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Item Analyzing the Impact between Macroeconomic Variables on Economic Growth in Sri Lanka(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) Gallage., C.K.Macroeconomic variables such as interest rates, inflation and exchange rates play a vital role in the economic performance of any country. This study sought to establish the relationship between macroeconomic variables and economic growth in Sri Lanka. The factors identified in the study are budget deficit, interest rate, inflation rate and money supply. This study attempts to find out the impact of macroeconomic variables on economic growth in Sri Lanka by using Regression Analysis, Correlation analysis and Hypothesis test are used for the period 1985 to 2015. Annual time series data were used in this study. Data on GDP growth rate, budget deficit, inflation, interest rate and Money supply growth were collected from annual report of central bank and world development indicators published by International Monetary Funds. The empirical results show that for Sri Lanka, for the period of 1985 to 2015, government budget deficit has significant impact on economic growth after auto regress the model. The effect of inflation rate, interest rate and money supply growth have no significant relationship on the GDP growth. Similarly budget deficit has positive impact of economic growth as well as inflation rate and money supply has positive relationship on economic growth. But, interest and economic growth has negative relationship. This study is focused to discuss the impact of macroeconomic variables on economic growth by using budget deficit, inflation, money supply growth, interest rate, Researchers can use many other variables such as private investment, government debt, foreign direct investment and government expenditure etc. for further research study. Key Words : Budget Deficit, Gross Domestic Production, Inflation, Interest Rate, Money Supply.Item APPLICABILITY OF THE RISK MODEL IDENTIFIED BY BASEL FRAMEWORK ON ADVANCING FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE. (Special Reference To Licensed Commercial Banks In Sri Lanka).(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) Sanjeewani, D.M.N.M.Functions in the financial sector arise various risks due to the uncertainty of the several situations. This study expected to investigate the applicability of risk model identified by the Basel framework on advancing financial performance of Commercial Banks in Sri Lanka. The study was conducted with the objective of identifying whether there is an impact of risks in BASEL framework on the financial performance of commercial banks in Sri Lanka and to develop a "New Risk Model" including other risks which have not addressed in the BASEL framework. A sample of 10 banks were selected out of the 26 licensed commercial banks using assets based sampling method. This study used both primary and secondary data and the Primary data was collected from in-depth interviews using a semi structured interview schedule and the secondary data was collected from annual reports of the selected banks. The Mix methods approach was used in data analysis. The impact of risks in BASEL Framework on financial performance was measured by a panel data regression analysis using 100 observations covering 10 companies for 10 financial years and the thematic analysis was used to identify the risks which have not been addressed by the BASEL Framework. The results revealed that the risks in the Basel Framework which have an insignificant impact on the financial performance of commercial banks in Sri Lanka but, the Capital Adequacy Ratio has a significant impact on financial performance. Further, IT risk, Reputational Risk, Security Risk, Strategic Risk, Country Risk, Legal Risk, and Competition were identified as the risks which have not been addressed in the BASEL framework. Finally, the researcher recommend that the Sri Lankan Commercial Banks to consider the other risks other than the risks in the Basel Framework. Key Words: Basel Framework, Financial Performance, Credit Risk, Market Risk, Liquidity Risk, Operational Risk.Item ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF CONSUMER AWARENESS OF ORGANIC FOOD ON GREEN PURCHASE INTENTION: WITH THE MEDIATION EFFECT OF PREMIUM PRICE(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) Premadasa, I.V.M.N.Continuous degradation of earth is turning the land into a concrete jungle and this led to emergence of the concept of "going green" which creates a tremendous opportunity for food manufacturers and other businesses. This creates a huge demand for organic food across the world. The two key reasons behind the purchase intention of organic food have been identified as the environmental concern and health consciousness. The premium price of organic food has been deemed the main reason for not to develop positive purchase intention in some of cases. The lack of research attention has been given on the impact of premium price hence this study is conducted in order to assess the impact of consumer awareness of organic food on green purchase intention with the mediation effect of premium price. Thus, this research addresses the knowledge and empirical gap. The data were collected from a sample of 300 individuals who