, percentages and means to explain the variable characteristics, while inferential statistics including correlation to determine the variable relationship. The finding of the research suggests the different waste management practices in hotels; ascertain the relationship in between waste management practices in hotels and major challenges in hotel industry in Kandy district. Considering the above factors, the following recommendations are given to develop the waste management practices in hotels. Some of the recommendations are to improve the waste management, confidently face to critical challenges in hotels and identify the different waste management practices in hotels through this can develop the waste management in Kandy district hotels as well as to sustainable growth of hotel industry.Item An Analysis of Push and Pull Travel Motivational Factors of Beach Tourists to Trincomalee(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2017) Ahsan, U.M.The purpose of this research paper to investigate the perception of Trincomalee,' Sri Lanaka held by foreign and local tourists. The research will overlook inbound characteristics of Trincomalee, Sri Lanka and it will mainly concern the factors that induces the decision making process of tourists, their motivations, expectations and their needs. The objectives of this research are to identify the demographic profile of beach tourists and to identify the most & the least push and pull travel motivational factors of Beach tourist's arrival to Trincomalee. Mixed data analysis methods were employed in this research. The questionnaire was developed to reflect their travel motivation factors based on multiple choice questions, and it was distributed among 100 foreign and local tourists based on convenient sampling technique. The respondents were selected from Nilaveli, Uppuveli, Marble beach, Arisimale and Town beach of Trincomalee areas. The study shows that both push and pull travel motivational factors stimulate the higher Beach tourists' arrivals to Trincomalee, Sri Lanka. The mean ranking of the constructs within travel motives showed that, Seeking Relaxation and Fulfilling Prestige were regarded as the most and the least influential push and travel motivational factors, respectively. Among pull travel motivational dimensions, Natural Resources and Events and Activities were identified as the most and the least influential pull travel motivational factors, respectively. This study attempts to identify motivational factors of beach tourists to the Trincomalee as different tourist markets demonstrate different domains of behavior. This may have important marketing implications to the Trincomalee especially in terms of examination of motives in segmenting markets, designing promotional programs and decision making about destination development. Based on the study's findings, practical implications for tourism marketers are suggested and future research recommendations are provided.Item Analysis of Service Quality & Tourist Satisfaction Levels with Reference to Tourist Information Centres (TICS) in Kandy City(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2016) Dhanapala, D.M.P.U.Tourist Information centre (TIC) is "a clearly labeled, publicly accessible, physical space with personnel providing pre-dominantly free of charge information to facilitate travelers' experiences" (Pearce, 2004). Tourists who arrive to each destinations visit TICs for receiving trustworthy information for their journey. Hence, TICs can be a strong strategic point to promote tourism of a region. Therefore, it is essential to pay attention on the service quality of the TICs and this paper sets out to report on research that investigated foreign tourist satisfaction on service quality in TICs. Foreign tourists who visited TICs in Kandy were taken as the population to the study and the convenience sampling technique was used to select the sample consisting 100 respondents from the population. Primary data were collected through a questionnaire and quantitative technique was employed to analyze the data. The results revealed that there is a significant and positive relationship between service quality in TICs and further, the tangibility dimension has mostly contributed for foreign tourist satisfaction than the other dimensions. The study further concludes that in order to increase the tourist satisfaction in TICs, the attention should pay on improvement of the service quality dimensions providing modern equipment and informative interior to TICs. Findings of this study will be important for tourism planners and decision makers in the tourism industry.Item Analysis of the Effect of the Working Environment to the Job Satisfaction of the Air Hostesses (With Special Reference to Sri Lankan Airlines)(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2017) Wijerathna, W.G.N.S.C.D.This study aims to investigate the effect of the working environment to the job satisfaction of the air hostesses with the special reference to Sri Lankan Airlines. Among all other factors, the working environment gets the major position with relation to the job satisfaction. With the determination of the elements and the factors of the independent variable - working environment and the dependent variable - job satisfaction, the primary data was collected to find out whether there is a positive effect or the negative effect of the working environment to the job satisfaction. And next objective of this study is to find out major critical working environmental factors which relates directly to the job