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Item Characterization of Goat Production Systems in Badulla District of Sri Lanka(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2014) NANDASENA, H.M.N.P.Goat farming in Sri Lanka has a great potential for improvements, especially in rural economies, since it can be operated with low input levels. Badulla district is considered as a rural area where agricultural activities are predominant. However, the available information on goat farming in Badulla is minimal, limiting the opportunities for further development. Hence, the objective of this study was to characterize the goat production systems in Badulla district. A survey was conducted using 320 goat famers in 15 divisional secretariats of Badulla district using stratified and simple random sampling techniques. A pre-tested structured questionnaire was used to collect data on farmers' general information, herd characteristics, management practices and constraints of farmers. Data were analyzed using Minitab 17 statistical software. The results indicated that goat farming is more popular among Tamil and Muslim communities. Out of total study sample, 76.9% were Tamil and 19.7% were Muslim. Majority of goat farmers (80.6%) had only the primary education. Almost all farmers (99.7%) in the area considered goat farming as a secondary income source. In 91.9% goat farms, herd owner is a male although housewives and children helped in farming activities. Most of goat herds were indigenous (75.6 %) while 24.4% were Jamnapari crosses. The average herd size was (6.65 ±4.70). All farmers rear goats under semi-intensive management system. Although, cut and feed, tethering and free grazing were found as major roughages feeding systems, these can vary in different areas of Badulla according to the resource availability. Around 50.0% farmers used raised slatted floor houses. According to the fanners' perception, lack of goat breeds, less government support and less land availability were identified as main constraints in goat farming in Badulla. Therefore, based on proper data, short-term and long-term development plans should be implemented for development of goat farming in Badulla. Keywords: Goat, Production systems, Badulla, Indigenous, JamnapariItem Comparative Analysis of Physico-Chemical Properties and Intra Specific Morphological Variation of Tumid Venus Calm Gafrarium Tumidum Populations Along North Western Coastline in Jaffna District(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2013) Jeyaamuthan, S.Tumid Venus clam (Gafrarium tumidum) is one of the readily available coastal bivalves consumed by local residents in Jaffna district of Sri Lanka. Scientific data on physicochemical, sensory attributes of this species and investigate the intra-specific variations among clam populations is however scarce. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine population structure, physicochemical and sensory attributes of Tumid Venus clam in four different sites of Jaffna lagoon at two different maturity stages. Randomly collected 200 clams from each different sites: Karainagar (9.7481°N, 79.8829°E), Mandaitivu (9.6165°N, 79.9920°E), Kayts (9.6526°N, 79.9081°E) and Navanthurai (9.6687°N, 80.0007°E) of Jaffna lagoon were graded into two maturity stages as mature (>35 mm) and immature (<35 mm) based on the shell length. The composite samples were then subjected to analysis of physicochemical and organoleptic ti attributes using standard analytical protocols. Standarized morphometric parametric parameters were subjected to discriminant function analysis (DFA). Results revealed that there was a significant difference in color a* (redness), b* (yellowness), L* (lightness), pH value, water holding capacity, moisture and ash contents with the location (p<0.05). However, maturity stage had significant effects only on color a*, b* and L* values and water holding capacity. Based on sensory evaluation, the appearance and taste of cooked clams were varied with the location and maturity stage because of the changes in water temperature, food source availability. The highest consumer acceptance was recorded for immature bivalve samples of Navanthurai. Current study showed the suitability of low cost bivalve resources as substitute for conventional, expensive seafood sources. The II highest mean length for total shell length(VL), shell length(VH), length of hinge plate(HL) and width of hinge plate(HW) were 4.03 ± 0.02, 3.19 ± 0.02, 1.23 ± 0.01 and 0.45 ± 0.03 respectively for populations sampled from Navanthurai (Site 2). Results of vii DFA showed that morphological similarity among four populations of clams. In conclusion, location and maturity stage had a significant effect on physiochemical and sensory attributes of Tumid Venus clam. Key words: Jaffna lagoon, Morphological variations, Physicochemical attributes, Sensory, Tumid Venus ClamItem A Comparative Study on Water Vapour Permeability of Surface Treated Paperboards with Keratin and Gammalu (Pterocarpus marsupium) Latex(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2013) UDUWERELLA, H.M.I.A.Chicken processing industries produce a high amount of feathers as a wastage, which caused disposal problems. Chicken feathers contain a high percentage of Keratin; a protein, which shows good resistance towards water. Gammalu latex is naturally available resource in Sri Lanka, which has high barrier properties. Extracted Keratin and Gammalu latex can be applied as a coating on the surface of paperboards for biodegradable packages in order to improve the barrier properties against water vapour permeability, while preventing the