have purchased/ aware about organic food from Western Province using multistage sampling and judgmental sampling method. The mixed research design is used by the researcher and data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics, Karl Pearson's correlation analysis, regression analysis, Baron and Kenny model and Sobel test analysis and thematic analysis. Thus, the results of the analysis it was concluded that there was a strong positive relationship between consumer awareness and green purchase intention. Meantime, it can be concluded that the relationship between consumer awareness and green purchase intention is partially mediated by premium price. Key words: Organic Food, Premium Price, Green Purchase Intention, Environmental Concern, Health ConsciousnessItem Awareness of Sustainability and its Impact on Gaining Sustainable Competitive Advantage in the Sri Lankan Food Industry (With Special Reference to Western Province)(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) PERERA, K.D.I.M.The food industry is known to be the highest pollutant contributing industry to the environment. Being one of the most competitive yet the most pollutant contributing industry gaining sustainable competitive advantage remains questionable. Researcher has identified that lack of awareness of sustainability within the industry in consideration has created implementation of minimum sustainability practices. The research study has been conducted to bridge this gap existing in society and literature. The primary objective of the research is to identify the impact of awareness on sustainability on gaining sustainable competitive advantage. The population relevant to the research includes the executive level employees in the food outlets in western province as western province is considered as the highest pollutant contributing province in Sri Lanka. Sample has been drawn using stratified and convenience sampling. The research is conducted using mixed method where data from 150 respondents were collected through questionnaires and 10 structured interviews were conducted to validate the quantitative findings. The data analysis were conducted through smart PLS, SPSS software's and content analysis techniques. The main research findings include there is a positive relationship between awareness of environment, social and economic sustainability on gaining sustainable competitive advantage and those three independent variables are having a significant impact on gaining sustainable competitive advantage which has been validated through both qualitative and quantitative research techniques. Policy makers and strategy implantations would be beneficial with regard to managerial implication percept. The future researches are suggested to explore different other dimensions which might influence on gaining sustainable competitive advantage and to evaluate the awareness of sustainability of the functional and operational level employees and its impact on gaining overall organizational sustainable competitive advantage. Keywords: Awareness of environmental sustainability, Awareness of social sustainability, Awareness of economic sustainability, Sustainable competitive advantageItem BOTTOM OF THE PYRAMID (BOP) MARKET ORIENTATION AND PRODUCT INNOVATIONS IN FMCG INDUSTRY(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) Erandika, K.K.Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP) Market which is the largest however the poorest social- economical sector, which globally consists of about 5 billion consumers who spend approximately 2 USD per day. Market orientation is a set of actions within the organization that create value for the customer which result in profitability and fmally facilitate to achieve sustainable competitive advantage which consists of three behavioral elements of customer orientation, competitor orientation, and inter-functional orientation. Product innovation could create a firm's performance and profit growth. Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry plays a vital role in the Sri Lankan economy as it has been seen as the engine of growth to the economy as a result of its ability to create a job, generates revenue, reduces poverty and drives economic growth. FMCG Companies cannot survive without innovations due to high competition in the industry. The BOP market orientation on BOP focused product innovation in the FMCG industry in Sri Lanka, have not been substantively explored in the extant literature. Therefore this study conducted to identify the relationship between BOP market orientation and BOP focused product innovation. Data were collected across fifty major high performing FMCG companies in Sri Lanka, according to the Lanka Monthly Digest 2018 and Listed Company Directory of Colombo Stock Exchange using theoretical sampling technique. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation analysis and used simple regression analysis only as a supportive analysis to prove the relationship further. Results of the analysis indicated that BOP market orientation significantly and positively impacts to BOP focused product innovation. The outcome of this study provided important implications for managers and the policymakers to enhance the activities to engage in more BOP focused product innovations in the FMCG industry. This study can be utilized for academics to expand knowledge as a literature source. Keywords: Bottom of the pyramid, Market orientation, Product innovation, Fast moving consumer goods industryItem A Comparative Study on the Impact of Brand Image towards Local Consumers Buying Behavior in Franchised Fast Food Restaurants (With Special Reference to Colombo District)(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) Malshan, G.S.Fast food is one of the most pronouncing words in the world and it is one of the fastest-growing sectors in food industry. Fast food could be identified as the most purchased foods in the quick service restaurants format due to its unique attributes such as convenience, taste and lower price. The main objective of this study is to identify the difference between the impact of brand image on consumers' buying behavior of "Residents" and "Non-residents" in Colombo district. This research was carried out as a comparative study that compares resident and non-resident fast-food consumers. The convenient sampling and purposive sampling methods were followed and 150 resident and non-resident respondents in Colombo district were investigated with the purpose of meeting the research objectives. A questionnaire survey was conducted to collect primary data from the sample. As the analytical methods, descriptive statistics and regression were used. The results of the study indicate that there was a positive significant impact of the brand image on consumers' buying behavior of both comparative groups. As managerial implication and recommendations, since this study found that Pizza Hut is the most preferable fast-food brand, it is recommended that the foods like Pizza may be a most profitable type of fast food rather than other types of fast food. Furthermore, brand attitudes and perceived benefits were the key influential factors for consumers' buying behavior. Hence, it can be recommended that, when marketing a brand, it is necessary to concern about advertisements, functional and experimental benefits. This study comparatively investigated the brand image and consumers' buying behavior of franchised fast-food industry. However, the future researchers can focus different areas in local context and they can access the impact of brand equity, different promotional tools towards consumers' buying behavior. Key Words — Consumers' buying behavior, Brand Image, Brand attitude, Brand attribute and Perceive benefitsItem DETERMINANTS OF FEMALE LABOR FORCE PARTICIPATION IN RURAL SRI LANKA(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) Mederigema, K.R.S.P.The success story of Sri Lankan economy is recently highlighted with the graduation as an upper middle-income country. A large working population is allowing it to pursue development projects but majority of the women are not included in the working population. Since this paper aims to identify the major determinants of the Female Labor Force Participation (FLFP) in rural sector of Sri Lanka. Hence, the research seeks to examine the impacts of demographic and other household factors on the FLFP of rural Sri Lanka. The study used secondary data from the Labor Force Survey Report (LFS) — 2016 which is conducted by the Department of Census and Statistics (DCS). The study is employed Probit model to accomplish the objectives of the research. The results suggest that age of the women and being married have positive and statistically significant relationship between FLFP in rural sector. However, having children, larger household size and having no or less education show a negative and significant relationship with FLFP in rural Sri Lanka. This study accomplishes valuable information for the economists and government to encourage women to participate more vigorously in the national economy through increasing the rate of female labor force participation in rural Sri Lanka. Key words — Female Labor Force Participation, Probit Model, Demographic Factors, Labor Force SurveyItem Do Entrepreneurial Resource Bricolage Lead to Nurture Social Innovations?(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) Ratnayke, R.M.C.S.Social entrepreneurs primarily concerned with the development of innovative solutions to society's most challenging problems. In addition, the behavioral theory of "Entrepreneurial Resource Bricolage" attempts to understand what entrepreneurs do when faced with challenges and constraints. Since social innovation may depend on the extent to which social entrepreneurs can combine and apply the resources at hand in creative and useful ways to solve problems. Previous studies of entrepreneurship have emphasize the significance of bricolage especially as a way to mobilize resources and social innovations lead to development of the society. This overall study addresses the unexplored area in social innovations and entrepreneurial resource bricolage concepts, which is investigating entrepreneurial resource bricolage influence towards the nurturing of social innovations with moderating effect of entrepreneurial alertness in Sri Lanka. A quantitative study conducted by involving 264 social entrepreneurs within Sri Lanka by using purposive sampling technique. Primary data collected using a structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, Pearson coefficient correlation and