satisfaction. The analysis was done among the demographic factors as the descriptive analysis and in other hand finding out the relationship of these variables was done with the correlation analysis. Finally regression analysis was produced to find out the effect of the independent variables and to find the major critical working environmental factors which affects to the job satisfaction of the air hostesses. As the ultimate outcomes of this research it revealed that the first factor of the independent variable, the Job Environment and its elements are strongly affecting to the job satisfaction of the air hostesses of Sir Lankan Airlines. The air hostesses got dissatisfied when the job environment elements are messed up. Majorly long flights, odd working hours, flying to same destination frequently and doing same job duties for long time are some of the Working environment - job environmental reasons which made the air hostesses unhappy with their job. And the second most affecting factor of the working environment is the Organizational characteristics. The slow response of the company to the problems of the air hostesses, getting long time for promotions, and short hierarchy are the some of the Working environment — Organizational Characteristic's elements that dissatisfied the air hostesses about their career. With that. Finally the suggestions and recommendations were given to improve the job satisfaction of air hostesses to reach the ultimate target of Sri Lankan Airlines.Item An Analysis on Solid Waste Management in Hotel Industry (With Reference to Four & Five Star Hotel in Colombo District)(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2013) Nuwan, D.M.V.Solid waste management is one of the serious, complex and challenging problems in developing countries and some organizations have identified it as a strategic way of addressing environmental and social concerns. Many researchers have identified the contribution of management level employees towards the implementation of waste management practices. But it has ignored the operational level employee contribution in their studies. Therefore, this study focused to evaluate the contribution of operational level employee contribution to develop waste management programs in five & four star class hotels. There are three main objectives as to identify waste management practices in five star & four star hotels in Sri Lankan context, to understand the attitudes of operational level employee toward waste management program and to identify operational level employee contribution to waste management practices. The data was collected from five star and four star hotel employees. The interview method and questionnaire method was used to collect data and bath qualitative and quantitative methods were to analyze data. Conceptual model was developed based on employee attitudes towards seven waste management practices which were taken as independent variable and the dependent variable is taken as solid waste management programme. Quantitative data were analyzed by using Kruskal wall test and descriptive analysis and Qualitative data analyze by using descriptive statistics. Research finding were emphasized that they have a positive attitude towards waste management practices even though they doesn't rewarded. Furthermore it revealed that still the hotels in Colombo region are not highly focuses in new waste management practices such as 7R system mean while still they use 3R, 5R concepts.Item Analysis the Level of Competency of Hospitality Employees from Industry Perspective: Gap Analysis Reference to Graduates and Non-Graduates(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2014) Nicholas, S.R.B.People are one of the most important resources for businesses throughout the world. This is particularly true with respect to a service-intensive sector such as hospitality. It is only through focused developmental support of all staff with an emphasis on high-quality and high-competencies that the hotel industry can reach its full business potential. Therefore competencies and quality of staff are among the most important factors in sustaining the competitive success of the hotel. The main aim of this study is to reveal the extent to which programs and education system meet the prerequisites of the tourism industry regarding competencies of diploma holders, school leavers and graduates. The Sample population for this research was managerial employees who working in star rated hotel in Colombo district. For this survey, data were gather using questionnaire and interviews within selected sample of organizations. Mean, Independent t-test, and One way ANOVA used to. measure statistical findings. Alpha test proved that questionnaire was reliable. According to the findings diploma holders having low competency gap than graduates and school leavers. Managerial employee's age and working years in the industry having effect on the expected competency level. Diploma holders were showed high level of skills and competencies than the graduates and school leavers.Item An Analyzing of Factors that Attract Tourist Guides and Their Job Satisfaction (With Reference to Southern Province Sri Lanka)(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2013) Nupehewa, D.T.This study seeks to determine the factors that attract tourist guides and their job satisfaction with reference to Southern province Sri Lanka. Job satisfaction is a significant thing of any professional worker in any type of industry in the world because that would be impacted to the personal life of them and