environment pollution caused by thermoplastic polymers. Thus, the present studies were mainly focused on the extraction of Keratin from chicken feathers and develop a coating to paperboards, and compare the properties of that with a coating made of Gammalu latex. Pre-treated chicken feathers were undergone on a feathers dissolving, protein precipitation, protein purification and film preparation processes. Paperboard (0.25 g/cm2) coated with 2% (v/v) Glycerine with Keratin& 2% (v/v) Glycerine with Gammalu latex were used as treated samples. Non- coated paperboards used as the control samples. All samples were stored in a climatic chamber at controlled environment. Water vapour transmission rate was evaluated under three different temperatures (30°C, 35°C & 40°C) and relative humidities (60%, 65%, 70%) for three weeks. Data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA technitlue in Minitab 17. Results showed significant deference (P < 0.05) amongst the treated samples while Keratin showed least water vapour transmission rate followed by Gammalu latex coated paperboards. This study revealed that Keratin coated paperboards could be used as an effective packaging material with low water vapour permeability.Item Compare the Effect of Deep Litter And 2/3rd Slatted Floor System on Performance of Broiler Breeders, Hatchability, Ferility and Exterior Quality of Eggs(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2013) KASTHURIARACHCHI, K.A.D.H.The experiment was conducted to compare the effect of deep litter and slatted floor systems on broiler breeder performance, hatchability, fertility and exterior quality of eggs. A total of 23100 female and 2100 male commercial broiler breeders (Cobb 500) were randomly assigned in to two different treatments and housed under two different rearing systems (deep litter and slatted floor) from 26 to 34 weeks of age. Each treatment replicated three times. Data were recorded daily and analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) in Completely Randomized Block Design (RCBD) and means were separated using Tukey's means of comparison. The highest (P<0.05) female body weight (3.6 kg) , number of damaged eggs (144) and number of destroyed eggs (99) were recorded from 2/3rd of slatted floor system. The highest (P<0.05) daily egg production (2846), and number of floor eggs (40), number of doubled yolk eggs (270), number of misshaped eggs (12) were recorded from deep litter system. Male body weight (4.1 kg), Female and male mortality percentage, egg weight, number of tiny eggs, fertility and hatchability percentages were not affected by floor systems (P>0.05). In concluded the birds reared on deep litter system were exhibited better broiler breeder performance as compared to slatted floor system during 26 to 34 weeks. Keywords: Bird performance, Deep litter, Egg quality, Hatchability, Slatted floorItem Comparison of the Commercial Liquid Smoke Flavoring and Selected Wood Smoke on the Physiochemical and Sensory Qualities of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2014) LELWELA, G.K.T.N.Different preservation and processing techniques have been used to extend the shelf life of fish. Smoking is a technique that enhances the flavor, color, texture and shelf life of fish. This study was conducted to identify specific smoking conditions while comparing the physiochemical and sensory qualities of smoked Tilapia using wood smoke and commercial liquid smoke. Frozen Tilapia were received and thawed in air. After filleting and washing, trials were conducted to identify the best brine concentration, temperature/ time combination and wood material for smoked Tilapia. According to the selected smoking conditions wood smoked Tilapia were produced. The fillets were immersed in brine containing 10% (w/v) NaC1 for 1 hour and smoked directly with wood smoke in a smoking oven at 60°C for 4 hours. Liquid smoked Tilapia were produced by immersing fillets in a liquid smoked brining solution containing 5% (v/v) liquid smoke and 3% (w/v) NaC1 for 1 hour. After smoking fillets were dried at 80°C for 3 hours in an oven. Final products were vacuum packed and stored at 4°C for analysis. Quality changes in sensory attributes were tested with 30 untrained panelists. Microbial quality (Salmonella, Escherichia coli and Tqtal Plate Count), TBARS, DPPH assay, pH, color and texture were detected during 21 days of chilled storage and proximate analysis was conducted. Fish brined in 10% (w/v) NaC1 and smoked at 60°C for 4 hours using mahogany:cinnamon 4'1:1 had the best sensory qualities (p<0.05). Microbial counts and lipid oxidation were within the permitted levels. Both of the products were rather stable in pH during the chilled storage where pH oscillated between 6.63- 6.7 and 6.87- 6.79 respectively in wood smoked and liquid smoked groups (p>0.05). Liquid smoked product had the better sensory properties throughout the studied period (p<0.05). In conclusion, immersing Tilapia fillets in brine containing 10% (w/v) NaC1 followed by smoking at 60°C for 4 hours using mahogany:cinnamon at 1:1 can be considered as the best conditions to produce smoked Tilapia. However, further studies need to be done to compare the chemical changes occurred due to smoking. Key words: Tilapia, Wood smoke, Liquid smoke, Sensory qualities, CinnamonItem Comparison of the Functional Properties of Hydrolysates Produced from Chicken Egg Shell Membrane Collagen Crude Extraction Extracted with Different Methods(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2013) Dissanayake, K.S.M.Collagen is a highly valuable protein used in food industry. Egg shell membrane is a safe source