regression analysis were used to analyze data, test the significance and to prove the hypothesis with the main objective. Moderating effect to the relationship assess by using process macro model 1. The findings manifest that entrepreneurial resource bricolage significantly influence on nurturing social innovations and the moderating effect was positively impacted by the relationship between entrepreneurial resource bricolage and social innovations. The study provides social entrepreneurs with precious implication to enhance the values and innovations and the study contributes to the literature of social innovations and entrepreneurial resource bricolage theory. However, this study suggests some further research based on disparate samples and different entrepreneurship categories in the future to validate the findings. . Key Words: Entrepreneurial resource bricolage, Social innovations, Entrepreneurial alertness, Social EntrepreneursItem DO INNOVATIONS LEAD TO ACHIEVE TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE (WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO RUBBER MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY IN SRI LANKA)(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) Mawathkanda, M.L.N.Sri Lankan rubber manufacturing industry is a key developed industry and is largely a sustainable focused industry. Most critical issues have been identified in the rubber manufacturing industry; accordingly high level of chemical practices, high wastage, high energy consumption, environment pollution, and various social economic issues. Hence rubber manufacturing organizations are implementing the number of complex and innovative business practices. Organizations strive to achieve sustainability through triple bottom line goals. Innovation has become one of the most important functions of an organization since it deals with achieving goals of the triple bottom line. Thus this study evaluated the association between innovations and triple bottom line goals. Questionnaires were distributed by using a theoretical sampling technique to collect primary data from 50 managerial level employees who are working in rubber manufacturing organizations that are registered under the Board of Investment (BOI) Sri Lanka. Moreover descriptive, correlations and regression analysis were performed to analyze the data. The results of the study indicated that there is a positive relationship between innovation and triple bottom line goals. Further identified, there is positive impact of innovations on triple bottom line goals. The results encourage managers in the rubber manufacturing industry to innovate to achieve the triple bottom line. The future researches regarding the proposed research area have been encouraged through the study. Key Words- Innovations, Triple bottom line, Rubber manufacturing industry, SustainabilityItem EFFECTIVENESS OF PICTORIAL WARNINGS IN CIGARETTE PACKS ON QUIT INTENTION(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) Rathnayaka, A.P.H.U.Smoking and tobacco usage has become a widely spread problem in Sri Lanka. Further, the linkage between smoking and lung cancer has become very obvious. In contrast, 45.7% of men, 5.3 % of women, and 25.8 % overall were current users of tobacco, in any form. And 29.4% of men, 0.1% of women, as well as 15.0% overall were current smokers of tobacco. 26.0 % of men, 5.3 % of women, and 15.8 % overall were current users of smokeless tobacco within Sri Lanka (System for Thalidomide Education and Prescribing Safety, 2015). Meanwhile as a resolve the issues of tobacco usage, many health researchers and professionals consider the implementation of graphic warning labels on cigarette packages as breakthrough in anti-smoking communication efforts. It can be predicted that smokers' intentions to quit smoking will increase as the depiction of the pictorial warning becomes more graphic. Through gathering of literature, the effective scale has been developed in the present study to evaluate the research objective. Primary data for the study has been collected through a well-structured formal questionnaire. The sample consisted of 261 respondents who are currently smoking and living within the Western Province, Southern Province and Central Province. Data collected was analyzed through SPSS 25. The data analyzed by using descriptive analysis, correlation coefficient, simple regression analysis and multiple regression analysis. Test results indicate that the pictorial warnings in cigarette packs are effective and have impact on quit intention. The findings of the study can be useful to the public health officials to identify effectiveness of their warning labels and to educate general public about the negative effects of smoking. Key Words: Pictorial Warnings, anti-smoking promotional tools, Reading and Comprehension, Quit Intension.Item An Empirical Study on Factors Affecting to the Microcredit Demand in Agriculture Sector (With Special Reference to Kurunegala District)(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) Munasinghe, E.A.T.LMicrocredit is one of the empowerment tools that has the potential to the agriculture sector and change the life of farmers from a situation of abject poverty to a more dignified life. microcredit is can be used as an essential economic tool which assists the poor in setting up or to expand their income generating activities relating to on farm activities in rural areas. In present, Famers face in many problems when borrowings microcredit loans and factors affecting to demand for the microcredit. Objective of this study is to ascertain the determinants of the demand for microcredit in Kurunegala district from the perspective of microcredit consumer. 