quality of the product or service they offer as well. The research problem was why there is a different in job satisfaction of tourist guides work in the same industry and the objective of the study was to find the impact of attracting factors to the Job satisfaction of tourist guides. The 60 registered tourist guides those who are working in Southern province Sri Lanka were selected as the sample out of the population of 595 registered tourist guides in southern province by use Convenience sample technique. The data were collected and measured by five point likert scale method further more collected data were analyzed by using!uni variant (descriptive), bi variant and multi variant statistic. Overall output of Job 'Quality, Personnel preference and Skills & abilities positively impact to the job sa'I' isfaction but financial benefits, Local Tourism Industry and Limited option were negatively impact to the job satisfaction of registered tourist guides of Southern province of Sri Lanka.Item Analyzing the Factors Influencing the Choice for Themed Wedding Packages (With Special Reference to Colombo City)(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2014) Wickramathilaka, K.W.A.D.N.This research study explores the factors that are motivated to choice for themed wedding packages, especially focus on the Sri Lankan wedding couples in Colombo city. Among other cities in Sri Lanka, Colombo city is vast market for themed weddings. Wedding is one of the personal events in event industry. At the past wedding is organized by wedding couples without any event planners. With the time event planners are involved to make successful wedding with new ideas. Themed wedding concepts add to event planning industry with globalization. Today sea, butterfly, nature, tradition of Sri Lanka or even a simple color schemes are some of main subjects for themed wedding concepts which are popular in Colombo city. However, yet researches are very insignificant on these areas based on an analysis of the factors selecting themed wedding packages with special reference of Colombo city. Therefore, this study touches the nature of themed weddings, especially factors that are selecting themed wedding packages based on local wedding couples. Quantitative methodology has been used as the primary data collection with simple random sampling. Then seventy five wedding couples from Colombo district are selected from fifteen wedding planner organization in Colombo city. Self-administered questionnaires from wedding couples were collected and analyzed by descriptive analysis, ranking analysis and exploratory factor analysis using SPSS 21 software. The research findings revealed that personal and promotional factors were the most important factor for the choice of themed wedding packages. Furthermore, perceptions of themed wedding couples on wedding planning organizations are highly agreeing with the importance of wedding planner's service.Item Analyzing the Foreign Passenger Satisfaction on the Facilities Available at Bandaranayake International Airport (BIA)(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2016) Uduwara, N.This study aims to investigate passengers" facility quality satisfaction of the Bandaranaike International Airport (BIA)- as the satisfaction would affect the number of future travelers to Sri Lanka. .After determining a list of known factors affecting airport facility quality, passengers" satisfaction survey was carried out at the departure lounge of the BIA. Based on the collected data, a passenger satisfaction rating was compiled reflecting the users" level of satisfaction of the BIA facilities. Apart from identifying the most important factors on airport facility quality, it was also shown that what are the most significant facilities expect by a passenger while revealing the current satisfaction.Item Analyzing the International Tourists’ Destination Image Perception on Colombo City as a City Tourism Destination(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2016) Wimalarathna, K.D.A.In tourism industry, the competitiveness among tourism destinations has become highly demanding. Niche tourism refers to approach that well-defined tourism product tailored to meet the interests of a particular tourist segment. And city tourism integrates many niche tourism segments together. Hence most cities of the world have already become the paramount tourism destinations. A large amount of existing and emerging cities are competing to enhance the destination image perception in order to attract more international tourists. Research. objective is to identify the potentials to promote Colombo city as a city tourism destination by analyzing the international tourists' destination image gap on Colombo city attributes. According to the Morgan table, a sample of 382 international tourists who visited Colombo city during the month of June 2016 were selected to conduct this survey by using convenience sampling technique. A descriptive survey among the international tourists was conducted with a structural questionnaire. EPI format (modified SERVQUAL) was used to obtain data from the respondents and to analyze the international tourists' destination image gap and the overall satisfaction rating regarding the Colombo city attributes. The numerous potentials have been identified which will be in capable of promoting Colombo city as a city tourism destination. And results suggest the importance of the new product development and service designing, service quality improvements, global promotional campaigns with the collaboration of