for collagen. Extraction of collagen from chicken membrane and producing its hydrolysates were carried out using different methods. Objective of this study was to extract collagen from chicken egg membrane with simple and non-toxic method followed by hydrolysis to find out the functional properties of the hydrolysates. Shell membrane was separated by manual peeling by adding 0.5 M Acetic acid, 0.5 M Citric acid followed with extraction of collagen with pepsin digestion. pH of the extracted collagen was adjusted to 6.5 and hydrolyzed using protease with different time combinations (0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 24 hours) at 37°C followed by heat inactivation at 100°C for 15min.Best hydrolysates were selected by10% SDS-PAGE Gel electrophoresis by visual observations. Selected hydrolysates were subjected to Anti-bacterial activity, Metal (Fe") chelating activity and antioxidant activity by Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances (TBARS) method and Diphenyl-l-picryhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity. The highest collagen yield was observed from citric acid (0.15g/10g) extraction than acetic acid (0.08g/10g) treatment (P>0.05). SDS-PAGE did not show bands even 0 hours, therefore it was selected for antioxidant testing. In anti-bacterial test it showed inhibition for locally isolated E.coli and Salmonella with 0.625 ppm 'minimum concentration. In DPPH analysis, citric acid extraction shows lower scavenging activity (68.12%) than acetic acid (75.53%) (P>0.05). However in TBARS method also did not showed significant difference among the treatments (P>0.05) and it showed 0.00 mg/1 level of Melonaldehyde. Both acetic and citric extractions showed less Fe" chelating activity around 2% (P>0.05). This concludes that collagen hydrolysates showed good antioxidant activity with citric acid extraction than acetic acid extraction comparing with the ascorbic acid as positive control which can be used as a naturalanti-bacterial agent for foods and antioxidant agent in food industry which does not contains iron as Fe'. Key words: Collagen, Hydrolysates, Antioxidant activity, Pepsin, ProteaseItem Comparison of two Different Commercially Available Vitamin- Mineral Premixes in Broiler Diets on Growth Performance and Meat Quality of Broiler ChickenMineral Premixes in Broiler Diets on Growth Performance and Meat Quality of Broiler Chicken(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2013) WEERASINGHE, W.M.S.S.This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of two different vitamin- mineral premixes on performance, meat quality and meat composition of broiler chicken. A total of ninety (n=90) day-old male broiler chicks were randomly assigned into three dietary treatments. Each treatment comprised three replicates and ten broiler chicks were included in each replicate. Broilers were allocated to one of the three diets and fed for 42 days in a complete randomized design. The dietary treatments included two different premixes as T1 (Basal diet + Vitamin- Mineral premix 1) and T2 (Basal diet + Vitamin-Mineral premix 2) and the control group (TO) fed with the basal diet only. The highest (p<0.05) daily body weight gain (56 g/bird/day) and the lowest (p<0.05) feed conversion ratio (1.68) of broiler birds were recorded from the birds fed T1 diet. The highest (34%) and the lowest cook loss (33%) (P<0.05) were recorded from T2 and T1 treatments, respectively. The highest (p<0.05) manganese concentration (0.065 mg/L) and the crude protein percentage (26%) of chicken breast meat were recorded from the birds fed T1 diet and the lowest manganese concentration (0.0213 mg/L) was recorded from the birds fed control diet. The highest (9%) and the lowest (4%) ash percentages (P<0.05) were recorded from T2 and T1 treatments, respettively. The pH, colour, water holding capacity, texture of broiler breast meat were not affected (p>0.05) by dietary treatments. In conclusion, the supplemental dietary vitamin-mineral premix 1 has made beneficial effects on performance and meat composition of broiler chicken than the dietary vitamin -mineral premix 2.Item Consumer Awareness Towards the Labelling Aspects on Beverage Products; A Case Study on the Beverage Products at Supermarkets-Chain in Matara Urban Area(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2014) GUNASEKARA, B.G.D.S.Food labeling is a tool which provides information on products' composition, quantity of content and nutritional profile to its consumers. If the ingredients exceed the required amount to be in a beverage, it will cause health hazards. For the prevalence of food safety, laws and regulations must be enforced to control the limits of ingredients incorporated. The objective of this study was to examine the awareness of consumers on food labeling regulations and other aspects while purchasing beverages at supermarkets chain in Matara urban area. The data were collected using convenience sampling technique and 200 consumers were interviewed with a pre-tested questionnaire. Descriptive statistical analysis and chi-square test were performed using SPSS statistical software. Results of descriptive statistical analysis revealed that majority of consumers (87.50%) were aware about the regulation on colour coding of sugar level. Consumers had less knowledge regarding the nutritional factors appeared on label and results indicated that awareness on sodium (24.50%), fat (23.50%), protein (22.50%), calories (13.00%) and ascorbic acid (7.00%). The majority of consumers were aware on quality standard; SLS (97.00%) while of0'other standards were low; HACCP (21.00%) and GMP (9.00%). Most of the consumers preferred to have light colour beverages (66.5%). Moreover, they mainly considered the price (94.00%), expiry date (89.00%) and brand name (79.50%) when purchasing beverages. The results of chi-square analysis revealed that educational level of the consumers was significantly associated with awareness of food labeling regulations (p<0.05). However, gender, age, income level and occupation were not significantly associated with food labeling regulations (p>0.05). In conclusion a compatible choice for beverages can be taken by paying attention to the food labeling regulations and other important aspects on the label. Keywords: Quality standards, Beverage, Food labelling, Regulations, HACCPItem Determination of Functional Properties of Peptides Derived from Ovalbumin Using Protease Enzyme Under Different Conditions(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2013) MADUSHANI, M.A.A.Ovalbumin is the major and most abundant protein in chicken egg white. Ovalbumin hydrolysates (OVH) have high biological and nutritive value. Therefore, OVH are widely used in manufacturing of dietary supplements and functional food. Objective of this research was to compare the peptides produce from ovalbumin using protease enzyme with different temperature, time and pH condition and check its hydrolysates for its functional properties. Ovalbumin was dissolved with 20mg/m1 concentration and hydrolyzed using protease enzyme under different temperature conditions ranging from 37 °C to 50 °C, pH from 6.5-8.0 for 0-24 hrs. Level of hydrolyzing was observed with 15% SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis system and visual observation. Best hydrolysates were subjected to functional properties using TBARS assay and DPPH Scavenging activity, antimicrobial assay, Fe2+ chelating activity and alpha amylase inhibitory activity. According to the TBARS assay, all OVH derived under different conditions show antioxidant property when compare with the oil emulsion (p<0.05). According to the DPPH assay, OVH which were produced showed some of scavenging activities under some conditions. OVH which was produced under 37 °C and pH 8 for 3hrs had the highest DPPH scavenging activity and was significant difference among the antioxidant properties observed (p<0.05). Concluding TBARS and DPPH values for the OVH which were derived under 37 °C and pH 8 for 3hrs conditions have good antioxidant property than the rest. However, all the OVH did not shoW good Fe2+ chelating activity. But there was a significant difference in Fe2+ chelating activity among the treatments (p <0.05) and trt12 showed highest chelating activity (11.19%±0.57) than the rest. According to the antimicrobial assay most of the OVH showed gbod antimicrobial property against Salmonella spp. and E. coli spp. And there was significant difference of antimicrobial property among the hydrolysates (p <0.05). OVH produced under 37 °C and pH 8 for 3hrs conditions showed highest antioxidant property and good antibacterial activity than the rest and it was the best condition to prepare OVH to having functional properties. However, applications of these peptides have to be further study for its applications in food industry.Item Determination of the Functional Properties of Hydrolyzed Ovalbumin Incorporated Dry Cured Ham(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2013) Gunasekara, D.P.M.K.Ham is one of the most popular cured meat products used all over the world. Potassium and sodium salts of nitrite and nitrate are commonly used as a preservative agent and color enhancer in dry cured ham production. However, high use of these chemicals may lead to health risks. Ovalbumin is the major chicken egg white protein that can be used to produce several bio-active peptides with various functional properties. Objective of this study was to use these peptides as a nitrate replacer in dry cured ham. Dry cured ham was produced incorporating nitrite: ovalbumin hydrolyzates in ratio of 0:0 (no curing salt, as negative control, TO, 0:100 (Tr2) 125ppm nitrite as positive control, 0:100 (Ovalbumin, Tr3), 0:100 (Hydrolyzed Ovalbumin,Tr4), 50:50 (Tr5), 75:25 (Tr6) and 25:75 (Try). Ovalbumin was hydrolyzed using pepsin (Enzyme: Substrate, 1:100) at just after incubation at 37°C followed by heat inactivation (15 min/100 °C). Prepared ham samples were vacuum packed and stored under freezing condition [-18 °C] for further analysis. Sensory analysis was carried out by 30 untrained panelists. Antimicrobial activity was tested for locally isolated Escherichia coli and Salmonella. Keeping quality was checked with pH and TBARS assay with 03 days intervals up to 40 days. Color of the samples was initially measured using a colorimeter. Also Fe2Chelating activity of the samples were determined. According to the sensory analysis, there was no significant difference in overall acceptability among the treatments (p>0.05). Taste was better in positive control (p<0.05). Redness and lightness were significantly different between treatments (p<0.05), yellowness of the treatment did not show any difference (p>0.05). pH and the level of oxidation were within the acceptable range among the treatments during the storage period and all samples were showed Fe+2 releasing property. It can be concluded that peptides derived from hydrolyzed ovalbumin can be used as an effective curing salt replacer for dry cured ham. Keywords: Dry cured ham, Hydrolyzed ovalbumin, Sensory properties, Curing saltItem Determine the Effect of Fermented Soybean Meal Supplementation Into a Diet With or Without Fish Meal on Growth Performance and Meat Quality of Broiler