100 microcredit consumers were selected from Kurunegala district using convenience sampling technique as the sample. The primary data analysis was conducted using SPSS software and simple regression with dummy variable was applied to determine the influence demographic factors to the microcredit demand. Significance determinants were found out among several dimensions and regression equation was estimated to forecast the microcredit consumer using significance determinants. The coefficients of simple linear regression and the P-values were used for the evaluation and statistical significance of variables in the model estimated. Results of the study indicated that the respondents mostly subscribe agricultural credit products and then credit product that focused on developing agriculture activities. The results illustrated five determinants. Such as income level of microcredit holders, financial literacy & information availability had significant influence on the microcredit demand of the consumer. Gender and employment status was non-significant to the microcredit demand. Financial literacy and information availability was positively correlated with the microcredit demand. The findings also reveal for the study concluded to educate the farmers on loan acquisition process & private-public integrated policy is needed to implement in Kurunegala district to effectively handle the agricultural loans. Key words: Agriculture loans, Financial literacy, Credit worthiness, Credit awareness Microcredit demand.Item AN EMPIRICAL STUDY ON INVESTIGATING THE FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE ON CUSTOMER ADOPTION OF VIRTUAL BANKING (WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO WESTERN PROVINCE)(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) Ashfa, A.L.F.Current era, banking sector plays a vital role when providing financial services and managing financial assets. Due to the development of technological advancements inventions such as ATM's, credit cards, debit cards, Tele-banking, internet banking have become as effective delivery channels of banking services. It helps to deliver traditional banking products in more advanced way. The banking sector in Sri Lanka has undergone a rapid transformation with the adoption of ICT (Information Communication Technology)-based banking solutions. However, not many studies investigate the factors that may help the bankers to design the virtual banking services, which are suitable for and adoptable by virtual banking customers. This study fills this gap and examines a number of factors affecting the virtual banking adoption by customers. Becoming very clear that the potential value of web-based service adoption by customers depends not only on the benefits, but also on overcoming a number of barriers. Present study is focused to find the determinants that influence the customer adoption of virtual banking in western province. Questionnaires were administrated to collect primary data. Stratified Random Sampling method was used to select the sample size. A Sample of 400 virtual banking users from western province were selected Total 397 virtual bankers responded and filled the questionnaire, with a response rate of 99.25%. Questionnaire consists of questions examining different phenomenon namely on the demographic profile of the respondents and virtual banking adoption Both descriptive and inferential techniques were used With respect to inferential, Exploratory Factor Analysis is used to find the most significant determinant that influence for virtual banking adoption SPSS was used to analyze the data. Results indicated the demographic profile of virtual banking users and most significant factors that influence virtual banking adoption. The findings of the research were in line with previous studies and supported with literature. With reference to the study results some valuable suggestions and management implications provided to the virtual banking service providers for gaining competitive advantage by enhancing the service quality and eradicate the service barriers that can promote or motivate banking users to adopt technology based virtual banking facilities. Key words: Virtual Banking, Adoption, Technology, CustomerItem EVALUATING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING GIVEN FOR DIFFERENTLY ABLE SOLDIERS (With special reference to Gampaha and Colombo District)(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) BOLONGHO, B.R.W.The research was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of vocational training program which has given for disabled soldiers. Disabled soldiers are the one kind of important and untouched category in the society and also they are the people who have done an enormous service to our country in past few decades. This study evaluate the effectiveness of vocational training programs using Kirkpatrick four level evaluation model. Mainly The