social media marketing tool and government intervention to reduce the destination image gap and to enhance the tourist satisfaction.Item Assess Service Quality and Tourist Satisfaction in Hotel Industry with Special Reference to Pasikuda Hotels(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2014) Aasath, Y.M.The Assess service quality on the customer satisfaction has become internationally interesting topic. Several research investigate the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction in service industries. Many research were done in developed countries, on the other hand, only a few study was done in developing countries not only that but also hotel industry. This research will closing the gap by examines the service quality on the customer satisfaction in the hotel industry. This study focus on five service quality dimensions. They are tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. The tangible aspects of service quality comprise all that the client can see, touch, hear, and smell when the services are delivered. It includes not only the physical output of the service, but also the physical facilities, the equipment, and the appearance of personnel. Firms should consider facilities design and promote a positive employee image to current and prospective clients. Thus, tangibles basically involve physical facilities, equipment, and appearance of employees. On the other hand, reliability means the ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately, while responsiveness refers to the willingness to help customers and to provide a prompt service. Assurance is the knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to inspire trust and confidence. Finally, empathy means the caring and attention provided to customers. Based on this service quality dimension 80 questionnaires were filled by the guests who stay in selected pasikuda hotels. Hotels were selected based on the Sri Lankan accommodation guide and questionnaires issued based on the number of rooms available in the hotels. The results are reported and confirmed that the service quality impact on customer satisfaction in hotel industry and how tourists satisfied, with the service offered in pasikuda hotels. It appeared that there is an impact of the service quality on the customers' satisfaction in hotel industry. Furthermore if the hotels are practicing the service quality core principles the guests are almost satisfy with tangible, assurance and empathy dimension services and guest moderately satisfy with reliability and responsiveness dimension services in pasikuda hotels. In addition, the study finds that service quality should be applied in the hotel industry in Sri Lanka .And this research finds out the importance of practices service quality on hotel industry. A discussion of the result is presented and directions for further research on service quality and customer satisfaction management.Item Assessing the Effect of Service Quality on Revisit Intention of International Tourists; The Role of Tourist Satisfaction (With Special Reference to Resort Hotels in Galle District)(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2016) Dilruksha, V.N.P.Sri Lankan tourism industry is rapidly growing after the war period. According to the Sri Lanka tourism development authority statistics, Sri Lanka reached highest tourist arrivals and it was about more than one million tourists. In this context, this study was investigated assessing the effect of service quality on revisit intention of international tourists through the role of tourist satisfaction with special reference to resort hotels in Galle district. The researcher has selected five resort hotels in Galle district and data was collected from 100 guests who visited those five resort hotels. Convenience sampling method was used as a sampling technique. The data was collected by using close ended questionnaire. The SERVQUAL model has been used to measure the service quality. Descriptive statistics, correlation, regression and mediator assessment were used to analyze the data with the support of SPSS 21.0 version. Descriptive statistics has implied existing level of service quality and revisit intention. Correlation analysis has exposed strong positive relationship between service quality and revisit intention as well as customer satisfaction. Mediator assessment is used to identify the relationship between service quality and guest revisit intention through the mediation of customer satisfaction. Since the study found that the service quality is a key driver of customer satisfaction in the resort hotels in Galle district. It is recommended that the management of hotels should be clearly considering service strategies in improving upon customer satisfaction. In that case management should consider the training programs for employees to develop their knowledge, skills and competencies further it will indirectly influence on the performance of the hotels. In addition, hotel industry has to engage global trends and new technologies to expand the potential market and to reach the new markets.Item Assessing the Guest Perception of Service Quality in 98 Acres Hotel in Ella(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2014) Sanjeewani, R.H.T.The importance of service quality for business performance has been recognized in the literature through the direct effect on customer satisfaction and the indirect effect on customer loyalty. The main objective of the study was to measure hotels' service quality performance from the customer perspective. To do so, a