Chicken(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2014) PREMATHILAKA, S.K.T.Effective feed formulation is considered as an essential element for broiler growth performance. Fermented soybean meal (FSBM) is a plant derived protein source which comprises with higher nutritional value. Thus, this research was conducted to determine the effect of FSBM supplementation into broiler diet with or without fish meal (FM) on performance and meat quality of broiler chickens. Two hundred fourty day old broiler chicks were randomly assigned into four dietary treatments and each treatment comprised with six replicates. The control group (To) received 4% (w/w) of FM and 0% (w/w) of FSBM for booster, starter and finisher diets, respectively. Broilers fed other experimental diets were; T1 (3% w/w FM, 2% w/w FSBM), T2 (2% w/w FM, 3% w/w FSBM) and T3 (0% w/w FM, 4% w/w FSBM) in booster, starter, and finisher diets, respectively. Body weights and feed intake were recorded during the experimental period. In addition, fecal samples were collected to evaluate Moisture, Ash, Nitrogen, Calcium and Phosphorous. In day 41, two birds that near to the mean body weight were slaughtered to measure the visceral organ weights, carcass weights, and, meat quality parameters in each replicate. There was no significant (P>0.05) difference on growth performance, meat quality parameters, carcass characteristics and relative organ weights of broilers fed different dietary treatments. The highest Calcium (3.55%) and Phosphorous (1.81%) percentages in feces were recorded from broilers fed T1 while the lowest Calcium (2.27%) and Phosphorous (1.21%) percentages in feces were recorded from broilers fed T3 (P>0.05),In conclusion, FM in broiler diets can be replaced by FSBM and there were no negative effects in both growth performances and meat quality of broiler chickens.Item Development of a Simple Nontoxic Method to Extract Crude Fish Oil from Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) Offal(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2014) BASURU, G.M.V.T.Among world fish processing industry yellowfm tuna is a dominating species that is responsible for high amount of waste generation during processing which makes a high level of by-product. Fish by-products consist with omega-3 poly unsaturated fatty acids that are vital in food and pharmaceutical industry. The study was targeted to develop an effective fish oil extracting method from yellowfin tuna gut. The determined proximate composition of yellowfm tuna gut showed 4.87±0.2% of crude fat. The research was conducted with two treatments; wet press method (rendering) and the solvent extraction method. As the solvents Chloroform/Methanol (standard), Acetone, Petroleum ether, n- Hexane, n-Butanol and Ethanol were used separately in 1:2 ratio (Gut sample: Solvent). Secondary the extraction was conducted by using solvent combinations. Finally fish oil yields were calculated on percentages and analyzed the chemical property indices (Iodine value, Peroxide value and Acid value). The results revealed that the highest yield (88.63±2.76%) was obtained in wet press method. In solvent extraction Acetone performed the highest yield (75.26±1.85%) in single solvent extraction and in solvent combination extraction acetone/ ethanol/ hexane combination performed the highest yield (75.83±1.63%) showing the significant difference in comparison with oil yields.of other solvents (p<0.05). Iodine value, Peroxide value, Acid value and TBARS values of extracted fish oil from wet press method were 109.9 ± 0.5, 2.98 ±, 0.04, 1.04 ± 0.02 and 0.9 ±0.05 respectively that were higher than the oil quality parameters of solvent extraction. It proves that the solvent extraction had a low hydrolysis and low oxidation in comparison with the wet press method. Therefore extraction with solvents like acetone and acetone/ ethanol/ hexane combination are better comparing the quality of fish oil extracted. Keywords: Fish oil, Extraction, SOlvents, Omega-3, Oil yieldItem Development of an Edible Coating Using Crude Alginate Incorporated with Ascorbic Acid for Minimally Processed Tender Jackfruit Lam (Artocarpus heterophyllus)(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2014) CHANDANEE, M.R.Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) lam is a highly available, demanded tropical food because its sensory attributes are similar to meat. Many processors involved in minimally processing of Jackfruit lam due to the demand. However, the challenge is the enzymatic browning. Therefore, processors are in need of healthy, cost effective ways to minimize the browning. Hence, this study was conducted to minimize the browning in Jackfruit lam using an edible coating from seaweed hydrocolloid. Seaweed hydrocolloid was extracted from highly abundant, locally available, underutilized brown algae species, Sargassum dicifolium by sequential bio-refinery extraction process. The extracted yield of crude alginate was 31.4% of alga (w/w). Sliced lam was coated using dipping method. Extracted crude alginate, conmiercial food grade alginate, gelatin with and without ascorbic acid were coated at the room temperature. Citric acid, ascorbic acid treated and uncoated samples were served as the control. After sensory evaluation at day 0 selected highly acceptable coating formulations including extracted alginate incorporated with ascorbic acid (EAL/VC), gelatin with ascorbic acid (GEL/VC) and gelatin (GEL) with uncoated samples (UC) for further analysis. Then, these coated samples were packed in a sealed polyethylene bag and stored at room temperature (RT) and refrigerated