research discussed how reaction, learning, behavior and result levels impact to the effectiveness of vocational training of disabled soldiers. The research design of the study was quantitative method and the study was conducted using a survey data collection method. The questionnaire based on four parts. The questionnaire include dimensions of reaction, learning, behavior, result and the effectiveness. This survey belongs 100 disabled soldiers of Sri Lanka Army, Navy and the Air force. The data was analyzed using SPSS package. In the Sri Lankan context there are less number of researches that conduct in this area. So this study focused to fill theoretical gap. Finally the study indicated that the Kirkpatrick four level evaluation model was most suitable to evaluate the effectiveness of vocational training. Keywords: Reaction, learning, behavior, result, effectiveness of vocational training, Kirkpatrick evaluation model.Item THE IMPACT OF CAREER DEVELOPMENT ON EMPLOYEE RETENTION (WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO APPAREL INDUSTRY)(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) Madhubhashini, K.M.I.Career development is organizing employees and employee retention is a main issue in organizational context, especially for apparel industry in Sri Lanka. Apparel industry in one of the important industry in Sri Lanka. Employee retention is one of main issue in apparel industry. However limited research has been conducted on career development and employee retention by combining dimensions of career planning, training and development, coaching and mentoring, and career counselling. Therefore, there are any published research in Sri Lankan Context. In this study is conducted in order to identify the impact of career development on employee retention of operational level employees in apparel industry. Data were collected from ten key players of apparel industry in Katunayake Export Processing zone, according to industry capability report using convenient sampling technique. Further data analysis was measured using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation analysis, simple regression analysis, and multiple regression analysis. In this study results of the analysis showed that, career development and employee retentions significantly and positive impact of employee retention which findings predicted high contribution from career counselling. Furthermore this study provided implication on enhancing available literature, to understand the opportunities of career development to retain the employees. This research can be applied to develop the knowledge for the academic purposes. And also this is provided recommendations and further, research areas for future research. Key Words: Career development, Employee retention, Career planning, Coaching and mentoring, Career counselling, Career opportunities, Export Processing ZoneItem Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility On Corporate Financial Performance (WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE CSE ENLISTED MANUFACTURING COMPANIES IN SRI LANKA)(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) Jayasundara, K.P.D.C.M.CSR is approach that lead to the sustainable development by delivering economic, social and environmental benefits for all stakeholders. However, there is no consensus in the literature on the relationship between CSR and financial performance of corporations. Hence this study endeavored to explore the impact of CSR on corporate financial performance referring to the manufacturing companies listed in Colombo Stock Exchange in Sri Lanka. Moreover, this study attempt to identify relationship between CSR and corporate financial performance of listed manufacturing companies in Sri Lanka. The Stakeholder Perspective Theory was used to measure the CSR while ROA and ROE were used as the proxies for the financial performance of corporations. Risk was considered as control variable and it measured through debt to equity ratio. The sample of this study consists of ten manufacturing companies listed in the Colombo Stock Exchange and sample period spans for five years from 2011- 2018. This study is used 50 firm year observations for the analysis and this study is based on secondary data. Descriptive statistics, correlation coefficient and panel data regression analysis techniques were used for the statistical analysis. The results revealed that CSR has significant positive impact on corporate fmancial performance in listed manufacturing companies in Sri Lanka. Further it revealed that there is a significant and positive relationship between CSR and corporate financial performance. Moreover, it revealed that the control variable of risk has a significant negative relationship with ROA while insignificant relationship with ROE. This study recommended the companies to undertake CSR activities for all stakeholders as it leads to improve the financial performance. Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Financial Performance, Return on Assets, Return on Equity, Colombo Stock ExchangeItem IMPACT OF CREDIT RISK MANAGEMENT ON PERFORMANCE (WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO MICRO FINANCE INSTITUTIONS IN MANNAR DISTRICT, SRILANKA)(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) SUBAKEERTHANA, S.S.Credit risk in microfinance institutions is on an increasing rate. It has become an area of concern to many people and institutions in the lending business globally. This kind of exposure leads to instability and poor performance of financial institutions. Therefore, this research sought to evaluate the effect of credit risk management on the financial and social performance of micro fi nance institutions. In this era, micro finance institutions are continuously searching new ways to develop and achieve better social and financial performance. Credit risk management is the key aspect which affects the performance of micro finance institutions. This study deals with identifying the impact and level of impact of credit risk management on social and financial performances of micro finance institutions. Control environment, credit risk assessment, monitoring and control activities are the key elements in managing credit risk in financial institutions. For this study researcher has used purposive sampling to select the sample of employees from micro finance institutions in Mannar district. According to that fifty respondents from ten microfinance institutions were selected for the study, of them ten managers, twenty accountants and the other twenty credit collectors were incorporated. Primary data were collected through fi ve point likert scale questionnaires which consists of thirty questions to analyze the impact of credit risk management against the dependent variables of social and financial performances. Data analysis was carried through IBM Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software package. Descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were used to analyze the data to achieve objectives of the study. Based on the findings of research the researcher had identified that there is positive relationship between credit risk management and financial Performance of the micro finance institutions in Mannar district. Moreover, it ensures that there is a significant impact in monitoring on financial performance and significant impact in credit control on social performance, Key words: Micro finance institutions, credit risk management, control environment, credit risk appraisal, monitoring, control activities, financial performance and social performance.Item The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Occupational Stress of Managerial Level Employees in Hotel Industry (With Special Reference to Star Hotels in Kandy Area)(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) Jayalath, K.G.A.S.Occupational stress is a significant problem in the hotel industry. As the scarcity of studies on employees' emotional intelligence in the hotel industry in Sri Lankan context, this study will investigate the impact of emotional intelligence on occupational stress of managerial level employees in hotel industry with special reference to the star hotels in Kandy Area. Thus the study was based on five objectives. First, to identify the impact of self-awareness on occupational stress. Second, to identify the impact of self-regulation on occupational stress. Third, to identify the impact of motivation on occupational stress. Fourth, to identify the impact of empathy on occupational stress and finally, identify the impact of social skills on occupational stress. Questionnaires were distributed by using stratified sampling method to collect primary data from 150 managerial level employees in hotel industry. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation analysis and regression analysis. Results of the analysis indicated that emotional intelligence has a significant negative impact on occupational stress. Researcher found that the hotel industry should be taken the appropriate strategies to develop the emotional intelligence competencies to reduce the occupational stress level of the managerial level employees. Key words: Occupational stress, Emotional intelligence, Hotel industryItem The impact of green brand equity on customer loyalty with the mediating effect of brand personality (With Special Reference to Tourism Industry)(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) Lakmal, W.G.T.Sri Lankan Tourism sector currently operating as a prominent and largest industry that contributes to national development. And therefore Tourism was able to upgrade its rank to the third level as one of the largest sources of Foreign Exchange Earner of the national economy. Based on this circumstance, mainly hotel sector contributes to the GDP of the country at significant level. In this context, this study has investigated the impact of green brand equity on customer loyalty with mediating effect of brand personality. The researcher has selected 15 boutique hotels in southern province and collected data from 150 guests who visited those hotels according to the Convenience and judgmental sampling methods and questionnaire is used as the data collecting technique. The signaling theory has been used to measure the variables. Descriptive statistics, Pearson's Correlation Coefficient Analysis, regression analysis, and Baron and Kenny Mediation model have used to analyses the data with the support of SPSS 25 version. The relationship between green brand equity and customer loyalty is analyzed using Pearson's Correlation analysis and according to