performance-only measurement scale (SERVPERF) was administered to customers stayed in 98 Acres boutique hotel in Ella. Although the importance of service quality and service quality measurement has been recognized, there has been limited research that has addressed the structure and antecedents of the concept for the hotel industry. The clarification of the dimensions is important for managers in the hotel industry as it identifies the bundles of service attributes consumers find important. The results of the study demonstrate that SERVPERF is a reliable and valid tool to measure service quality in the hotel industry. The instrument consists of six developed dimensions, namely "tangibles", "responsiveness", "empathy", "assurance" and "reliability""Food and Beverage". Hotel customers are expecting more improved services from the hotels in all service quality dimensions. However, hotel customers have the lowest perception scores on empathy, reliability and responsiveness. In the light of the results, possible managerial implications are discussed and future research subjects are recommended.Item Assessing the Impact of Sustainable Business Practices on Tourist Perception in Small and Medium Scale Hotels With Special Reference to Kandy, Rathnapura and Negombo(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2016) Nirupamala, G.D.P.Sustainable development is widely accepted among tourism organizations as the sustainable business practices are an emerging topic in small and medium scale hotels. Despite of its important role, both Organizations and tourists are suffering different kinds of barriers when adopting sustainable business practices into small and medium scale hotels. The main objective of this study is to identify the sustainable business practices in small and medium scale hotels within Rathnapura, Kandy and Negombo areas and secondary objective is to identify the tourist perception on the sustainable business practices in small and medium scale hotels. Sample consisted of one hundred and twenty tourists and fifteen small and medium scale hotels have chosen. The primary data were gathered through the structured survey and questionnaire method has been adopted. Descriptive statistics and Correlation coefficient analysis used to analysis the data. Findings exposed the hotels in Rathnapura, Kandy, Negombo area aware about the sustainability issues in hospitality. Further, majority stated the use of comprehensive sustainability strategies and implementation of programs. Further, results revealed the strong positive relationship between tourist perception and the sustainable business practices in the small and medium scale hotels. As recommendations, the promotion of sustainable business practices and adopting green-marketing techniques in hospitality sector had been highlighted.Item Assessing the Tourist Satisfaction and Service Quality of 3-Star Hotels in Eastern Province (With Special Reference to Hotels in Pasikkudah and Arugambay Destination)(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2016) Hassan, M.L.M.The Assessing service quality on the customer satisfaction has become internationally important topic. Several research investigate the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction in service industries. Many researches were done in developed countries, on the other hand, only a few study was done in developing countries not only that but also hotel industry. This research will closing the gap by examines the service quality on the customer satisfaction in the hotel industry. This study focus on five service quality dimensions. They are tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. The tangible aspects of service quality is includes not only the physical output of the service, but also the physical facilities, the equipment, and the appearance of personnel. Firms should consider facilities design and promote a positive employee image to current and prospective clients. On the other hand, Reliability means the ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately, while responsiveness refers to the willingness to help customers and to provide a prompt service. Assurance is the knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to inspire trust and confidence. Finally, empathy means the caring and attention provided to customers. Based on this service quality dimension 70 questionnaires were filled by the guests who stay in selected Arugam Bay and paasikudah hotels. Hotels were selected based on the Sri Lankan accommodation guide and questionnaires issued based on the number of guest stayed in the hotels on previous month. The results are reported and confirmed that the service quality impact on customer satisfaction in hotel industry and how tourists satisfied, with the service offered in Arugam Bay and Paasikudah hotels. It appeared that there is an impact of the service quality on the customer satisfaction in hotel industry.Item Assessing Tourist Satisfaction on Agro Tourism Attributes in Sri Lanka (With Special Reference to CIC Farm in Hingurakgoda and New Zealand Farm in Ambewela)(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2016) Rathnayaka, R.M.D.W.Agro tourism is an innovative agricultural activity which is related to both tourism and agriculture. Sri Lanka is very popular as an agricultural country in the Asian region. Today, agriculture and tourism in Sri Lanka are major elements in the economic development, acting as revenue generating industries with multiplier effects on the economy and significant employment capacity, which