condition* ( RF) separately. Samples were evaluated for browning index (BI), color (L-values and a- values), radical scavenging activity (DPPH assay), lipid oxidation (TBARS assay), total , • plate count (TPC), shelf life and sensory properties for 4 days. Boiled lam were served for 30 untrained panelists with 9-point hedonic scale to evaluate sensory properties. Jackfruit lam coated using crude alginate with ascorbic acid (EAL/VC) stored at RT showed significantly (p<0.05) higher sensory properties while reduced BI compared to uncoated lam (p<0.05) in both temperature regimes. Further, jackfruit lam coated using EAL/VC has highest radical scavenging activity, lowest TBARS values and TPC. Hence, Jackfruit lam coated using crude sodium alginate with ascorbic acid could be used as an effective coating to reduce enzymatic browning with extended shelf life for 3 days at room temperature and 2 days under refrigerated conditions. Keywords: Brown algae, Enzymatic Browning, Seaweed Hydrocollo id, Edible coating, Jack fruit lamItem Development of Hot Smoked Tuna (Thunnus Albacares) with Cinnamon Wood and Different Fruit Flavorings(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2016) Rupasinghe, R.N.Humans consume fish in variety of ways by making different dishes because of its nutritive value and characteristic flavor compounds present (Balami et al., 2019). Fish is prominent among highly nutritious food which is comprised of proteins and amino acids (Karunarathna and Attygalle, 2019), fatty acids (Peng et al., 2013a), minerals (Karunarathna and Attygalle, 2019) and vitamins (Peng et al., 2013a). Tuna fish industry comprised of six principal market species. Yellow fin tuna (Thunnus albacares) is one of the prominent specie in Sri Lankan fisheries. According to fisheries statistics (2018) total production of yellow fin tuna in Sri Lanka was 38,960 metric tons. It is significantly higher value with compared to billfish, seer fish and carangids production of Sri Lanka. Yellow fin tuna is good source of nutrients. Karunarathna and Attyalle (2019) reported that, moisture, protein, lipid and ash content of yellow fin tuna white muscle was 72.44%, 21.42%, 0.88% and 1.12% respectively. Other than that yellow fin tuna is considered as good source of amino acids and fatty acids. Tuna muscles are rich in docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) (16.91%) and eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) (2.39%) (Peng et al., 2013). DHA and EPA health beneficial fatty acids, especially for cardiovascular diseases. n-3/n-6 ratio can be used as indicator for comparing the relative nutritive values of different fish oils (Peng et al., 2013). Due to high nutrition content and moisture content, fish is considered as highly perishable food (Ojutiku et al., 2009). Therefore, preservation is important to reduce the deterioration of food. Perishable food can be preserved by many processes such as salting, sun drying, freezing, canning and smoking (Shajil et al., 2018).Item Effect of Dietary Probiotics, Phytobiotic, Probiotic Combination Compared to Antibiotic Growth Promoters on Layer Breeder Performance(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2013) KEERTHANA, J.The study was conducted to determine the effect of dietary probiotic (Bacillus species) and phytobiotics (turmeric and coriander), probiotic combination and antibiotic (flavomycin) on layer performances, egg quality, breeder performance (hatchability) and gut health (serum antibody development against alpha toxin of Clostridium perfringens) of indigenous layer breeder chickens. A total of two hundred forty Karandagolla, Central Poultry Research Station indigenous layer breeders were assigned to twenty four deep litter cages with 10 females and 1 male. Layer breeders were randomly assigned to four treatments: each replicated six times. Negative control group (Ti) was fed with basal feed and other treatments were prepared by supplementing basal diet with: flavomycin (0.05%) in positive control group (T2), Bacillus species (0.05%) in treatment 3 (T3), a combination of Bacillus species (0.05%), turmeric (0.05%) and coriander (0.05%) in treatment 4 (T4). Data were collected from 3rd week up to 7th week of experimental period. The results of the study indicated that the hatchability improved (p < 0.05) in, dietary probiotic and also probiotic, phytobiotics combination fed birds compared to the birds fed with antibiotic and without growth promoters. Egg yolk colour improved (p < 0.05) in probiotic and phytobiotics combination compared to the birds fed all three treatments. Low alpha-toxin antibody levels in blood indicated, dietarY probiotic and also Probiotic, phytobiotics combination reduced the Clostridium perfringens infection in indigenous layer breeders marginally than in birds fed without growth promoters and with antibiotics. Layer performance (egg weight, Hen Day Egg Production (HDEP), egg mass index, feed efficiency) and egg quality parameters other than the yolk colour (pH, gross energy content, protein content and dry matter content) were not affected (p > 0.05) with any treatment diets. It can be concluded dietary antibiotics do not improve the performances of indigenous layer breeders and dietary probiotic and phytobiotics combination can be used as feed additive compared to antibiotic growth promoters for improvement in hatchability, yolk colour and lowering the Clostridium perfringens infection in indigenous layer breeders. Keywords: Antibiotics, growth promoters, hatchability, indigenous layer breeder, phytobiotics, probioticItem Effect of Different Levels of Commercially Available Acidifier in Broiler