that there is a strong positive relationship among variables. Baron and Kenny Mediation model were used to analyses the mediate impact of the brand personality, however, there was not significant mediate effect on relationship between green brand equity and customer loyalty. Since there is significant positive relationship among dependent and independent variable Researcher suggest that engage in more environmentally friendly activities and reducing environmental impact will do positive contribution to building loyal customer base in Sri Lankan hotel sector. Keywords: Customer Loyalty, Green brand equity, Brand personality, Green brand image.Item Impact of Green Human Resource Management Practices on Employees' Job Commitment: With Reference to Apparel Industry in Sri Lanka(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) Prabhashini, M.D.M.Need for a proactive approach has been emerged due to the increased environmental effect caused by the businesses in various means. Therefore, most of the businesses tend to transform their business processes into green. In that process transforming human resource of the business organizations into green is crucial. Yet few researches related to the Green Human Resource Management have been carried out in Sri Lankan context so far. To bridge the gaps in the existing literature this study was carried out to investigate the impact of Green Human Resource Management Practices on employees' job commitment and the level of adaptation of GHRMP in the Sri Lankan Apparel Industry. Questionnaires were distributed among 150 employees to gather the necessary data to assess the objectives of the research. Questions were asked regarding six GHRM practices and fmdings revealed that, there was a significance impact of green human resource management practices on the employees' job commitment. Further, the study showed a very high level of adaptation of green employee empowerment and participation and a high level of adaptation of green training and development in the apparel industry in Sri Lanka. In order to create a sustainable development in the environment, further adaptation of GHRMP is essential. Keywords: Green Human Resource Management, Green Human Resource Management Practices, Job Commitment, Sustainable DevelopmentItem IMPACT OF GREEN HUMAN RESOURCE PRACTICES ON EMPLOYEE RETENTION (With Special Reference to Regional Tea Plantation Companies in Badulla District)(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2015) Yoganathan, R.Sri Lanka is distinguished with the unique tea production over 150 years. Tea industry was the backbone of Sri Lanka's economy in the early era. However, the contemporary performance of Sri Lanka's tea production is gradually declining in the global market due to various factors. The economic predictors' states that the cost of production and the labour demand is significantly affecting tea production in the global market. Meanwhile environmental concern also one of the controversial issue in the tea plantation industry. Having both the issues the problem of this research has been identified as there is low employee retention and poor green HR practice which intended to test among three regional tea plantation companies in Badulla district. Although there are researches and publications on Green HR practices related to employee retention, there are limited researches conducted in the context of tea plantation in Sri Lanka which motivated the researcher to conduct this study. The research is titled as "Impact of Green Human Resources Practices (GHRP) on Employee Retention with special reference to regional tea plantation companies in Badulla district. In accordance with the plantation context, rewards and recognition, employee relation and compensation were identified as the independent variables and employee retention was identified as the dependent variable and the conceptual model was constructed based on the literature review. Based on the conceptual model, hypotheses were developed and as a tool, Five point likert scale questionnaire was administrated among 84 managerial staffs of 28 estates of three regional tea plantation companies such Agarapathana PLC, Malwatte valley PLC, and Madulsima PLC. Statistical Package for social science (SPSS) was used to analyze the data. Initially reliability test was conducted and resulted 0.882 which is above 0.7. Subsequent the reliability test, Simple and multiple regression analysis were conducted to test the hypotheses and the impact of green HR practices on employee retention. The tests resulted all the independent variables have above the moderate strong and positive relationship with employee retention. The coefficient of determination value interpreted that GHRP has the most impact on employee retention and rewards and recognition and compensation has higher impact than the employee relation. Based on the P value analysis all null hypotheses were rejected and alternative hypotheses were accepted. This research recommends the future researches to test the other green HR practices with employee retention in different geographical location. Key Words: Green HR Practices, Rewards and Recognition, Employee Relation, Compensation, Employee Retention, Environmental concern in Tea plantation.
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