significantly contributes to GDP and rural income generation. Therefore developing agro tourism will be helped to increase the tourist arrivals and foreign exchange in Sri Lankan tourism industry. To develop the agro tourism, it is vital to identify the factors which are affecting to the satisfaction of the agro tourists who are coming to Sri Lanka. The main purpose of this paper is to evaluate tourist satisfaction on agro tourism attributes. There are nineteen agro tourism attributes under five different aspects selected for the satisfaction measurement. The study has been conducted in two purposively selected agro tourism destinations in Sri Lanka. They are CIC farm in Hingurakgoda and New Zealand farm in Ambewela. According to the results it reveals that out of nineteen agro tourism attributes thirteen attributes emerge at the satisfied level and six were in moderately satisfied level. Further, the overall satisfaction level of tourists were at satisfied level. The possibility of revisiting the destination and recommending destination to other was high. However tourists have emphasized the necessity of improving appropriate educational programs, direct sales facilities, varieties in farm activities, increasing efficiency of staff members, upgrading quality of the farm products and hygiene and sanitation facilities and road conditions leading to the destinations in order to enhance the satisfaction of tourists. The findings of this research may be helpful in developing policy and promoting agro tourism in Sri Lanka.Item Assessing Tourist’s Satisfaction Towards the Batik and Handicraft Shops in Sri Lanka (Special Reference to Kandy District)(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2016) Dayananda, S.H.P.R.Tourism is service base industry. So the satisfaction is critical importance factor. Tourists who visit the destination have intention to shopping. So it is a virtual to have the satisfaction towards the shopping activities as well as the shop attributes. When it takes the Batik and Handicrafts, it shows the culture of Sri Lanka. With this in mind this research aim to find the overall satisfaction of tourists who visit the batik and handicraft shops in Kandy district, existing tourist's satisfaction towards the batik and handicraft shops attributes, relationship between the tourist satisfaction and batik and handicraft shops attributes. The study gathered data from 100 sample units by using convenient sampling technique. The data collection done by using self-administered questioner with consists with shop attributes and tourist's overall satisfaction as independent and dependent variables. Descriptive analysis and correlation coefficient analysis were used to analyze the data with the support of SPSS 23.0 version. The study found that tourist's overall satisfaction is in the satisfactory level and except the rewards all the other shops attributes are in satisfactory level. Correlation coefficient use to determine the relationship between the tourist satisfaction and batik and handicraft shops attributes. It exposed that weak positive relationship between overall satisfaction and Quality of retailers, Convenience. Also strong positive relationship between overall satisfaction and Environment, Customer service and there is no relationship between overall satisfaction and Rewards. Since the study founded that the tourists are almost satisfied with the shops and shops attributes also there are some weaknesses. So there are some suggestions to have significant communication method to communicate the tourists within limited time period. Quality of the product and the cleanliness of the shop environment with safety conditions. In addition shops should engage with the global market and trends to reach the potential market.Item Barriers in the Commencement of One’s Own Business; With Special Reference to Hospitality and Tourism Graduates in Sri Lanka(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2017) Milinda, H.K.K.This study is mainly to identify the community perception and their involvement in the tourism development activities. Research was carried out at Kalpitiya, one of the planned tourism development site in Sri Lanka, adopting the qualitative research. A survey was conducted using a semi structured questionnaire with 100 respondents from the local community. The local community of Kalpitiya area consists of 31 GN divisions which has been considered as a population for the survey. And it will be taken 100 of respondents from the total population of local community, which was considered for the survey. The findings indicate that more benefits have been brought to the area due to the ongoing tourism development activities, however the local community is not in a position to get the real benefits of the tourism development due to lack of proper education, knowledge, experience, capacity etc. The community bear mixed perception about the ongoing development in the study area. On the other hand, those who get benefits through tourism hold positive perception and attitudes while those who have not received any tangible benefits hold negative attitudes about the tourism development. The results highlighted that, it is necessary to have a well-planned awareness program about the community involvement for the ongoing tourism development activities. Therefore, the authorities should concern more about the community awareness and capacity building programs in order to deliver the benefits of tourism development to the local community also to ensure the long term sustainability of the industry.