Diets on Growth Performances, Meat Quality and Escherichia Coli Count in Ileum of Broiler Chicken(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2013) GUNAWARDANA, K.G.U.I.P.The study was conducted to investigate the effect of different levels of acidifier on performance, meat quality, E. coli count in ileum and organ weights of broilers. A total of 120 one-d-old male broilers were randomly assigned into four treatments. Each treatment comprised three replicates of 10 broilers each. Broiler chicks were randomly assigned to three acidifier levels (0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 m1/3L) as T1, T2, T3 treatments and control group (To) treated with normal water only. Broilers were fed basal diet adlibitum for 42 days in a complete randomized design (CRD). The highest (p < 0.05) daily body weight gain (66.55g) was recorded from (T2). The lowest (p < 0.05) FCR (1.48) was recorded from the (T2). Feed intake of broilers were not affected (p > 0.05) with acidifier treatments. The lowest (p < 0.05) E. coli count (7.323 log CFU/g) in ileum content was recorded from the birds treated with 1.5 ml/3L acidifier level and the highest (9.007 log CFU/g) E. coli count in ileum content was recorded from the control group. The lowest (p < 0.05) cook loss (31%) was recorded from the control group and the highest (p < 0.05) cook loss (39%) was recorded from the birds treated with 0.5m1/3L acidifier level. The highest (p < 0.05) lightness (71.5 AL*) of broiler breast meat was recoded from the control group and the lowest (p < 0.05) lightness (67.28 AL*) was recoded from T2 treatment. The highest (p < 0.05) redness (9.26 Aa*) of broiler breast meat was recoded from the T2 treatment and the lowest redness (7.29 Aa*) was recorded from the Ti treatment. The highest (p < 0.05) relative weight of proventriculus (0.39%) was recorded from the To treatment and the lowest (0.20%) proventriculus to was recoded from the T2 .The highest (p < 0.05) relative weights of duodenum (0.4%) and caeca (0.3%) were recorded from the To treatment and the lowest relative weights of duodenum (0.22%) and ceca (0.19%) were recoded from T2 treatment. The highest (p < 0.05) relative weights of heart (0.67%) and pancreas (0.27%) were recorded from the To treatment and the lowest relative weights of heart (0.42%) pancreas (0.09%) were observed from T2 treatment. In conclusion, dietary supplementation of acidifier in 1m1/3L concentration has better effects on performance, E. coli count of ileum, organ weights of broiler chicken, low FCR and high body weight gain.Item Effect of Different Levels of Stocking Density and Dietary Sodium Bicarbonate (Nahco3) on Performance, Meat Quality and Organ Weights of Broiler Chicken(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2013) BENJAMIN, P.N.This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of different levels of NaHCO3 and different stocking densities on performance and meat quality of broiler chicken. A total of 360, 19-d-old broiler chicks were randomly allocated in to 6 experimental units in a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement of two different stocking densities as Dl(Standard density: 1.2 ft2/bird ) and D2 (High density: 0.85 ft2/bird)and three levels of NaHCO3(0%, 0.3%, 0.5%). Each treatment consisted with 5 replicates. Data were subjected to factorial analysis using the General Linear Models procedure of two-way ANOVA of statistical analysis system. The highest (P< 0.05) daily weight gain of broilers was recorded from D1 (59 g/bird/day), 0.3% NaHCO3 (69 g/bird/day). The highest (P< 0.05) average daily feed intake was recorded from D2 (112 g/bird/day), 0.5% NaHCO3 (116 g/bird/day). Favourable (P< 0.05) feed conversion ratio was obtained from D2 (2.31) and 0% NaHCO3 (3.06). The highest (P< 0.05) pH value was recorded fromD1 (5.53) and 0.3% NaHCO3 (5.51) and lowest (13> 0.05) from D2 (5.35), 0% NaHCO3 (5.30). Highest (P< 0.05) redness of breast meat was recorded from DI (12.49), 0.3% NaHCO3 (12.37). The highest (P< 0.05) relative weight of intestine was ti recorded from 0% NaHCO3 (4.67). Highest (P< 0.05) liver weight was recorded from 0.3% NaHCO3 (2.60). In conclusion, dietary supplementation of 0.3%NaHCO3 has better effects on growth performance of broilers regardless of the stocking density. Keywords: Average daily weight gain, Average feed intake, NaHCO3, Stocking densityItem The Effect of Hik Wax (Lannea coromandelica) and Mango Wax (Magnifera indica) on Internal and Sensory Attributes of Chicken Eggs Stored Under Room Temperature(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2014) PUSHPAKUMARA, P.U.To increase the shelf life and to preserve the nutrition content under room temperature mineral oil used as an external coating material for eggs. Hik tree (Lannea coromandelica) and mango trees (Magnifera indica) are tropical trees grown in dry zone of the country and its wax has film forming properties. However, information on hik tree wax and mango wax coating on egg quality does not exist and therefore this study was done to check the effect of hik tree wax and mango wax as an external coating material and to evaluate the internal quality, shelf life and sensory attributes of eggs during storage. Total of 408 white, medium sized, clean eggs were purchased from a commercial layer farm. Eggs were individually weighed and arranged under completely randomized design to 04 different coating treatments as hik wax (HW), mango wax (MW), mineral oil (MO), non-coated (NC) and stored under room temperature (27±2 °C) for 6 weeks. Each parameter was measured with 03 replicates. Weight losses, internal quality parameters such as, Haugh unit (HU), albumen and yolk pH values, air sack volume and microbial analysis for Salmonella sp. of eggs were measured weekly. Sensory attributes of eggs were measured using 30 untrained panelists. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis was done to analyze the structural changes of egg albumen. Weight losses were minimum in MO coated eggs than others (p<0.05). Haugh unit decreased significantly (p<0.05) in NC but in others it was more than 50%. Albumen and yolk pH increased during the storage in all treatments (p>0.05) but air sack increase was low (p>0.05). However, coated eggs reduced the grade from 88 to 55 within 04 weeks. All coated eggs were negative for Salmonella test during,the period tested. Color of the egg yolk did not change due to coating material. FTIR analysis and sensory attributes confirmed that no chemical changes in wax coated eggs during the storage. As conclusion the present study confirmed that hik tree wax is another good replacer for the MO in commercial scale. Keywords - Hik wax, Mango wax, Mineral oil, Internal quality, Shelf- life, Sensory propertiesItem Effect of Major Socio-Economic Factors on Dairy Cattle Milk Production in Maho Veterinary Region in Kurunegala District(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2013) DISSANAYAKE, W.A.M.P.M.Livestock plays a socially and economically significant role in Sri Lankan agriculture providing multi-functional outputs and supplementing family incomes for livelihood security. Therefore, the present study was conducted to identify the effect of major socio- economic factors and constraints on dairy cattle milk production in Maho veterinary region in Kurunegala district. Three hundred and fifty (350) farmers from Maho veterinary region were selected using stratified sampling. Socio- economic and production data were collected using a pre-tested structured questionnaire. Data were subjected to descriptive analysis and multiple linear regressions using Minitab 17 statistical software. Results of the descriptive analysis revealed that majority engaged in dairy cattle farming as a major source of income (58.29%). Of the total farmers, 78.29% practiced semi-intensive rearing while Jersey and Sahiwal were reported as the dominant breeds (38%) within the region. Average daily milk production was 6.20 L/cow/day. Results of the regression analysis highlighted relationships between breed type, breeding technique, feeding method, concentration type, level of education of the farmer and experience in dairy farming with the daily milk production (P<0.05). Fitted regression model well predicted the daily milk production (R2=94%). It disclosed that breL type, breeding technique, feeding method, concentration type, level of education of the farmer and experience determine the dairy cattle milk production. However, lack of high yielding cross breeds, less success in artificial insemination (AI), low quality pasture and seasonality in pasture production and poor milk collection network were reported as the major constraints. The key findings of this study might promote improving the factors affecting the milk production in Maho veterinary region. In this study, the technical efficiency of dairy farmers was estimated by using stochastic frontier production function, incorporating technical efficiency effect model. The Cobb-Douglas production function was found to be an adequate representation of the data. According to the results obtained from the stochastic frontier estimation, the average technical efficiency of selected farmers given by the Cobb-Douglas model is 20.19%. This indicates that there is scope of further increasing the milk production by 79.81% without increase the level of inputs. Keywords: Cobb-Douglas production function, dairy cattle, regression analysis, socio economic, technical efficiency.Item Effect of Soy Bean Meal and Co-4 Grasses on Milk Production of Milking Cows in Mid Lactation Period(Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, 2014) KODITHUWAKKU, A.S.Dairy industry in Sri Lanka is the main sub sector of livestock development at present. Milk yield per cow and the cost of feed to produce milk have greatest influence for profitability of a dairy operation. This study was conducted to determine the effect of soy bean meal (SBM) and CO-4 grasses on milk production of milking cows (3-5 years) in mid lactation period. A total of twelve dairy cows were randomly assigned into three dietary treatments. Each treatment comprised two blocks according to stage of lactation and two cows were included in each block. Mid lactation stage milking cows were selected to three dietary treatments and each treatment comprised with 4 replicates. The control group (T0) of milking cows was fed concentrate (existing) feed and CO-3 grasses. The cows in Ti treatment were treated with concentrate feed enriched with SBM and CO-3 grasses and cows in T2 treatment were fed concentrate feed enriched with SBM and CO-4 grasses. Morning and evening milk yields were measured and milk quality (fat and SNF) was checked weekly. All the collected data were analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA and t-paired test. There were no significant differences in average milk yield of cows between TO, TI and T2 (p>0.05), however the average milk yield of cows in T2 has increased. The highest fat value (4.7%) and SNF valuel,(9.37) were recorded from the milk collected from cows in T2. In conclusion, the dietary supplementation of SBM and CO-4 grasses included diet had better effects on milk yield and quality of the milk.
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